Monday, December 15, 2014

The Age of Exploration and Discovery

The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration, an offshoot of the Renaissance, was the fulfillment of the Renaissance mission of enlarging the scope of human endeavor. Fueled by capitalism, the quest for profits drove the early explorers on in a frenzy of exploration that opened up the world to the Europeans and set the stage for the globalization of commerce that has continued until this day. The process of spreading culture and colonizing has continued unabated into the present, where man is on the brink of colonizing the moon and Mars.

The colonists who settled at Jamestown in 1607 might as well have been on the moon. Thousands of miles from civilization, families and the protection of their king, they tenaciously carved out a settlement, battled disease and hostile natives, not knowing what, if anything of value they would find.

What do you think drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world? What obstacles must be overcome and what do you think would give you the incentive to leave your home, risk your life and settle a new world? What would make you want to take such risks? Is it adventure, money, power, what is it that would drive you to take such incredible risks in exploring and colonizing an unknown world?


Unknown said...

Deven Patel
Pd. 8
What I think that drives people to risk everything to settle a new world is profit and/or . Most of the early colonists from England were poor and going to a new land to bring back products was very good these settlers. The obstacles you must overcome would be disease and surviving in a place that is unfamiliar to you. The only incentive that would allow me to leave home and risk my life would be if most or maybe all of my friends and family were coming along to settle in the New World. As I said before money would be the main reason to settle and colonize in an unknown world but friends and family would drive to explore and colonize in a unknown world.

Anonymous said...

Sophie Krachuk
pd. 3
What I think drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is adventure. I think people genuinely want the thrill of adventure but also want to make a profit for themselves. The obstacles that they would have to overcome is settling in a new world and the incentive to leave their home and risk your life would have to be, to find a better life. What would make them want to take such risks is the hope that they would find money, adventure, and a better life. What would drive me to take such incredible risks in exploring and colonizing an unknown world would have to adventure, money, and power. More so the adventure and money than power. I think if I was so poor and needed money I would try anything. Also if I was the type of person seeking adventure, this journey would certainly be at the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

Joe Urban
Period 8
I think that a combination of different things drives people to want to risk everything and settle to a new world. People want profit and curiosity sometimes leads them there. The obstacles you would have to overcome would be the harsh conditions, leaving everybody behind, and not knowing where you are. The only incentive that would make me want to leave my home would be if I knew I was safe, gained a large profit, and brought my family. Adventure and profit would make me want to colonize an unknown world. I am always curious about what is out there and it would be a great adventure. As long as I return home.

debbieg said...

Kiley Gelston

Period 8

Honors World History

      There are many things that would drive someone to go to a new world. One of the things that would drive the people is profit. Another drive would be that the people got to own land on the new world. There were multiple obstacles the colonists had to overcome. For example, they would never go back to England, they had to fight off diseases, and the Native Americans. Some of the colonists had a spark of adventure in them, others wanted to make money, and many wanted to gain land. If I were to go to a new world, I would mostly be driven by adventure. I would not go for any amount of money, or any amount of land. The only thing that would urge me to go is myself

Morgan Wall/Period 8 said...

I believe profit motivates people most often, but the factor of freedom and liberty may appeal to many. One must overcome the obstacles of pioneering through new unknown lands that holds potential danger, and of course failure is always very plausible in early settlements. The incentive of money would probably motivate me to leave; although it would have to be a considerable amount of money to actually make me consider the possibility. I am grateful for the life I have now and I would not easily give it up for a life of discomfort and uncertainty, which is the life I would lead if I were to settle a new world.

Jesse McDermott said...

Jesse McDermott
Period 8
I believe that what drives people to risk everything to settle in a new world is profit and/or religious freedom. Most early colonists were poor or were being abused for their religious beliefs. The new world found promise in making profit from goods from the new land and starting a colony with religious freedom. The obstacles you would have to overcome would be starvation, disease, being able to live in an unknown and new area. The only way I would take such risks is if all my friends and family were coming with me and the promises to going and settling in this new world was very, very promising. Yes, money would drive me a lot if I was poor but adventure and power would also drive me because it would be cool to settle a colony in a whole different world and if it worked the few that came first would have complete power.

Anthony Ambroselli said...

It would take a lot for people to want to risk everything to settle in a new world. I believe that if people were being controlled by a tyrannical king, they would have a good reason to move. Also, if the government was bad in their country they might move to make profit and a better living. There would be many obstacles to overcome. You would have to deal with the possibility of failing in the new world or even dying. You would also have to deal with other outside forces. I would want to leave because of profits and a possibility of making a new life. It would be the money to make me move into a new world, because I would be able to live a better life with more money.

Unknown said...

Vincent Phung
Period 8
Many things drive people to want to risk everything to settle in a new world. Things such as freedom, profit and a new life would encourage people to go to the New World. Many people were poor and wanted to start a new life so they decided to settle in a new world. Many obstacles must be overcome such as surviving in the new world, leaving home, and the courage to go to a foreign place. The money would give me the incentive to leave my house, risk my life and settle in a new world. Money and the opportunity to get a fresh start would make me want to take a risk because if I had a bad life, why not take the chance to become rich. All three, adventure, money and power would drive me to take such incredible risks in exploring and colonizing an unknown world.

Anonymous said...


