Blog Post #2 (Segment 1 of the film)
The arrival of ships bearing colonists from England to the shores of Virginia caused conster
nation on the part of the native Americans who witnessed the event and the colonists themselves, unsure of what they would find and the reception they would receive. John Smith, the man who will play a pivotal role in the establishment of the Jamestown colony arrived in chains with a death sentence to be carried out. He will, along with Pocahontas, provide a crucial link between the civilizations of the Old and New Worlds.

It is obvious that the Indians have no concept of private property and are mystified by the European desire to cut down trees, build walls and watchtowers, and fortify their settlement. This contrasts with the open, peaceful nature of the Indians, who share what they have and have no sense of ownership. The serious, fearful Europeans are a stark contrast to the happy, curious and contented Indians.
Since there is a language barrier and communication is difficult, cultural conflicts and misunderstandings emerge as the two peoples try to find a way to coexist. These misunderstandings will explode into open conflict. As the shortage of food intensifies, the survival of Jamestown was in doubt.

What happens to make the “naturals” hostile to the settlers? What events transpire to cause the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out? How does this illustrate the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict?
Since there is a language barrier and communication is difficult, cultural conflicts and misunderstandings emerge as the two peoples try to find a way to coexist. These misunderstandings will explode into open conflict. As the shortage of food intensifies, the survival of Jamestown was in doubt.

What happens to make the “naturals” hostile to the settlers? What events transpire to cause the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out? How does this illustrate the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict?

Jordan Brennan
Period 2
Almost immediately after the settlers came to the new land, they began cutting up trees and disturbing the peace. They had shot a couple of the "naturals" and showed little signs of respect. This led to fights and outbreaks of violence between the two cultures. The settlers brought with them new styles of clothing, sicknesses, and new weapons. The natives showed the settlers how they dress, protect themselves, and their lifestyle. I think this is a very common thing that happens when two cultures meet. Ideas, fashions, and cultures, etc are spread. Cultural exchanges like this are definitely still happening today. Many cultures continue to swap ideas and some of trying to replicate the ways of the west. I believe that Pocahontas will act as a peacekeeper for both the settlers and the "naturals". However, this may put a strain on her relationship with them both.
Dominic Leonetti
Pd. 8
The "naturals" became hostile because the settlers came in and started chopping down all of the trees. The Indians want to throw the settlers out because they killed several of their men. The settlers showed little mind toward them, as if they didn't care because they thought they were better. This shows the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because they can't understand each other. The Indians have no way of understanding that the settlers think they are going to take all of the land. Also, the settlers have no way of knowing how the Indians feel about what they are doing to their homeland. In this segment of the film I saw the exchange of European gadgets with the "naturals" as well as the corn given to John Smith. I think the exchange of cultures happens a lot when two diverse cultures meet for the first time. Each culture has its own unique items that the other will most likely not have access to like the gun powder or the corn. I think cultural exchanges are happening between the different generations of people. People that lived through the 60's, 70's, and 80's when they were growing up had a completely different experience at life then what kids are having now. We are learning from our parents, but they are learning from us as well. I think Pocahontas will achieve some peace between the "naturals" and the Europeans because it is difficult to have two complete opposites agree with each other. I think she will pay the price of having to deal with every little thing that has to go back and forth between the two groups. Each side would hold Pocahontas accountable for anything that goes wrong between them.
The naturals were hostile to the settlers because they were curious about what the settlers had brought with them such as smells, their clothes, and their faces. When the settlers start to build their fort and try to take over new land, the Indians want to throw the colonists out. This illustrates the difficulty of communication between the two sides, because the colonists aren't trying to fight the Indians, but since they can't communicate, the Indians try to kick the colonists out. We see the exhchange of some goods like barley and wheat. Also, the Indians exchange their cultures to John Smith. The colonists introduced basically their whole bodies to the Native Americans. They showed them their weapons and their armor. I believe it is very typical for two sides to spread their cultures, because they want to show the other side how they live life. I believe this happens today when a new family moves to a new place and they tell stories of their old home and share the items they used at their old home. Pocahontas will soon achieve the title of the "hero". She has already proved to be this by saving Captain John Smith. She will pay a price by her father. He will be upset by his daughter to help out the colonists.
