(Blog Post #4 Part 3 of Film)
When it is clear that the English are not leaving (the fact that they are growing corn attests to their intentions) the Native Americans attack Jamestown in an attempt to drive the English into the sea. The all-out war puts the colony in mortal danger. When the hostile Indians rip out the corn and lay seige to Jamestown, the situation becomes dire.
Pocahontas, who was clearly helping the colonists, is exiled by her father and captured by a rival tribe as an outcast from her own people, without a place to go. 
The colonists mutiny against John Smith when he refuses to make Pocahontas a captive and use her as a hostage to stop further Indian attacks. Shackled and put to hard labor, Smith is no longer in control. Pocahontas is purchased from a local tribe for a copper kettle and is brought to Jamestown, never to return to her people. She is kept as a human shield to prevent further attacks.
When Pocahontas is taken as a captive she loses her freedom and has to live among the colonists in an alien environment, where houses, books, candles and other implements are new to her. As she tries to orient herself to her new reality, do you think she will be able to acculturate herself? If she is exiled from her people does that mean her only recourse is to live among the colonists as a European? What are her choices and how would you feel if you were in her shoes?

The colonists mutiny against John Smith when he refuses to make Pocahontas a captive and use her as a hostage to stop further Indian attacks. Shackled and put to hard labor, Smith is no longer in control. Pocahontas is purchased from a local tribe for a copper kettle and is brought to Jamestown, never to return to her people. She is kept as a human shield to prevent further attacks.
When Pocahontas is taken as a captive she loses her freedom and has to live among the colonists in an alien environment, where houses, books, candles and other implements are new to her. As she tries to orient herself to her new reality, do you think she will be able to acculturate herself? If she is exiled from her people does that mean her only recourse is to live among the colonists as a European? What are her choices and how would you feel if you were in her shoes?
Jordan Brennan
Period 2
I believe that she will eventually be able to adapt to the ways of the English. It will take some getting used to, but I do think that she will be able to do it. Pocahontas is an intelligent girl and I don't think it will be that difficult for her to learn. Due to her people exiling her from them, that does mean that living with the Europeans is her only source of help. They will try hard to keep her safe because they need her to drive away the Indian attacks. They also feel a great amount of respect for her considering she saved them from starvation and gave them food/seeds. However, she could attempt to run away and hope that she doesn't get caught. Plus, there is the chance that she could die when she runs away if she doesn't have the appropriate resources. On the other hand, she could continue to learn the ways of the colonists and behave like an English woman. If I were in her shoes, I would feel trapped and conflicted. She is living a whole new life now and the change occurred within the span of a couple days. This would stress me out way too much and I'd probably want to punch someone.
I do believe she will be able to acculturate herself because in the film she starts off very uncomfortable. as it progressed she became more used to it even ended up wearing the clothes of the Europeans. It is not her only option to live with the Europeans, she can go to many places with the water routes founded, but because she was captured at the moment she has no other option. If I was exiled and had nothing left I would not no what do it. There isn't much that I can do as a young person.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
I do think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. She us the type of person to pick up on things fast. So she will have no trouble learning the English culture. If she was exiled from her people, her only recourse would come from the colonists. She would have to live there and suffer the life they were. Since she can not go back to her people. She really has no other place to go than where she already was. Its not like there's another colony just up the river she can live at. If I was in her shoes I would feel really scared about now. Having to change basically everything about my appearance, my attitude, my behavior, the language I speak is honestly scary not knowing what the English colonists will do if I fail to complete it how they asked me to.
Rosie Rojs Period 2
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. She is very familiar with the land and is an extraordinary women who I believe will be able to live a good life even being exiled by her tribe. I think living with the colonists is one of her only options besides fending for herself which would be very difficult. She has a limited amount of choices living in the colony compared to when she was free and living in the tribe. It is a very different lifestyle for her, but pursuing any other lifestyles would make it hard to survive. I would feel out of my element and sad if i was in her shoes. I would feel this way because i would have never lived like this and because my family had just disowned me.
Maddie Shelburne
Period 2
I think Pocahontas will be able to adapt to the different culture but it will be very hard. She may look and act like a colonist after a while, but she will never lose the culture of the natives. Since she was exiled, her only reasonable option is to live with the Europeans. She can go out and live off the land by herself but it would be very hard, even for a native. I would go and live with the Europeans because there would be a greater chance of survival.
Dylan Adriano
Period 8
I do believe that Pocahontas will acculturate herself. In the movie, we have already seen that she is a quick learner by how she learned English relatively fast. She will be able to learn the ways and customs of the Europeans, and probably quickly due to being suddenly immersed into it. I do think that her only course of action is to live as a European because her father’s kingdom spans a large area, and therefore must have a long reach, and with being so large, many enemies. Even if she escapes the Europeans to another tribe, what is to stop that tribe from throwing her out or killing her because she is related to Powhatan? Her choices are few and far between. She could choose to go with the Europeans and Smith, run away and live alone in the wilderness, attempt to escape to another tribe, or reconcile with her father. Because trying to reconcile with her father might get her killed, along with trying to escape to another tribe, I would, if I were her, go with the Europeans. It carries a (seemingly) less chance of dying and plus then she would have Smith. In her shoes, I would feel lost, betrayed and afraid of what will happen next.