What I think that drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is the opportunity to start with a clean slate and the ability to expand the world for humanity. The obstacles that might occur is leaving behind the life you once knew. All the familiarity will be lost and you will be forced to adapt to a new environment. Personally, I wouldn't take the risks. There is just too much to lose and I already feel comfortable with the life I have now. The only thing that would drive me to exploring an unknown world is being able to take the life I know along with me. Overall, I wouldn't be the one going to a new world because, to me, the cautions outweigh the success.

Anonymous said...

Many things drive people to want to risk everything to settle at a new world. Just use the Age of Exploration as an example. People were trading and traveling. They desired to spread Christianity across to the New World. They also were on the search for spices, gold, etc. They hoped to establish empires and build colonies. These things can be categorized into God, Glory and Gold. You must overcome fear to be able to settle in a new world. You can not be afraid of what might lie ahead. It is all about taking the proper risks. For example, my gym teacher(Mr.Pros) dad took the risk of going over to America from Italy. He was there for three years and worked very hard to earn money for his family. Eventually Mr.Pro's dad raised enough money so that Mr.Pro, his mom and the rest of his family could also travel over to America. If I were a parent I would risk my life to create a better life for my family and future generations. All three (money, power, adventure would drive me to take such insane risks. I would love the adventure of discovering new places and new sights to see. I would also travel if it meant power. For example, if I would become the president or highly respected for taking the risks. Money would also drive me to the New World because I would want to be wealthy.

Unknown said...

Rosie Rojs Period 2
I think that profits, money, and valuables is one thing that drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world. Something else I think drives people is the possibility of discovering new things and fame and fortune. I think you would need to overcome the difficulty of leaving your friends and family. Another thing is the difficulty of the traveling and amount of supplies that are necessary for survival in a new world. I think the passion and need for profit will give someone the incentive to leave his or her home. Adventure, money, and power will drive the certain person to exploring and colonizing in an unknown world. The voyage might be risky and dangerous, but these are the driving factors.

Unknown said...

Ashley Smith. (I posted this earlier without my name.) Many things drive people to want to risk everything to settle at a new world. Just use the Age of Exploration as an example. People were trading and traveling. They desired to spread Christianity across to the New World. They also were on the search for spices, gold, etc. They hoped to establish empires and build colonies. These things can be categorized into God, Glory and Gold. You must overcome fear to be able to settle in a new world. You can not be afraid of what might lie ahead. It is all about taking the proper risks. For example, my gym teacher(Mr.Pros) dad took the risk of going over to America from Italy. He was there for three years and worked very hard to earn money for his family. Eventually Mr.Pro's dad raised enough money so that Mr.Pro, his mom and the rest of his family could also travel over to America. If I were a parent I would risk my life to create a better life for my family and future generations. All three (money, power, adventure would drive me to take such insane risks. I would love the adventure of discovering new places and new sights to see. I would also travel if it meant power. For example, if I would become the president or highly respected for taking the risks. Money would also drive me to the New World because I would want to be wealthy.

Unknown said...

Kelsey Gryckiewicz
I think what drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is profit and religious freedoms. Some of the obstacles included leaving their homes and traveling to a new world. Another big obstacle was survival. These people would leave everything they knew to start a new life that they thought would be better. What would drive me however would be the adventure, money and power. If I was in the position were I was poor and desperately I would definitely take on this adventure. This type of adventure would also attract many people seeking adventure.

Unknown said...

Emily Gillespie
Period 8
I think that the main thing that drives people into risking everything to start a new world is profit. Profit is everything and so many more things can be accomplished with it. Along with this long voyage, there were many obstacles that the people had to face. There was a lack of food, poor sanitation, crammed living space, and disease. Despite all of these obstacles, the reward would give me the incentive to leave my home. There would be a lot of profit, land, and goods as a reward. Many people had hard lives and were poor and if I were them, I would have been driven by adventure, money, and power so I could live a better life

Unknown said...

Brian Finneran
Period 3
What I believe drives people to risk everything to settle in the new world is the money and fame that can come from it. Sure there are some people who are just naturally adventurous and seek out journeys like these, but all in all it all comes back to money and fame. Many obstacles must be overcome to have a successful voyage such as disease, acclimation to the new land, contentions with native inhabitants , and leaving your old home. I believe that the possibility of acquiring land or wealth would give a person the incentive to leave their home and risk their life in the new world. Also a person may want to start a new life in the new world and get away from Europe and the poverty that plagued it at the time. What would make me want to take such risks is the possibility of the fame and fortune. The new world was booming with opportunity and the possibility of becoming successful would have lured me in. However I do not think I would have been able to drop my old life and move on to the new world. There were numerous things that could go wrong at any second during the voyage. Lastly, I would not want to leave my friends and family because they are an immense part of my life that I could not just simply leave behind and go to a foreign land.

Tara Mazahreh said...

Tara Mazahreh
I think that the main thing that drives perople into risking everything is profit.Some of the chances include leaving their homes and traveling to a new place they have never experienced. Another big chance they took is their own life. They are all obstacles that will approach.These people would leave everything behin to start a new life that they thought would be better. What would drive me to approach the adventure would be money and fortune.Adventure, money, and power will drive the certain person to exploring and colonizing in an unknown world. The adventure would attract people to seek adventure. Most of all I would want to be wealthy and to seek power and to be sucessful.

Unknown said...