Rosie Rojs period 2
John Smith trades goods with them that they desired which caused them to gain a small amount of trust for the English. They wanted to throw out the Europeans because they kept expanding on the land and wanting more resources. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because the Indians did not want them on there land, therefore, they were not welcoming and did not contribute with spreading of the culture of the Europeans. The Columbian Exchange is shown when John Smith trades goods with them and the Indians introduce corn to him. Their cultures are being exchanged, which will continue the spreading of culture throughout their different lifestyles. I think this is very typical when two cultures come into close contact because these are things that are foreign to them so they might not be open to new things. Also they might be very possessive and protective of their land or goods. I think that these exchanges are still being made today when two people from different cultures come together.
Maddie Shelburne
Period 2
The "naturals" became hostile towards the colonists quickly after their arrival because the colonists started chopping trees for their walls and watch towers, using up the land's resources, and sometimes, shooting the unsuspecting natives. The fact that a group of men just showed up one day, took over their land, and then started destroying it and killing their people, infuriated the natives. Once the natives became violent and hostile, the colonists threw it right back at them. They shot the natives with their advanced weapons and took over more and more land. This series of events displays the difficulty of having a barrier of language destroyed any attempt at communication between the two very different groups. When John Smith finally gains respect of the natives, they trade culture, traditions, and show each other their weapons. The natives inspect the colonists' armor and John Smith finds out what foods they eat and how they prepare them. I think this was a very typical exchange because when two very different groups meet, they are likely to find out how the other lives and thrives. Cultural exchanges don't happen the same way as they did in 1607. Now, people don't get together and trade ideas. They just adopt different cultures and traditions; probably without even realizing they did. Pocahontas was the meeting point of two completely different worlds. She will always carry that reputation and that's a good thing and a bad thing. It's positive because she got the chance to bring peace among groups who probably wouldn't have found peace any other way. It's negative because she is the mediator between the two groups and if anything goes wrong, she will be the first to blame.
Sophie Krachuk
Period 3
The settlers are taking more land and not leaving that makes the "naturals" hostile. The events that transpire to cause the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out are that they are taking much more land than was intended. This perfectly illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict by proving that without communication and understanding things can get out of hand and lead to violence, which in this case it did. The examples of the Colombian Exchange that I saw in this segment part of the film were from Europe, the old word to America, the new world. The captain went back to Europe to get supplies, and food to bring back to the Americas. The English introduced the compass, along with gold and technology to the "naturals". The "naturals" introduced new food such as corn to the Europeans. I think this very typical when two cultures come into close contact with one each other. They both want to get to know the other and see what they can do, what they can offer. I do think that cultural exchanges like this are happening today, all over the world actually. Based on what I have seen I think that Pocahontas will accomplish bringing the Europeans and Natives together to help each other out. For a short time I think the violence will cease and they will all help each other out. The price that she will pay for bearing the unique and historic burden is the out lash sometimes of the Natives and sometimes watching her father make bad decisions that she hoped wouldn't come.
Sapna Patel
Period 4
The naturals were hostile because they wanted to know what they had brought with them, why they came, and what they knew, They wanted to throw out the Europeans because they were expanding their fort a little by little so they could find more resources. It was difficult for them to communicate because they didn't understand each other. The colonist didn't want to fight the Indians, but the Indians didn't know that because they could understand each other.The Columbian Exchange was shown when the colonist traded their goods to the Indians and when the Indians introduced corns to the Colonists. Yes, the cultures were spreading because they were spreading through trade which caused it to extend. Yes, our world is doing the same because people combine ideas to invent new things for us.
Rylie Mcbreen period 3
The naturals turn hostile toward the settler because they disturbed the peace on the naturals land. They cut trees down around on land that was not theirs, and take over the land by starting to build the fort. This made the Indians want to remove the Europeans before they would take over their land. The Europeans were disrespectful to the owners of the land, causing violence. This shows difficulty of cross-cultural communication because they could not peacefully resolve their disputes. Communication between the two cultures was not strong. The Indians did not understand the Europeans goals of settling on their land and taking their homeland over.