Zeina Issa
PD. 2
Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself and become an English woman, however she will never truly get rid of her Native American self. Her human instinct will take over and force herself to become one of the Europeans so she can live amongst the colonists. If her own people refuse to accept her, than she must try to be accepted by the colonists. It’s human nature to desire the ability to fit in with others. Her choices are very limited, but Pocahontas will eventually become an English woman and marry John Rolfe, which will finalize her adaptation to the Europeans. I would feel neglected and hopeless in her shoes, for I would not know whom to turn to or what to do.
Jesse McDermott
Period 8
I do believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. She is extremely familiar with the land around her and she is a intelligent young women who I think will adjust well and get through life well even after being exiled by her tribe. I think she has to live with the colonists because the only other option is to live completely on her own which would be extremely difficult. She really does not have many choices. If I was in her shoes I would be scared and nervous. Being shunned by the family and friends I know would be harsh and now I would have to go live among all new strangers who speak a whole different language.
Lexi Bythrow
Period 2
In my opinion Pocohantas will not be able to adapt to the new life because she is so used to her native american culture. The europeans do things very different and don't have the same traditions as the natives do. Yes, the only way to live a life is to be with the europeans because her father disowned her. She was exiled and she can not go back. If i was in that position i would try and live a life with John Smith because she is the only happiness in her life right now. I could only imagine how lonely and out of place she feels
Nada Elamani
Yes,I do believe that Pocahantas will get used o the different culture of the English. The only way for her to life healthy is to stay with the settlers or deal with rival tribes of her native tribe.If she did't leave with the English, then she would stay captive with other Indians. If I were her, I would try to go back to my father and if that didn't work then i would go live by myself or go with the settlers.
Andrew Krawice
Period 2
Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself to the English ways over time. She will change her style of clothing and talking. She has a few options. She can live with the colonists or escape into the woods and live on her own. She could run away with John Smith, but he was requested to go back to England which would mean she would have to travel with him. Pocahontas could share her culture’s knowledge to help the colonists “learn the land”, help them not starve, and protect themselves better. She could also expose herself to learn and grow from the new opportunities and culture the colonists have for her. Even if Pocahontas is exiled from her people, she can try to teach her native ways and help the colonists build respect and find a way to make peace with the natives. Pocahontas does not need to abandon her culture. I do not envy Pocahontas’s position. Merging one’s own culture with another’s can be very tricky and it is not for everyone. She has extremely difficult choices to make and then to follow through with those decisions. I wonder if she can know how important her role can be.
Eric Reckard
Period 7
I do think Pocohantas will not be able to acculturate herself because she is so used to the native american culture. The way they farm, hunt, cook, prayers and the environment they live in. There it is poor because of the poor farming conditions and the poor houses that are built. Yes that means she has to live the among the Europeans. Or she can live and survive on her own but I don't think she wants to do that. Pocohantas choices are slim either she lives among the Europeans or she lives and survives on her own. If I was in her shoes I would live amongst myself because with all the starvation and disease. I would have a better chance of surviving on my own.
Kirra Curtin
Period 7
I think Pocahontas will acculturate herself to the point of being able to live amongst the colonists, but I think she will keep some of her old tribe's customs with her. Just because she was exiled from her people, doesn't mean her only option is to live with the colonists. After all, they're only keeping her as a "human shield" to prevent any further Indian attacks. If she wasn't being kept, she could have stayed with the rival tribe that captured her or lived by herself. She seems able enough to survive on her own, maybe she could get John Smith to help her too. If I were in her shoes, I would probably feel a mixture of sadness and determination. Sadness because I was just exiled by my own father, and determination because I can try to learn more about the English and maybe peace between the two cultures can still be accomplished.
I do think that Pocahontas will adjust to the life style in the colony's. I believe this because Pocahontas is very interested in the way the English live. I think that she would stay at the colony and help them survive. She knows the land and know how to survive. This could help the colonist because they are struggling to fill their stomachs everyday. Her choices are to stay live with the colony, go to England and live there, and last possible try to go back to her tribe. If I was in her shoes I would feel lost and afraid. The reason for this is because she is in a new place and no one that you know there to help you.
Dominic Leonetti
Pd. 8
I believe that Pocahontas will not be able to acculturate herself to the English customs due to her not knowing what life is like in an English mans world compared to her native culture. She has the choice of living with the colonists because she could also try to live on her own until she finds a tribe that will accept her, but she could be dead before that happens. If I were in Pocahontas' shoes I would have felt scared and lost. My family just abandoned me and disowned me so I would have no idea how to accept that without joining someone else to help me through life.
Brian Lau
Period 8
I do believe that she will be able to acculturate herself. I believe this because she learned English quickly and seemed very tied to John Smith (in the movie). I think if the native people kick out Pocahontas the only thing she can do is go to Europe or to live with the colonists/ John Smith because she has nothing left other than them. Her choices were to feed the colonists and go against her fathers back, by doing so her father is disowning her. If i was in her shoes I would feel like I did the right thing at first, but then my people were getting killed then I would feel very dissapointed in myself. I would also be very sad my dad is kicking me out.
Noah Kulis
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself to the English culture because she has already spent a large amount of time learning how to speak English with smith. Her choices are to live with the English or live alone in the woods. If i were her i would feel sad and alone because my own father just kicked me out of my home and i can never talk to him again, so i would go to the other people i know a little bit which would be the English.
Bryce Stiles
Period 7
Yes, I believe Pocahontas will acculturate herself because she has spent her time learning the English language from Smith. Pocahontas does have a choice of where to live, but it would be better to live with the colonists. It would be harder for her to live in the woods by herself. I much would rather live in Europe because it's hard to last a lifetime in the woods alone. In Europe there's protection, food, and shelter.