Michelle Le/Period 8

In my opinion, profit is a motive in making people want to in settle in a new place, as well as religious freedom. Obstacles I would think you would have to overcome would be settling in a new area without the environment and people you had grown accustomed to living with or around. A monetary incentive is the only thing I can think of that would drive me to up and leave to a new, unknown place. Even then, I don't know if it would be worth losing so many years of my life to these new hardships. But, I would also learn life lessons in hard work in perseverance that I would use and treasure for the rest of my life.

Unknown said...

Noah Kulis
Per 8.

What i believe that drives people to settle in the new world is opportunity and freedom. Many obstacles like disease, new lands, and starvation must be over came. What would give me the incentive to go to the new world and leave my home behind is a lot of food, water, supplies, and a way of travel. What would drive me to such incredible risks in exploring and colonizing an unknown world would be the adventure and amazement of being some wheres new and seeing new things.

Unknown said...

Dominic Leonetti
Pd. 8
I believe that the reward of such a risky investment is what drives a lot of people to settling in the new world. Some of the obstacles that they would have had to over come are the various diseases, the freezing cold, and the limited supply of food. There is nothing that would persuade me to leaving my home to travel to a new world unless I had facts and statistics that showed that I would have a 100% chance of living. Since that was not the case, I would not be driven to taking such incredible risks. The riches that you would receive from a colony like this would drive the people that are willing to take on the challenges and risks to earn those rewards, but death is what was lurking around the corner for many of those adventures people.

Unknown said...

Mia Castellano
Period 3

I think money and profit drive people to want to risk everything to settle a new world. When you earn a profit it opens new ideas like trading. Some obstacle that must be overcome are disease, dehydration, crammed living space, and poor sanitation. I think that all the wealth would give me the incentive to leave my home, risk my life and settle a new world. I think that the profit and all the land they would acquire would make me take such a huge risk. I think adventure and money would drive me because i would be able to have a fresh start and i can escape poverty and other things if i left.

Jess Gibson said...

Jessica Gibson
December 15. 2014
Period 3
In my opinion, I believe that people settle in the new world for the opportunity to get fame, fortune, and freedom. There will be many obstacles during this though. The obstacles will be fighting diseases, having to get used to the new area, new ways of living, etc. I would honestly miss where I lived, and wouldn't risk it. If I were forced to take this opportunity with bribery I would, because i would miss my family, but if money is involved I will participate.

Unknown said...

Brian Lau
Period 8
I think that people risk everything to settle some place new is because it gives you the chance to become rich, also it gives you a chance to break free from whatever you left behind. Obstacles that must be overcome are emotional ones like leaving your family, also physical too if you starve in the new place. The incentive would be cash and to make a profit, to get rich. I personally would not leave, but if i was forced money and fame would power me to settle in a new world.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Lucca
Period 3

I believe freedom and profits drove people to risk everything and settle in the new world. You must overcome knowing that you could possibly die and never see your family again. Whether you survive or not the journey you're taking certainly isn't going to be a pleasant one anytime soon due to disease, starvation, and enemies. I think overall people just want wealth and land when it comes to exploration. I would never be able to take on such a journey.

Unknown said...

Alyssa Eshelman
I believe that money and freedom drive people to want to risk everything to settle a new world. The obstacles are fighting diseases, adjusting to new people and the new ways of living. I would not want to risk everything because catching a disease was most likely to happen and I would miss where I live and my family. But if I had to do this and money was involved I would just to have a better life for exploring and colonizing an unknown world.

Unknown said...

Alicia Radke
Period 8
I think that the hope for a new life, or for a better life and better opportunities is what drives people to a new world. Sometimes even an escape from something, or a need for something is what drives people. You must overcome obstacles like picking everything up and starting a new life, or fear of the unknown. Survival, or not knowing if you'll ever return are other obstacles. The only thing that would ever give me an incentive to leave my home and start over was if I had to, or if my own life, or someone I care about's life was in risk. Something that would make me take this risk would be force. Nothing like money, or power is really that important to me. It could be, if I lived in a different time or different circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Claudia DePlato
Period 3
I think what drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is factors like power and money. Some obstacles that would have to be overcome is building your own house, planting your own food, and finding fresh water. Another obstacle is catching diseases and getting ill. I think what would incentive me to leave my house to start a new life and settle in a new world is the thought of getting gold and riches. I would take the incredible risk in exploring and colonizing an unknown world for money and power.

Unknown said...

Suhua Song
What would drive people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is to live a new life, become wealthy, have power, and to own land. Obstacles that must be overcome is to starve, to work very hard, catch a disease, feel homesick, surviving, and dying. What would give me the incentive to leave my home depends on what situation I'm in. If I lived in poverty, then I'd go there to become rich. If I had a horrible life in England, my incentive is that I could have a new life. Since I have no problems living here, nothing would make me want to take a risk, but only if I was forced to.

Unknown said...

Jordan Brennan
Period 2

I think that the desire for a new life is what drives people to risk everything to settle in a new world. If someone was happy with their life then I do not believe they would take that risk. I think there has to be a certain amount of unhappiness for them to be willing to risk everything. Another possibility is that they care enough about making a profit that even a chance of making one could coerce them. Obstacles that would have to be overcome would be the possible fear of not surviving and the chance of there not being enough supplies. If someone is afraid of dying or the chance of it, they would have to overcome that if they really wanted to go. Supplies could last a good amount of time, but there is the possibility of running out and not being able to obtain more. Truthfully, if there was a large enough profit being offered to me to travel to a new land, I would most likely go for it, as long as I believed it would benefit me in the end. I would mostly be doing it for the money, but also for the chance that my name might go down in history. I want to be known for doing something productive with my life. Plus, I'm open to taking an adventure.