There are many examples of the Colombian Exchange in this segment of the film. Most commonly traded was food. Some food that was traded includes barley, corn and wheat. The English introduced many things to the Indians. They introduced advanced weaponry and diseases. These diseases included smallpox. The “Naturals” introduced their lifestyles to the English, which was how they dressed and how they lived. It is typical for two cultures to come into close contact when one settles with the other. Cultural exchanges are still happening today, and help people decide what they truly believe in.
Pocahontas is the point of cultural contact, the nexus between the two worlds, Old and New. I think she will bring peace among the land, being the hero of the colony. This may make the Indians believe she is against them, and is siding with the Europeans.
Grace Nardi
Period 3
The settlers make the Natives hostile, by capturing a couple of their people, and keeping them. The Natives wanted to kick the settlers of the land, because they were expanding and getting rid of some useful resources that the Natives used also. It was hard for the two groups to communicate fully, because one group had the language that continued for ages, while the other group seemed to have just sounds that wouldn't carry on for long. They couldn't communicate well, even with hand motions. The Columbian Exchanged showed itself in this part of the film, by the settlers showing the Natives gold and technology, and introducing new food, for example, corn. Culture is still being exchanged today to help the civilizations to continue to grow. Also, the spreading of ideas can change a view and make the world better for everyone to live in. Pocahontas is the connection between the two groups and saves John Smith from her tribe. I believe that she will achieve a connection between the two groups, and they will be beneficial to each other. Although I believe that there are benefits to what Pocahontas did, I believe that some of her tribe members will look down upon her for helping the settlers, and shun her away.
One of the English settlers killed an Indian and the “naturals” became hostile. The Europeans start to cut down trees and disturb the peace of the wildlife, angering the Indians. This is a good example of the difficulty of cross-cultural communication; neither group can communicate well with the other, making it hard to create an understanding and overall sense of respect between the two. The Columbian Exchange is demonstrated when the Indians introduce corn to John Smith. Similarly, the English introduced the compass to the Indians, which is a very important navigational device to the European sailors. The exchange of goods is rather typical of two cultures when they come into close contact. Cultural exchanges like this are still happening today. Pocahontas will achieve a mutual understanding between the two groups and establish healthy and thriving communication. However, she will pay the price of being held accountable for strife and conflict between the Indians and English, and she also has to work out many differences between the two cultures, one from the Old world, and one from the New.
Jess Gibson
Period 3
December 16
The naturals turn hostile towards the settlers because the settlers are invading their property, cutting down their trees and making forts. The events that transpire the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out is taking more and more of their land away from them. This shows that cross-cultural communication is tough. This is tough because since they both can not understand each other, they are unable to communicate on what is going on.Each group can not understand each other and could both take things the wrong way and a quarrel could occur. The examples of the Colombian Exchange that i saw in this segment were that they went back to the old world, and came to the new world. They both traded things and showed one another items that they both had. Europeans had a compass, gun powder, weapons and gold. The "naturals" were really interested in these things. The naturals showed the Europeans crops, like corn. I think that it is really typical when the two cultures come close in contact. It shows how the two are both every interested in learning and understanding the way one another lives. Yes, I believe that cultural exchanged are happening like this today in areas that don't have the amount of technology that we do. Also they can be in areas that haven't learned the other aspects of other cultures. After what I have seen, I think that Pocahontas will be able to learn about the European culture and learn how they spoke, and will be able to spread the culture with her kind. She will bring the two cultures together into one.
Eric Reckard
Period 7
The settlers made the naturals hostile by wearing their armor, their big swords, and having big powered guns also taking the land of the naturals. That was way more advanced then the naturals weapons (spears, bow and arrows). The events that made the Indians want to throw the Europeans out was the Europeans shooting the Indians. The Europeans making some the Indians their slaves working on the tobacco plantation and seeing them with big metal armor with high powered guns and cannons. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-country communication and cultural conflict. Cause with the difficulty of communication they didn't understand each other causing suspicion and hostile situations. Also the cultural conflicts with the settlers making the Indians slaves and the Indians kidnapping the settlers stealing their weapons and goods.