Sapna Patel
Period 4
No, i don't think she would be able to because everything is changing her completely from her culture. I think she'll get tired of it or not be comfortable changing even tho John Smith taught her English. Also that was only so she can communicate between the Indians and English. I think Pocahontas would rather stay with the colonist after her father disowned her because living alone in the woods be difficult. I would rather sty with the English because staying in the woods alone be very difficult, specially for a girl because it would be hard to make shelter and everything to help her survive. If i was in her shoes i would feel bad and ashamed that my father disowned me.
Sophia Spadano
Pd. 4
I think that she has no choice but to adapt to the ways of the English people. She was taking as a captive and used as a hostage, but I believe she is a survivor and stands up for what she believes as shown by how she defended John Smith. It will take her time to orient herself to her new life as a European but just as she won them over by understanding what they needed and saving them from starvation she will use that same intelligence and resources to become accustom to the ways of the colonists and she will fit in. She really has no choice in the matter and is basically forced to live among them and carry herself as colonists. She probably will be turned away by her native people.
Pocahontas will eventually become acculterated over a long period of time, but for right now she is an outcast. After Pocahontas is exiled, she basicaaly has two choice, either live with the Europeans or live and survive by herself in the woods. If I were in her shoes I would try to live among the Europeans.
Shawn HORN
I do not think she will be able to acculturate herself because it is basically like starting a new life with colonists and plus everything is in a different language that she has not learned yet. If i were Pocahontas i would try as hard to adapt to the new living style and try to learn the language as fast as possible to make living a lot easier. Fi she is exiled form her people that does mean that she is a colonist because then she wouldn't be able to go back and live with the Powhatan.
Sean McAteer
Pd. 2
I think she will acculturate herself, but she will not be accepted by all. One of her options is to live among the colonists, but it is definitely an option for her to live off the land or even be helped by the people who are still loyal to her. I would have probably lived off the land because she has the ability to.
Period 2
When Pocahontas starts to live within the colony, she has to adjust to the life of an English women. I believe she won't totally accommodate to the new lifestyle, but it seems as though she's willing to give it a try. The way I see, Pocahonatas doesn't necessarily have to resort to living in the English because she has been living with Indians who know how to use the land to their advantage. However, the best choice is to live among people for support and help. She also has the choice of trying to repair her relationship with her father and rejoin her people. If I were in her shoes, I would try to fix the relationship with my dad, even if my good intentions were seen as the right choice in the beginning.
Kelsey Gryckiewicz
pd 8
I do believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. I believe this is true because she is very familiar with the land and her Native American culture. I think she will decide to live with the colonist. This is because she only has two options at this point; she can live all alone or with the colonist. Her father disowned and shunned her for her actions so living with him is not an option. Personally, I would live with John Smith because you can tell she is happiest when she is with him. Although she would be scared this is her best option.
Emily Gillespie
I think that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself especially since she knows some of the English language. If she is exiled, I think her best option would be to live with the colonist because she is probably safest there and can help the colonist survive since she knows a lot about the land. Otherwise, she would have to live in the woods by herself. If I were Pocahontas, I would feel very scared and sad since I am by myself and my father said I was no longer his child. I would also want to go with the colonist because I feel that is the best option.
Joe Urban
Period 8
I don't think she will be able to acculturate herself because the colonists do not like the Indians at all. They will most likely say racist comments to her, treat her poorly, and use her to do a lot of the manual labor. I think that her only recourse is to live among the colonist as a European. They will not let her go anyway. In fact, they keep her as hostage so there will no longer be any Indian attacks. If I was in her shoes, I would feel scared. Its either her tribe attacks so the Europeans kill her or she spends the rest of her life in a place where she doesn't want to be. She isn't in a very good situation and she most likely won't get out of it.
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. This is because because she is very familiar with the land and has a native american background. I think she will live with the colonists. This is because her only other option is to live by herself. She also loves John Smith and wants to stay with him. I think staying with the colony would be her best option. She is not comfortable in the colony right now, but she will eventually get used to it and fit in. It also allows her to be with John Smith. Finally, she doesn't have any other good and safe options.
The Marshall
Period 4
I think that Pocahontas is going to be able to aculturate herself because Pocahontas is a very intelligent girl as is very interested in the Europeans. However it may take her a long time because she is an Indian and she is exposed to all of this modern technology at the same time she might feel overwhelmed. However, I do believe that she has no choice but to go with the colonists because all the other tribes in the area are hostile to hers and Pocahontas would have most likely been taken hostage by those other tribes. If I were in Pocahontas's shoes I'd be a bit confused because it seems all of this happened at once. First, you get banned by your tribe, then you go to the colony, and instead of taking her in they consider her a hostage to prevent Indian attacks, and then is stuffed into a dress. That does not sound like a situation I would want to be in at all.
Nick Gaetano
I do believe Pocahontas will be able to adapt to her new environment. There may be new things there and a new way of living, but she will be able to do it. Since she is exiled from her people, her best option is to live among the colonists. She already knows many of them, including Smith. She doesn't have many choices of where to go. She could run away, but that would be very difficult.
paetyn west
When Pocahontas started to live in the colony she had to adjust to their life style as an English women. I think that she wont accommodate to this new life style. She doesn't have to resort to the living of the English because she has been with the Indians who know how to use the land for there advantages. the best choice is to live among these people and support and help. Being in her shoes I would want to fix the relationship with my father.