Unknown said...

Maddie Shelburne
Period 2

I think the reason why most people want to leave everything behind and risk it all, is curiosity. We are all curious to find out about things unknown and we like to be informed and know what's going on. Many obstacles have to be overcome when colonizing new land. It's not as easy as picking a spot and settling there. When going to an unknown place you have to deal with the people already there, environment, disease, lack of supplies and much more. If I were offered a reasonable sum of money and safety could be guaranteed, then I might go to a new world. But safety can never be guaranteed when dealing with new territory. Also, I would love to take an adventure so I might go for the fun and excitement of it all.

Unknown said...

I think people risked everything to settle in the New World for profit and a new life. Many people who settled in the New World were poor and did not have great lives. People who settled faced many obstacles. First, was that they had a very good chance of dying. Next, they could be leaving everything behind and never return home. Another obstacle would be that they would leave many family and friends behind.An incentive for people would be the fame and fortune they could receive. Some people took all these risks because they were very adventurous. I would be driven by money and power to leave my home to explore and colonize a new world.

John Castagna Period 3 said...

John Castagna
Period 3

People are driven to leave everything they know and are comfortable with by the hope of becoming rich and owning lots of land. Some of the colonists were prisoners who lost everything and were given the chance to redeem themselves on this voyage. People must overcome their fear of the unknown, sickness from the long and unsanitary journey, and death by disease or Natives once they reach the new world. In order for me to take the risk of going on the voyage to the New World, I would need the promise of land and wealth. I would not be comfortable with leaving everything I owned unless I was sure that I could rise to a higher social status.

Anonymous said...

Nick Veale

What I think that drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world is the opportunity to start with a clean slate and the ability to expand the world for humanity. The obstacles that might occur is leaving behind the life you once knew. All the familiarity will be lost and you will be forced to adapt to a new environment. Personally, I wouldn't take the risks. There is just too much to lose and I already feel comfortable with the life I have now. The only thing that would drive me to exploring an unknown world is being able to take the life I know along with me. Overall, I wouldn't be the one going to a new world because my life is fine as it is.

Anonymous said...

Ashlyn Burns-Lynch
Period 2
I think that the feeling of adventure and profits drives people to want to risk everything to settle a new world. The obstacles that you would have to overcome is leaving behind your family and friends. Also the feeling of having to survive in the unknown. The new world's environment is an obstacle. Honestly I do not think that there is any incentive for me to convince me to explore and colonize I new world. I don't want adventure, money, or power if I am not with my family and friends.

Unknown said...

Dylan Adriano
period 8
What I think drives most people to risk everything to settle in a new world is the idea of a better life, or to be known for ages to come. If their life could be better in any way shape or form, a person would do anything to achieve it. The obstacles that must be overcome would be the journey there, dealing with problems from others, environmental hazards, and any native creatures or otherwise unknown pathogens or substances. What would make me take such risks would be the chance to improve the life of my family. If I could leave and go to a world where there were endless possibilities to improve my or my family’s lives in a new world, I would. If the chance arose, no matter the risks, I would take the chance.

Unknown said...

Rylie Mcbreen Pd 3
The Age of Exploration, an offshoot of the Renaissance, was the fulfillment of the Renaissance mission of enlarging the scope of human endeavor. The process of spreading culture and colonizing has continued into the present. Currently we ae on board of exploring Mars. The exploration of Jamestown then is similar to the modern day exploration of Mars. Colonists then were thousands of miles away from civilization, family and protection of their king. They carved our settlement, battled diseases and the Natives. Their determination to obtain land and discover more led people to want to risk everything. They were also motivated by religion, wanting to spread Christianity. This would give you the incentive to leave your home, risk your life and settle a New World. Obstacles they had to face were disease and starvation. There were many diseases to worry about such as smallpox and the plague. Starvation was very common, especially in the Starving Time. Many things come into play for the reasoning of putting your life at risk to explore. Such things included power, money and spreading religion. If you settle land, you will have power over that land and gain wealth. Profit was the main drive the colonists had to explore the New World. Many people were poor in the Old World, and this adventure gave them the opportunity to leave their lives of misfortune and poverty behind in the Old World.

Anonymous said...

Kirra Curtin
Period 7
I think that the desire for riches and the conquering of new lands can drive people to risk everything to settle a new world. Many obstacles must be overcome to reach this goal, they have to take on an entire world already established (by both nature and the natives) to make it their own. They did whatever it took, even if it wasn't such a nice thing to do. I think my home being in danger or a very large sum of money being guaranteed to me would give me the incentive to leave my home and risk everything for a new world. I believe mostly money would drive me to take such risks.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Bauer
Period 3

I think that the potential ability to make money, harness new resources, and own or govern land, would make people want to risk everything to settle the new world. Some obstacles you must overcome would be need to establish a settlement, cultivate where food could be grown, and overall have a comfortable place where people would actually want to immigrate to. Personally, some things that would make me willing to take that risk would be knowing the place is secure, clean and has an established government or set of laws. I think that all together adventure, money, and power would all contribute to me taking such an incredible risk to colonize and explore and unknown world.

Nick Gaetano said...

Nick Gaetano

Some of the things that cause people to want to risk everything to settle a new world include, profit and adventure. It's a chance to do something new that is different from the normal everyday life of the Europeans. You would have to overcome disease, people that you have to leave behind, and starvation. You may want to be the one to start a new life away from everyone you know. Although it can be for money, it could also be for adventure.

Unknown said...

I believe that the hope for a better life is what motivates people to risk everything to settle in a new world.
Many things must be overcome when moving to a new world. Some of these things include acclimating to new
weather, overcoming disease that your body has never been exposed to, making peace with those who already live there
(if there are any),
learning how to grow your own food to survive, etc.
These things cannot easily be overcome if you are not prepared. The only thing I could think of that may make
me consider taking on such a dangerous task would be if for some reason
there was a drastic or dire situation occurring where I lived,
and I felt that I would be able to survive better in a new world. I really don’t think that
money would be able to motivate me, because thinking realistically, money can’t really help you if you die.

Unknown said...

Casey Shultz pd.2

I think knowing that a new life could be better for someone and many changed would make them want to take risks sucha as leaving there jobs, homes, family and etc. I would take all the risks colonists did if i knew that my life could be better and changed.

Anonymous said...

Maddie Yerkes
I believe that what drove the settlers to drop everything that they know to colonize a new area with many risks is the fact that there will be much appreciation when there are new colonies in places where people can be free with what they believe. I also beleieve that these settlers did this to get out of the English rule themselves and be more independent seeking a new life with a new start in a new place. I think that the only way I would leave my home for a new life it would have to be extremely essential to moving on from a really bad situation where it is our only choice. Obstacles tonovercpme would be things like figuring out the land and what plants and crops are safe to harvest and eat and which arent . also, your surrounding bodies of water and if it is drinkable or not. You would also want to know what life is around your area so you know what threats are coming your way like animal or groups of people such ad the natives from the new world. I would personally be in it for the money and safety for people yet to come. If the is a danger in the place where I was born and grew up I would want to make sure as many people are safe as possible.

Brooke Smith Period $ said...

I think the reason that most people want to leave everything and risk it all is because they want a clean slate and adventure. Even though there are lots of obstacles, like leaving family behind or putting other people at risk.
You could benefit a lot from doing this because you could start a new life and do good, or you could not do good. Another obstacle is learning how to survive. Learning how to find food for yourself, new places, and new diseases that you would have to overcome.
I would take risks and leave everything behind if I knew that I could have a better life. As much as I wouldn't want to leave everything behind like family and friends, I would do it anyway if I knew i would be successful and have a better life.

Brooke Smith Period 4 said...

I think the reason that most people want to leave everything and risk it all is because they want a clean slate and adventure. Even though there are lots of obstacles, like leaving family behind or putting other people at risk.
You could benefit a lot from doing this because you could start a new life and do good, or you could not do good. Another obstacle is learning how to survive. Learning how to find food for yourself, new places, and new diseases that you would have to overcome.
I would take risks and leave everything behind if I knew that I could have a better life. As much as I wouldn't want to leave everything behind like family and friends, I would do it anyway if I knew i would be successful and have a better life.

Alex Carraro Pd. 2 said...

I think the drive for people to risk everything and settle in a New World comes from desperation. Many of the people in London at this time were very poor and were living in horrible conditions and wanted to give themselves, and possibly their children a chance at being successful in a New World with new opportunities. You must overcome the fact that you are leaving your home county, which you have lived in your entire life, and have to explore a New World without the support of many of there friends and even family. In some cases, some of these families had to face indentured servitude. But all this didn't matter to people who lived in England. It's similar to the Mars One expedition because (I believe) that most of the people who are going on the expedition are not very well off on Earth, and are doing this because they want to do something they couldn't do here. Although there may be some people who are wealthy going on the trip, they are going for fame or as the men in Jamestown said "Glory". For me, I actually would go on this adventure, not for the profits, not for God, not for fame, but for adventure. I have always considered myself an adventurer, but the point about never returning to Earth really cuts the whole point of going to Mars. I would want to share my experiences with my friends and family *IN PERSON* not just on some low quality computer screen, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo Morello

What I think drives people to want to risk a lot to find a new world is so that if they do accomplish that goal, the would be known. Some obstacles that you would have to go through during this kind of journey would be, having to supply everyone with food and water, having to live through bad conditions for a little while, and being stuck in the ocean until you actually even find the land. The reasons why I would risk my life and settle a new world is so that I can be able to start something new and feel great after accomplishing it. I thinks it all three adventure, money and power, you would be experiencing all three of those categories, after doing that adventure, if you succeed, you would be so proud of yourself and just overall feel great.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Watson Pd 8
I think people are driven to settle a new world by the idea of being a part of something revolutionary. There are many obstacles to overcome in the process like the journey to the new world and finding a way to survive once you get there. The only way I would leave my home and risk my life would be if the living conditions where I was were bad enough to drive me to escape. I personally would not take such risks because I value my life over things like money and fame. I'm happy with what's around me and won't be the first to colonize anything. Once the journey is safe and my survival is guaranteed, I might go just out of curiosity, but nothing more.

Joey Lucia said...