Eric Fernee Pd: 4
I think that eventually Pocahontas will acculturate herself to the new colony as did Jon Smith with the Natives earlier in the movie. It’s a matter of getting used to it. For example, we as new students to WTHS had to acculturate ourselves to the new school. If I were Pocahontas, I would think that they were her only hope knowing that Smith was there and might make her more comfortable with the new area. But she is like what 14, she probably doesn’t know as many survival skills as other Natives from her land before. Also children learn overtime, so knowing that the older Natives knew all of those required survival skills. It wasn’t enforced as harshly as it would have been for them in the past. Therefore, her survival in the middle of nowhere is at a low chance.
I actually do think that Pocahontas will be able to adapt to this new environment. Why? John Smith. He is the the only reason she was exiled from her tribe, and she will do anything for him, even adapting to a whole new culture. When Pocahontas met John Smith she instantly lost some of her Native ideas, she realized that there were different peoples other then hers, her eyes were opened to an entirely new world. She has no other choice other then living with the colonists, her father will not even accept Pocahontas as a daughter anymore. I think Pocahontas' destiny is to stay with the colonists, from the beginning she was intrigued with them, and preferred John Smith over her own father, which shows she cared very much for him and his way of life. Pocahontas' choices are either to stay with the colonists, go back to her own tribe, or go off and explore by herself. I think the safest by far is staying with the colonists, but there is no telling what Pocahontas' feeling were when she was exiled; perhaps she will see that John Smith caused all this death and destruction. If I were her, I would definitely stay with the colonists especially John Smith who she risked everything for.
I do believe Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself to this "new world", but it will be very difficult. The only things she really knows are her old Indian tribe. Although she was exiled from one Indian tribe, it doesn't mean that her only home can be Jamestown. She can easily be picked up by a different tribe. Her choices are to live an extremely difficult life in Jamestown or survive on her own until she finds a new tribe. If I were Pocahontas, I would feel sad and I would want to attempt to apologize to my father. If that wouldn't work I would go live with John Smith, her lover, in Jamestown.
Deven Patel
pd. 8
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. I think she will live among the colonists because she is the one that helped them during the winter, gathering food for them. The colonists were thankful and by accepting her in Jamestown, they could repay her back. This is the only choice because in the movie, Smith and Pocahontas has a deep connection but Smith is denying it every time. If I was in her shoes, I would or use skills to show that I could be part of Jamestown.
Rowand Barqawi
Pocahontas will eventually become adapted over a long period of time, but for right now she is a stranger. After Pocahontas is exiled, she basicaaly has two choices, either live with the Europeans or live and survive by herself in the woods. If I were in her shoes I would try to live with the Europeans.
Arianna Aquino
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself with the European lifestyle. I say this because Pocahontas already had/has some background on what the European culture is like from John Smith. If Pocahontas is exile from her people, that does not mean that her only resource is to live among the colonists as a European. Pocahontas did not have to live with the European colonists, it was her own decision. Her choices are to either find a way to live on her own in the world, or to continue to live a life full of struggles in Jamestown. If I was in her shoes, I would regret giving/showing everything to the Europeans. Since Pocahontas couldnt do anything about what she did, she destroyed the relationship she had with her father. Now, she is forced to live by herself just because of a small mistake.
I think it will take some time but she will eventually be able to somewhat adjust to English culture. It will be a lot for her to take in at first, but I think eventually once she's been around things like candles and books for a while she'll get used to it. It may however be difficult for her to adjust to their lack of food. Since she is exiled from her people, she pretty much has no choice but to live as a European and assimilate into their culture.She could try to run away but that would be hard with out running into her own people and with nothing to protect herself or gather food or survive basically. If I were her, I would try my best to live with the Europeans. It's the better and safer option than trying to survive alone.
Shanen Garate
Period 8
Pocahontas is exiled by her father, Chief Powhatan, and is alienated from her own people. Because she is not protected by her tribe, she gets taken as captive from a rival tribe. They then proceed to sell her in exchange for a copper kettle and she is sent to Jamestown. She now has to cope with a sheltered life and she is not able to freely move wherever she pleases anymore. I do believe that Pocahontas would be able to acculturate herself in Jamestown. I believe that she is a clever girl and she is also very curious. Because of her curiosity, she had a relationship with John Smith and was able to learn the English language very well. She would be able to acculturate herself because of those reasons. Yes, I do think that since she is exiled from her own people, she has to change her lifestyle and must stay among the Colonists. Pocahontas has two choices. They would be to try to survive on her own or to stay among the Colonists, where starvation and disease lay. I couldn't even imagine how I was living if I was in her shoes. I would be very terrified if I would be by myself, but I would also be terrified if I was confined in a space with men that were suspicious and unfamiliar.
Nick Conboy
Period 8 Honors
I believe that as she tries to orient herself, it will be very difficult for her to acculturate herself. The ways of the English and the Natives are so polar that it would be difficult seeing Pocahontas as any kind of English woman. Her options are slim to none. She can either live and die on her own or live with John and the colonists. If I were in here shoes I can't say for sure what I would do. If it meant being with John and surviving, I might live in a shelter built near Jamestown, but not in it. The disease would surely kill her quickly. I would live nearby and try to start a healthy relationship between myself and the colony.
Lauren Petz
Period 8
I think she has to try and acculturate herself. However I dont think she will ever accomplish that all the way. The ways of the English are very different from the ways of the natives. They live i actual houses and have candles and other items that she would have to get used to. She dosnent have very many choices so I think it would be best for her to live with the colonists. Thats what I would do if i were in her shoes its either that or she could live by herself in the woods, but she has a better chance of survival if she lives with the colonists.
I think she will acculturate herself. She has learned things from Smith and knows the English language. Howver, there will still be that part of her that is native. She isn't used to the ways of the English. She never had a bed or acutal clothes like the Europeans have. She's never seen an actual house or books or candles or any of the other things the Europeans have. Those are some things she has to get used to. She doesn't have any other choice but to live with the colonists since she was banished from her old home. If I were her I would stay with the colonists and not run away. Even though she knows the land better and has been living on it longer, she has a better chance at survival if she stays with the colonists.
Bobby Landy
Period 4
I think that Pocahontas tried to acculturate herself. She wanted to learn from Smith and she wanted to help them. I really think she wanted to be one of them when they first met. And the chief saw that happening so that's why he kicked Smith out and then when he found out that she helped them grow food he disowned her. And he also banished her, so that means she has to live with the colonists and I bet she would have loved it if Smith didn't leave but he did and she was saying to herself that she wanted things to go back to normal and she wants to be her old self again. She doesn't want to be a proper lady she wants to run, scream, and play. Besides she is safer with the colonists now.
Anna Navarrete
I do think Pocahontas will get used to the way of the English. She is an intelligent girl and she is the type that can learn new things quickly. If she was exiled from her people she would have to live life as a colonist because she wouldn’t be able to go back to where she came from. If I were in her shoes I would probably be confused and afraid. Everything is changing so quickly and there’s nothing to do except live with it and accept every struggle that comes her way.
Kyle Massi
Period 3
Although it will be difficult, I do believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. I believe this because she learned many things, one of those being the English language. if she is exiled from her people, I do believe that her only resource might be to live among the colonists. I believe this because she doesn't really have any other option. Pocahontas doesn't really have many choices. She can either live and die on her own, or live with John Smith and the colonists. I honestly don't know what I would do if I was in this situation, being told by your own Father that your not his child anymore has to hurt. But, if I had a choice, I would live with John Smith and the colonists and try and make the best out of it.
Casey Shultz pd.2
i do not think pocahontas will be to acculturate her self because it is a very big change and cruel one too, it is her only resource to live with the europenas because she has no where else to go.
Alyssa Ishay Period 2
I believe Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself mainly because that’s all she can do. Being exiled by her father, she needs to pick up on the ways of the colonists. Unless her father changes his mind and lets her come back to the natives. I think she is intelligent enough and will be able to adapt to the ways of the Europeans. However it may not happen right away. If I were in her shoes I would feel hopeless at first. Although I would try to make the best of the situation by starting a life as an English woman.
Vincent Phung
Period 8
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. Pocahontas has been around John Smith and knows about the English and their ways of living. She is able and understands that she can change her ways to become more English. I think that her only recourse is to live with the colonists as a European, because either she lives by herself or lives with the Europeans. Her choices are very limited among the colonists and she doesn’t have much say in her life, she had basically no free will she was told what to do and how to do it. If I were in her shoes I would feel very sad and mad. Her family disowned her and she was forced to live with people that her family hated and caused her to be disowned.
Sophie Krachuk
Period 3
Pocahontas is taken captive at Jamestown after Smith is revoked from being in charge. As she tries to orient herself to her new reality I do think she will be able to acculturate herself. She has a different mindset than other Natives and she is willing to learn and to try to fit in and act like a settler. Even though she was exiled from her people I don't think her only resource is to live among the colonists as a European. She could live by herself in the wilderness or she could even try to find a new tribe. I would feel scared and alone if I were in her shoes, but I would try to make the most of it since I was being held there.
Brian Finneran
Period 3
I do think she will be able to acculturate herself to the English lifestyle, but it will be a challenging task that takes time. She is extremely bright and will be able to accustom herself with the help of some of the settlers. However, she will never be able to forget her native roots that have been embedded in her since birth. I think her most reasonable option is to live with the colonists because there she will at least have food and shelter. She could also attempt to live on her own, but this would be a challenge even for Pocahontas. If I were in her shoes I'd be scared and nervous to be put into a new world. If you think about it she is dropping everything she has ever own and being kicked out of her home village by her own father. He even tells her she is no longer his daughter if this happened to me I would be deeply saddened and hurt. If I was in her shoes I would most likely go live with the Europeans because survival would be easier there than the wild.
Suhua Song
I believe Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself, but it’ll be tough and will take a long time for that to happen. I would be very depressed that I have no family with me except for foreign people and all of a sudden be forced to acculturate. Imagine you all of a sudden lived in a foreign country where nobody knew your language and culture. That would be difficult for me. I would definitely be depressed because I can’t “use” my culture and wouldn't be able to speak my language ever again. Whats even worse is that she is doing this alone.Being used to the fact that you will never be able to go back to your tribe will take along time to learn. If she is exiled form her peopled it does mean that her only resource is to live among the colonists as a European. I don’t think Pocahontas has many choices to make(most would be risky(death) or wouldn't work out). Her best choice is to live with the colonists. If I was in her shoes, I would be very scared and guilty. I can’t imagine myself being disowned by my dad for a mistake I’ve made.
Katie Roche
I believe Pocahontas will be able to acculturate but I believe it will be difficult for her she is use to not having much at all. In the Indian culture there was no possessions and jealousy. Yes she will be forced to live with the colonists because the Indians said that they will not protect her anymore or help her. The colonists are very accepting of her and very nice to her. She is treated as a normal colonists and not as an Indian.I would be incredibly said because she was forced to leave her friends and family they practically disowned her. But at the same time she should be happy that the colonists where so accepting and good to her. She is given warm clothes and a shelter so she should be grateful about that.