I think that fresh materials in a new world drives people to want to risk everything. Also, new land that they could take for their country. You must overcome failure if it happens and you must overcome risk. The only way I would leave home would be if my family could come with me and I had the chance to find gold and resources. I would take such risks because I would become rich. It would be adventure, money, and power. Money would drive me to take such risks because if you find riches, it is worth the risk. Also, if I found new land, I would have control of it and power over it. I would love to explore new land that's why adventure would drive me to take incredible risks.

Kat Adams said...

What I think drives people to want to risk everything to settle in a new world is the potential profit and desire to settle somewhere new and less occupied and governed. Obstacles, such as threats from the natives, adapting to a new area and climate, possibility of disease and illness, finding clean water, and finding food, must be overcome. What would give me the incentive to settle in a new world and make me want to take such risks would mostly be the adventure that comes with it, discovery of what this new world is like, and freedom, which I wouldn’t have much of in England. The potential profit would also be nice.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chelston
Pd. 2

I personally believe that knowing that a new life could be better for anyone and many changes would influence them to want to take different risks, such as leaving thier very own home, jobs, family, friends, etc. I would honestly take as many risks as I could if I were a colonist if I knew that it could somehow better me one day or even change my whole entire life.

Anonymous said...

Sean McAteer
Pd. 2

I believe that it is that their lives are so horrible in another world that they are forced to want to leave. It also could be a thirst for adventure or knowledge or even being physically forced by another to go to a new world. The obstacles needed to be overcome would be great, needing to find new ways to survive and live off of a new land and world and recognizing the new social order and food chain. It would take a lot to convince me to leave my home. It would take my life being so bad I have to leave to make it better. Either that or if I have so much confidence in myself and those I leave with and that I am well prepared that I leave. Survival, profit, and adventure would drive me to explore such a new and potentially dangerous world.

Unknown said...

I believe what drives people to go and explore is wealth and the desire to explore. In my opinion people did not go for the reason to explore but in order to find wealth, the exploration in my opinion was sort of a bonus. Most of the people in the England were pretty poor, so the idea that they could go somewhere practice any religion they wanted, with a clean slate and they could make wealth all at the same time came as a positive thing. This is all well but there were many obstacles from daily life struggles and finding food.

Unknown said...

I believe what drives people to go and explore is wealth and the desire to explore. In my opinion people did not go for the reason to explore but in order to find wealth, the exploration in my opinion was sort of a bonus. Most of the people in the England were pretty poor, so the idea that they could go somewhere practice any religion they wanted, with a clean slate and they could make wealth all at the same time came as a positive thing. This is all well but there were many obstacles from daily life struggles and finding food.

Michelle Ta said...

People want to risk everything to settle in a new world because they want to make money out of it or have the power and authority of that new world. The obstacles that must be overcome are the trips there, since so many colonist died on the ships going to and coming back from the New Worlds. Another obstacles are rivals an example would be the Native Americans for Jamestown, and I think another one of the big obstacles is adapting to some place so new to you since no one knows anything about it you would have no idea what to eat or drink. I can't think of anything that would make me want to take such a large risk. But out of the things listed I think that all of those three combined, money, power, and the lust to explore might be able to get me to do something as risky as exploring and/traveling to a new world and settling there for a while.

Monet McMichael said...

I think what drives people to risk everything to settle in a new world is what lies ahead of them. If where they were at in the past was nothing really to live for and you are told to have such a better life style somewhere else, wouldn't you risk what little you had? A huge obstacle to be encountered would be the journey there. There is so much to be cautious of if your traveling across the sea, like food supply, water, and diseases. I think what would make you really want to leave if maybe you weren't doing so well back at home, like some of the prisoners went willingly because there was nothing to live for. I think money and power is what drove people the most because if your job right now was a farmer and you were just scraping by all the time, the thought of having so much comfort with money if you found new land and how much power you'd receive is crazy! I think adventure is a small part of it because I myself hate boats they make me sick so its hard to believe that its the adventure that pushes them. I think its also scary that you don't know who or what your going to face when you do find new land. Like aggressive Indians like Jamestown, or maybe a new animal that's carnivorous and hungry.

Samantha Nicolella said...

Many people want to risk everything to settle in a new world because they want money. Also the reason that people want to go and settle in a new world is for exploration. The obstacles you must overcome is getting use to a whole new world. Another obstacle is getting threats and getting attacked by the Native Americans. Lastly another obstacle to overcome is sicknesses and diseases. I think that being promised a better life would be a good incentive for me to risk my life, leave my home, and settle in a new world. I would like to explore a new world and colonize new area because of the large inflation of money and power I can receive from doing this act. The power from leading a group of people into a foreign country and the money from the profits i would make.

Joe Rrotella said...

Joe Rotella
period 2

People are driven to settle in a new world because of the possibility of making money, the desire for power, and the want to explore. People are driven to know the unknown and be the first to discover something. some of the obstacles that the colonist would of had to overcome is starvation, disease, and awful living conditions. it would be very difficult foe me to risk everything especially knowing that i would be exposed to such awful conditions. I would probably need a guarantee of wealth and life.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Landy
Period 4

I think people are willing to leave everything behind because they think there is promise in the new world and that they think they will get more than what they had in Engalnd. All the people thought that there would be one thing and one thing only GOLD. And they thought they would find it immediately but they didn't. That's the reason why most of them came to the new world. Probably most of the people didn't have much so they came. And some of them wanted to escape diseases and debt. And some other people just wanted to go to explore and see what's out there. That's all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

Shawn HORN
I think that people would want to risk everything to settle a new world to expand their empire/country and at that time to explore new worlds. People would have to give up their families and everything they did in their home to go to a new world, they would also have to adapt to a long journey at sea and adapt to starting all over again once they get there. I think what would make them take that risk was to get to a new land. I think it is power and adventure to drive people to want to risk going to a unknown world. Power makes them take this risk so they can claim more land and adventure to see what the other worlds are like.