When Pocahontas is taken as a captive she loses her freedom and has to live among the colonists in an alien environment, where houses, books, candles and other implements are new to her. As she tries to orient herself to her new reality, do you think she will be able to acculturate herself? If she is exiled from her people does that mean her only recourse is to live among the colonists as a European? What are her choices and how would you feel if you were in her shoes?
I do believe Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. Living as a colonist may not be her only option, however. Pocahontas could live in the wild because she definitely has many skills that could assist her in this. In her home village, they were already very dependent on and close to nature. I would feel very scared because there are no “good” options for Pocahontas at this point.
Mia Castellano
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she already knows some of the english language, and she is smart so she will adapt easily. If she is exiled from her people, i think it would best if she lived among the colonist as a European because she would be safer then if she lived on her own. She would have a shelter and food and would be around others to keep her mind off of her dad and her people. If i were in her shoes i would be scared of what lied ahead of me and i would be nervous that i would have a difficult time surviving alone. I would be ashamed and upset because my father disowned me and decided to send me away, also saying i was no longer his daughter. If i were in her shoes i would definitely live with the colonists because i know i can be safer with them and even show them how to survive easier.
I think that if Pocahontas tries to orient herself to her new reality, she will be able to acculturate herself. She is exiled from her people which means that her only recourse is to live among the colonists as a European. Since she has been alienated form her people the only real choice is to adapt to the life of Europeans. If I was Pocahontas I would be wrecked, she is never allowed to see her family again and she doesn't know where john smith is, the person she risked everything for. Now she is with a bunch of Europeans that she knows nothing about, left to fend for herself.
Jess Gibson
Period 3
December 21
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to adapt to her new way of living. She is an extremely smart girl who is capable of completing this task. She has no other option but to stay with the colonists if she is exiled. She would either be by herself or with her natives but she wouldn't be able to if she's exiled. I believe that if I were in her shoes u would continue staying with the colonists, She already had learned so much from John Smith that she will be alright and able to adapt more.
Kyle Rink
Period 2
I think that eventually Pocahontas will be able to adapt to her new way of living. I believe that it can be done, but it will take time because she is not used to the lifestyle of the English. If she is exiled, her best option is to live with the English. The reason for this is because she already has a relationship with John Smith. Pocahontas can also speak the English language, which will help her in her transition. If she does not live with the English, her other option is that she can live alone. If I were in her shoes, I would choose to live with the English because Pocahontas can already speak the language and is in very close relations with John Smith.
Michelle Le
Period 8
She was eventually assimilate to English ways, as she loses all aspects of her life before the English came. She has no choice but to change course and live as the English do since her people no longer accept her. She could only acculturate herself to the English ways, attempt to join a new tribe, or run away and live alone. If I were in her shoes, I would feel lost and betrayed.
Riley Deitz
pd. 7
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she is a very smart woman. She already has some knowledge of European ways because she knew Jonn Smith. Living with the colonists is her only recource because she is taken as a captive and is forced to live there as a human shield to prevent further attacks. Her only option is to stay and live in the colony to survive. I think that it is best for her to live there because she can teach the English new things and help them survive. If i were in her shoes I would choose to live in the colony and learn new things.
Alyssa Eshelman
Pd. 8
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she is a very smart and creative person. She has a little knowledge of the Europeans from John Smith. Living with the colonists is her only resource because she is taken and forced to live there so she can prevent any attacks from the Indians. Her only choice is to live in the colony and survive with the rest of the colonists. I think this is best for her because she can teach the English men different things and they can teach her new things as well to survive. If I were in her shoes I would feel trapped and lonely but it would be the only way to survive.
Eventually, yes i do believe the she will adapt to English ways. Since the ways of the naturals and English are so different i think it will take her time to get used to that way of the living. Due to the exiling of her people yes Jamestown is her only option. Pocahontas acts as a living repellent toward other hostile Indians. this is not the only reason the English keep Pocahontas around. They have a lot of respects for her, she thought them the ways to survive in North America. if i were in her shoes i would feel helpless and trapped. I would feel like i had no home or place to go.
Claudia DePlato
Period 3
I do believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. She is extremely familiar with the land around her and she is a intelligent young women who I think will adjust well and get through life well even after being exiled by her tribe. I think she has to live with the colonists because the only other option is to live completely on her own which would be extremely difficult. If I was in Pocahontas shoes I wouldn't want to live by myself and risk losing my family.
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she already knows some of the english language, and she is smart so she will adapt easily. If she is exiled from her people, i think it would best if she lived among the colonist as a European because she would be safer then if she lived on her own. She would have a shelter and food and would be around others to keep her mind off of her dad and her people. If i were in her shoes i would be scared of what lied ahead of me and i would be nervous that i would have a difficult time surviving alone. I would be ashamed and upset because my father disowned me and decided to send me away, also saying i was no longer his daughter. If i were in her shoes i would definitely live with the colonists because i know i can be safer with them and even show them how to survive easier.
I think over time Pocahontas will eventually be able to acculturate herself, but not initially. I don't think that her only option is to live among the colonists as a European if she is exiled from her people because she is a very smart intelligent girl and if she really thought it was against who she was she could have escaped, but i think John was the reason she stayed there. I think one of her choices was to escape because shes familiar with the land around her. If i were in her shoes i would stay because i felt like there was no harm being done, they weren't abusing her or anything.
I think Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she already knows some of the english language, and she is smart so she will adapt easily. If she is exiled from her people, i think it would best if she lived among the colonist as a European because she would be safer then if she lived on her own. if i were in her shoes i would feel helpless and trapped. I would feel like i had no home or place to go.
Matt Murgo
Period 3
I think Pocahontas will be able to adapt to the life of the new settlers because she came so close to John Smith that she understand who they are and she really has no other place to go. Pocahontas father was so mad at her that he basically did kick her out of the tribe and her only choice really was to go live with the settlers. Pocahontas's choices are few limited but I think her best choice would be to live with the settlers. If I was in her shoes I would live with the settlers because it is the only way to survive because she would not be able to survive all alone. Even though she knows the area it would be very hard to survive.
I think Pocahontas will be able to eventually acculturate herself. She already knows parts of the English language. If she is exiled from her people then, I think she would live with a colonist. She would at least be safer then if she were to be on her own. If i were in her shoes I would be scared because i have no clue what would be a head of me. Also i would live with the settlers so i have a better chance of surviving.
stacy totolou
when Pocahontas is taken as a captive she loses her freedom and has to live among the colonists. as she tries to orient herself i think she will someway acculturate herself and fit in. if she is exiled from her people then yes i think she would live with the Europeans, but i don't think that would be her only source because john smith never lent her over to the Europeans so she could escape and leave. if i were in her shoes i would do what i am told because i wouldn't know hoe to face what bad is to come and make the Europeans happy so i wouldn't be disciplined or looked down at.
Janel Weeks
Period 3
When Pocahontas is taken into captive she does lose her freedom when she is living among the colonists. I think that she tries to fit in with the colonists by reading books and learning the different environment. However, I don't think that it is her only option to be exiled from her people. If she really wanted to she definitely could have escaped the colonists territory. If I were to be shoes I would have observed Europeans lived and tried to learn as much them as possible to then escape from them and use that knowledge for her and her own people.
As she tries to orient herself to her new reality, she could acculturate herself by doing what the colonists did. She could learn about what they were doing, read, and plant and cultivate crops. Yes, Pocahontas's father became very angry with her and she had to live with the Europeans. Her choices were that she gave the Europeans crops seeds so they could live. But, this made her father angry because now that they had food, they could stay in Jamestown. I wouldn't have given the colonists seeds for food because I would rather pick my family and people over colonists.
Jillian Wechter
I think when put in that situation Pocahontas would have no choice but to gain a culture more like the colonists. The more you are around a certain way of life the more you become like that. I feel like living like a European was her best potion. She could've lived in other tribes but the wouldn't have valued her as much so they wouldn't have kept her as safe. For example the people the colonists bought her from gave her up for something silly. THe only choices she had was to stay as safe as possible with the colonists or try to escape and beg to find some kind of tribe. If I were in her shoes I would like to think I would stay where I was at because it seems like the smartest move.
Katie Taylor
Period 2
I think Pocahontas will be able to adapt to the English culture eventually. Because she was exiled from her tribe there is no way she can stay in the forest. It would be much too hard to live in the woods on her own. Her only real option is to live with the Europeans, even though she may not want to.
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate to the new lifestyle. Her only option,
really, is to become an Englishwoman. However, I believe that she is strong enough to be able to get
through the hardships and the
foreignness of the English lifestyle, and will be able to become a part of their culture.
If I were in her shoes,
I would probably have had a mental breakdown. To be told by your own father that you are
no longer his daughter, and to be sent away, it would just be too stressful to handle.
Ashley Smith
Period 2
Blog Post #4
When Pocahontas is taken as a captive she loses her freedom and has to live among the colonists in an alien environment, where houses, books, candles and other implements are new to her. As she tries to orient herself to her new reality, she will be able to acculturate herself. I think she will because Pocahontas seems very adventurous about learning. For example, she was very fascinated when she was with John Smith. John Smith taught Pocahontas new words about nature, such as “tree”, “wave”, etc. Pocahontas will fit right in. If she is exiled from her people she will have to live among the Europeans as a colonists. I think this would work out well for her because of her connections with John Smith.
Cassidy Locke
Period 3
I think it will take her sometime but she will eventually adapt to the English culture. Everything is so different and advanced compared to how she lived before. Yes, her people will never let her back in so her only chance at a somewhat normal life is to live with the Europeans and become one and adapt to their culture. Her choices are to either live by herself and live off of the land or to join the colonists and become one of them and try to blend in with them since her people have exiled her from them. If I were in her shoes i would be very scared and confused because i am now on my own when all my life i have depended on my people to help me survive and now they have kicked me out. Plus My only other option is to join the colonists, the enemy and adapt to their very different lifestyle.
AnnaMarie Couce
Period 3
I think that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself because she is a very wise, strong woman that learns quickly. I do not think that her only choice was to join the colonists since she was exiled from her people. Her choices could be that she could try to reconcile with her people, live on her on, find a new tribe, or to wait awhile until someone finds her and accepts her. If I where her I would feel abandoned. I would probably go out on my own until I met someone that would take me in.