Anonymous said...

Kelsie Ramirez

I think a chance for a better life and wealth drives people to risk everything and settle in a "new" world. You must over come fear and get out of your comfort zone so that you can experience what life has to offer. To leave your home could have various reasons. Many in which are over population, lack of wealth, having no home, or even a disaster that ruined your home. The chance for wealth can drive people to do crazy things. I think if their was proof of being able to be wealthy on a new piece of land and the land is better than the environment I already live in, I'd most likely take the risk and leave everything I had ever known. I think the main reason to drive me to move to a foreign place would be adventure, wealth, and a new life.

Unknown said...

Alyssa Ishay Period 2

I think the thought of profit drives people to want to settle a new world. A lot of people would do anything if it made them known or wealthy. An obstacle that must be overcome is failure. Going into an unknown world is full of mystery. Diseases, starvation, other people, unfamiliar land, and more are all factors that can lead to failure. What would drive me to leave where I am is if I was desperate for money or a change. If I had to take such a risk to help myself and my family I would. Power isn’t very relevant to me. Adventure would drive me only if I had no consequences. Money would be the only reason to why I would take on such a risk of settling in a new world.

Unknown said...

Zeina Issa
PD. 2

Several different things drive people to colonize a new land because it depends on the person. Things such as freedom and wealth drive people to risk everything to settle in a new world. There have been wars over both of these things because of the strong desire for them. People must get over sentimental feelings and ties to be able to move from their home. Lack of freedom would give me the incentive to leave my home, enough to risk my life. I have no interest in the money or power I would receive, however the adventure would spark further interest in venturing to an unknown world. Although, the adventure alone would not drive me to explore and colonize a new world.

Anonymous said...

Dom Veneziano
Period : 7

Many things drive people to want to risk everything to settle at a new world. The Age of Exploration is a great example of how people had to overcome their fear and faced the risks that lie ahead. People were trading, learning, communicating, exploring, and traveling. Although this was not the main point they wanted to spread Christianity across to the New World. They also were on the search for spices, gold, and other forms of profits,etc. They hoped to establish empires and build colonies, along the way acquiring profit. One must overcome fear to be able to settle in a new world and faced what lies in front of it. One must not be afraid of what might lie ahead. It is all about taking the proper risks.

Unknown said...

Janel Weeks
Period 3
I think that several things cause people to want to settle in a new world. Some of those things being freedom to believe and think the way you wish to and money. Some obstacles that a colonist could encounter in settling in the new world could be disease, lack of water/food, or lack of shelter, or just adapting to the surroundings in the new environment. There are several other things as well. I think that people choose to go to a new world or place because they either wanted a new life and a way to start over. Or there is something that is pulling them toward it, like money or a safer environment,etc. For me personally I think that I couldn't just pick up everything and leave just like that. It isn't exactly that easy because you leave everything behind. however, I think that if I was to have to go to the new world the adventure would drive me toward the travel. I would think that it is an experience that doesn't come around everyday so make the most of it and maybe good things will come out of it.

Andrew Krawice said...

Andrew Krawice
Period 2
A profit gain in some way would drive certain people into settling into a new world. It could be for the power, money, adventure, or even fame. The Age of Exploration was all about the money. Trading and currency made up the Age of Exploration. Some obstacles the people in Jamestown had to overcome to go and live in the new world included starvation, disease, and attacks from the native people of the land. I would leave my home if the conditions were absolutely horrible where I was. Perhaps I would also leave to be adventurous and daring in pursuing what I want to do or work on. Adventure, money, and power could all be pretty attractive in taking risks. For me, family and friends would have to be part of my decision making too.

Unknown said...

Sapna Patel
Period 4

I think a lot of people would risk there lives to make profit and be able to settle in a New World. You would have to leave your comfort zone to achieve this. This would take a lot or risk because you never know coming towards you and you never know what problems your going to have to deal with. Some things they had to go through was starvation, attacks from the Indians and the diseases. I wouldn't be able to stay if i would have to go through all of that.

Unknown said...

Kim stephens
pd 2
honors world history

I think that making a profit, and a chance to live a better life would drive people to leave their country, and risk their lives to make this change. Some of the obsatcles that they had to overcome is the weather(storms&drought), starvation and disease. Even though these things seem like they were really bad conditions, the reason they came is because they wanted to get away from their not-so-good lives in their home country, and try to make a profit in a new colony. The only thing that would make me want to take this risk is if I was guaranteed to be recognized for the tough task that I was completing. I would not simply go just because I wanted to, and just because I thought it would be a "nice" adventure to go on, but I would go on this voyage to make a profit. I believe that this voyage was also more than a "fun adventure" because these men went to create the Jamestown Colony to make a profit and enhance their style of living.

Unknown said...

Nick Conboy
Period 8 Honors

I believe that there are a few distinct properties to colonization. One could argue that these are wealth, power, and the chance to start a better life. A lot of settlers of Jamestown were poor and had worse conditions in England. Settlers have to overcome the struggle to survive first and foremost. They would have to plant crops of raise livestock for a food supply. They would have to create shelters to live in. The would need to explore the area for possible Native Tribes. I think the greatest incentive overall would be the fact that a new life that could be better if you had the drive to make it better. If it meant changing my fate and not having to live in poverty and on the backside of English society, I would take such risks. I believe money, power, and hope really give a powerful incentive to explore and colonize an unknown world.

Unknown said...

Anna Navarrete
I think what drives people to want to settle into a new world is wonder and their want for profit. Some obstacles you face when up and moving is leaving you entire life behind and after that risk it’s still not guaranteed that everything is going to be okay in the new world. The only incentive that would make me want to leave is if the future were assured to be okay if not better than what my life was. I would go if I knew that I would be safe and assured and I would gain a large profit.

Anonymous said...

Riley Deitz
pd. 7

I think people are driven by capitalism and the quest for profits. It is very difficult to sail to new places because the ships did not have real trained crews and had little food. Also there was no way to tell the direction you went in so it was easy to get lost and the seas could be very rough. Many crewmembers and captains died before they could even reach their destination. Adventure could be the incentive for people to leave their homes, risk their lives, and settle into a new world. Also, people are looking for money. For example, the English came to America in search of gold.

Anonymous said...

Jillian Wechter
I think the promise of a better life or more of something will always drive a person to do extreme things. Going to the new world was a way out of the crowded England for many people and a way to escape poverty. It was also a way to be adventurous and do something crazy and amazing with your life. You must overcome things that might damage you safety, and you have to find money to get wherever you are going. An incentive for me to leave my home would be to make my life or other peoples lives better. Money might also persuade me depending on the situation. I would also like the adventure of the situation. I think mainly I would want to explore the new world cause I know it could help me and so many other people in the world all the while give better money opurtunities.

Unknown said...

Katie Taylor
Period 3

I think that profit motivates most people. I believe that people wanted to go to the new world to find a better life and religious freedom. Explorers spoke of great opportunities to find gold and make profit from spices in the new world. For me personally, I don’t know if I would leave. If my life was really horrible and I had no family in the area I would probably leave to look for a better life. If my life was just really rough I would try to stay strong and help my family through it. I think that overall most Europeans were just excited to move out and into a new and exciting places.

deannabalsama said...

I belive that profit motivates people the most to settle in the new world. They would have to over come other people that live in that area and the new habitats.i think profit would motivate me the most to move to a new world.also if I was guaranteed power I would definitely move to the new world. I think most Europeans were excited to move to the new world for new expirences and power and spices and profit.

Unknown said...

Justin Simmons
Period 2

I think that profit motivates people to do things more than anything else. Going to these new lands in search of money is just like being with your friends and betting them $10 that they won't do something that will embarrass them, of course they will do it if it means they get the money. Starvation and just survival itself are the two main obstacles that I would need to overcome. The only thing that could make me leave all of the things I have and love would be the chance of making enormous profit. With the idea of being paid so much I would even travel oceans and explore an unknown world.

Unknown said...

Justin Simmons
Period 2

I think that profit motivates people to do things more than anything else. Going to these new lands in search of money is just like being with your friends and betting them $10 that they won't do something that will embarrass them, of course they will do it if it means they get the money. Starvation and just survival itself are the two main obstacles that I would need to overcome. The only thing that could make me leave all of the things I have and love would be the chance of making enormous profit. With the idea of being paid so much I would even travel oceans and explore an unknown world.

Anonymous said...

Angelica Carroll
period 2

Many things drive people into wanting to risk everything they have to settle in the new world. For example, freedom, money and a better life style. Also, if I was being ruled by a dictatorial king, I would want to move. In addition, if the government was corrupt the people would want to move for a more organized and better life style. There would definitely be a lot of obstacles to overcome. You would have risk the chance of not being successful and dying. You would also have to deal with a place you are not use to and don’t know much about. I would leave if it meant I would have a better life style because than my life would be for meaningful and joyful. Also, the money would drive me into the new world because I would be able to do more things with my life.

Anonymous said...

Alex Golembo
Period 8

I think a little bit of craziness and a little bit of curiosity. Cultural differences/barriers are the biggest obstacles. Absolutely nothing would drive me from my home to settle in a new world. I wouldn't leave all this behind forever, for something that could end up being terrible.

Unknown said...

Money and power drives people to risk everything to settle in a new place. there are so many obstacles that must be overcome and most of them are unknown until they arouse upon you. The incentive to leave you home to start a new life that could be your downfall is money and power. Adventure and money would drive me to explore and settle new lands to colonize.

Unknown said...

Mike Pardo
The unknown riches that may lie in this supposedly unconquered land would drive most men to risk everything to settle in a new place that they could have impressive power in. The amount of obstacles that must be over come is endless considering you are venturing into a new land, there may be natives also the unseen animals that may be there. I can't think of anything that would drive me from my home I feel that I've made my life here and would not throw it away for an unknown world.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clee
I believe that, like with most things, people went to the new world for different reasons. The rich went for the power that it could bring. The poor went for the money they could get. John smith went for the adventure.
I don't believe I could be tempted to take such an incredible risk. I don't have faith that I would be able to overcome unknown obstacles nor do I believe attempting to do so would end well.

MrORocksAmerica said...