I think she will eventually be able to acculturate herself. It may take a while, but I think she's determined and will be able to do it. She seemed to learn the basics of the English language pretty quickly, so I don't see why not she wouldn't be able to learn and adapt to the culture of the English. Yes, that does mean that her only recourse is to live among the colonists as a European. She only has them left that she can depend on. Her choices are to be willing to forget her life as native and acculturate herself with the Europeans. I would feel upset to have to forget the life I had to so suddenly leave behind, and to no longer be wanted by my father or the people i spent my entire life with so far, just because I chose to follow my heart and be happy. I'd also feel very overwhelmed to be thrown into this entirely unfamiliar lifestyle
Justin Simmons
Period 2
I think that Pocahontas will eventually be able to acculturate herself into the English culture. I believe because she is exiled from her people her only choice is to live among the colonists because her people no longer want her, and there is little chance of survival if she is by herself out in the wilderness. If she can be accepted with the colonists she can still live a happy life. If I were in her shoes, I don't think there is really a sure option other than living among the Europeans it is the only sure way of surviving.
I believe that she will be able to acculturate herself because she is helping the people who she wants to help, so she will try her hardest to do so. If she is exiled from her people, this means that she can positively live with the colonists as a european, but this is not her only choice. She could go to another neighboring tribe that is friendly and see if there is a way she could become "a part of their tribe". If i were her i would live among the europeans because i think that i would have a better chance of surviving, and other tribes could possibly kill me if they didnt like the tribe I came from.
I do believe that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself to the English culture. she is a very bright and smart girl that is capable of figuring out how to survive. she did have a easy life with the native americans being treated like a princess but she is very smart and happy. She also has another choice to live on her own and figure her life out. or she can run off somewhere which john smith
I don't think that Pocahontas will be able to acculturate herself. I think she is a true native at heart, because that was the way she was raised. She could either live among the colonists, or join another tribe. But, living among the colonists would be most beneficial because they take her in and provide her shelter, food, and anything she could ask for. If I were in her shoes, I feel as though I would stay with the Europeans also. This is because they provide her with everything she needs in order to survive. It is also the closest thing that she has to John Smith.
Kyle Lucca
Period 3
I think she will be able to acculturate herself to Jamestown. She is very young and open minded. Yes living with the colonists is her only option because she was exiled from the only tribe in the area. She would have to travel really far to have any other options. She can either travel really far and hope to find another Indian tribe or stay with the colonists. Another option would be to make peace with her father but I don't think this is a very realistic possibility considering she was exiled. If I were in her shoes, I would just live with the colonists because they can provide her with care and food instead of being on her own.
Michael Chelston
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to change and adapt to the English culture over time. I think this because she was exiled from her tribe and there is no way she can stay in the forest on her own. It would be much too difficult to live in the woods on her own. The only actual option is to go and live with the Europeans, even though she may not want to.
Alex Golembo
Period. 8
I do think that she will be able to acculturate herself. Pocahontas has already talked to John Smith and has learned somewhat about colonist life, and is also a very smart person who is open to new things and ideas. It is possible that she would be able to join a different tribe, however for her, it would be best to be with the colonists. For the reason that they are open to her being with them, and they are not hostile at all, while other tribes might be.
Angelica Carroll
period 2
When Pocahontas moves into the colony because her father now disowns her, she has to learn to act and behave as an English woman. I believe she will get use to the new life style over time, if she is willing to try. Pocahontas doesn’t necessarily need to live with the colonists because she knows the land and could survive on her own. She did choose the right choice in living with them because she will have people to love and support her. She also has a choice to fix the relationship with her dad and other family members. Personally I would choice to repair my relationship with my dad, because in the end all you have is family.
Ashlyn Burns-Lynch
Period 2
As Pocahontas tries to orient herself to her new reality, she begins to acculturate herself. I believe that she will be able to do this. Acculturating will be very difficult though, and will take time. She already knows some of the English language and is very smart. Since she has been exiled from her people her only resource is to live among the colonists as a European. The other Europeans must keep her safe, and they respect her for saving them. She could try running away, but that would most likely end with her death. Trying to adapt to the ways of the English is her best option. If I were in her shoes I would feel scared and helpless. I would have done as she did, and try to acculturate myself.
Dom Veneziano
period 7
I do believe that Pocahantas will get used to the different culture of the English. The only way for her to life healthy is to stay with the settlers or deal with rival tribes of her native tribe. I also believe that staying with her tribe she would have faced much ridicule because she was very close to Smith.If she did't leave with the English, then she would stay captive with other Indians. If I were her, I would try to go back to my father abd convince him that i am still his daughter. If that didn't work then I would go back to the colony and settle with them .
I don't think she will be able to acculturate herself to the English ways due to the fact that she has grown up all of her life in the native culture and life. If she is exiled by her people I do think that this would be her only chance of survival of living with the Europeans and becoming acculturated to their ways. Pocahontas's choices are stay with the native or go to the English. If i was in her shoes I would stay with my people and live withe the Natives
Pocahontas is a very intelligent young woman and I believe that she will be able to orient herself to her new reality because of her open mindedness and ability to adapt. Being exiled from her own tribe she could try to become part of another tribe but her best option is to stay in Captivity under the columnists as a European. If I were in her shoes I would be very scared because of the amount of new things around me, it would be threatening because I don't know what most of the things are and on the other hand it might also be interesting because I like to learn new things and I am very well adaptable.
Kelly Clee
I believe Pocahontas will be able to adapt to English culture despite how different it is from her own but I don't believe she will lose everything that makes her a natural like her curiosity. I believe even if she was exiled her people still have a soft spot for her. I think perhaps if she were to prove her loyalty she could be accepted back into her tribe but that would mean bringing harm to the settlers which is something she is not capable of.
I think that after trying to help both her people and the settlers she has or will become alienated by both. She has a very hard decision ahead of her. I wouldn't wish this heartache upon anyone but if I were in her situation I would probably try to return to the chief and her tribe rather than stay with the unfamiliar Englishmen.
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