The examples of the Colombian Exchange that I saw in the film was when the Indians captured Captian John Smith showing him the rituals and prays of what they did. The English introduce the Native Americans high powered weapons, armor, and swords. The naturals introduced spices and rituals ( prayers). I think that it is very typical when two cultures come in close contact. Yes its happening everywhere. Pocohontas will achieve not dying in the war between the English and the Native Americans. The price is catching a disease and dying from that.
Katie Roche
Period 4
The natives where hostile because they didn't know who the English men were so they thought that they were there to hurt them. The English kept adding more land so the natives felt as though the English were trying to take over.The language was a major issue between the two because the English didn't know what the natives where trying to say so it was confusing for the two groups. We say pigs and other animals in the film which is showing the Colombian Exchange because that was a major exchange.The English introduced the compass and all the jewels and stuff. The natives showed the English how to life on the land like fishing a stuff.Yes I do believe that exchanges like this are still happening today all the time.The cultures where spreading through the world because as we traded.
Casey Shultz pd.2
The naturals came off hostile to the settlers because they were very different, the europeans build a barrier and etc. this shows the difficulty of cross communication because they couldnt understad eachother. The naturals introuduced peace and gave them food to survive. No i do not cultural excahnges are happening like this today.
Kyle Massi
Period 3
The settlers make the "naturals" hostile. They do this by capturing some of their people, and keeping them. They cut trees down on land that wasn't theirs, and tried to take over the land by building a fort. All of these events transpired to cause the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because the colonists aren't trying to fight the Indians, but since they can't communicate, the Indians try to kick the colonists out. Some examples of the Columbian Exchange that I saw in this segment of the film were the exchange of a few goods like barley and wheat. Also, the Indians exchange their cultures and rituals to John Smith. The English introduced a lot of things to the Native Americans. Some of these things that they introduced to the Native Americans were diseases and weaponry. The "naturals" introduced the way they lived to the English. In my opinion, I feel that when two cultures come into close contact is very typical. I feel this way because each one another wants to show how they live. I strongly believe that cultural exchanges like this are happening all over the world today! Based on what I have seen, I think Pocahontas will achieve a lot. But the most important thing that I think she will achieve is peace between the "naturals" and the Europeans. But, I also feel that she will have to pay the price of dealing with all the constant fighting that will be going on. All in all, I think it will be worth it in the long run.
Brian Lau
Period 8
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers because they didn't know who they were, what their intentions were, and how many were going to come. Some "naturals" wanted to kill the settlers while there was still few, not even knowing why the settlers came. Events that transpire to cause the Indians to want to throw out the Europeans are them cutting down trees, and disturbing the peace and life style of the natives.This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and natives did not speak the same language plus believed different things about life and the world. The tragic consequences of cultural conflict could be war, and many deaths. Examples of the Colombian Exchange were trading of various items plus each group seeing new things, such as guns(technology), dogs, horses, and plants like corn. The English introduced horses and dogs, while the Natives introduced different vegetables like corn. I think this is very typical because the two cultures will both do their own thing and it would rub off on one another. I think cultural exchanges happen everyday, maybe not to this large extent but like foreign exchange students could be a good example of cultural changes. Pocahontas will achieve the possibility of Europeans expanding to the Americas. The price she will pay for this burden is many deaths of her people.
John Castagna
Period 3
The natives became more and more hostile to the settlers over time. They kept a watchful eye over the settlers, and both sides thought the other side was a large potential threat. The Natives became hostile very quickly. Some short-tempered colonists would kill Natives if they did something wrong, such as taking tools from the colonists to examine them. They also saw the erection of the Jamestown Fort as a threat, as it meant the colonists were becoming fortified and ready for attack. They also thought it meant that the colonists did not have any plans on leaving. The English introduced items such as compasses and gunpowder to the Natives while the Natives introduced new crops to the English. Cultural exchanges do still happen today, but in an indirect way. Richer nations, such as China and the United States, have a strong impact on smaller nations. These smaller nations desire things such as our democracy and economic strength.
Deven Patel
Pd. 8
One of the naturals walked into their land and one of the settlers shot. This caused some hostility between the two groups. Some events that angered the native Americans is how they cut down many trees, which disturbed their peaceful environment. They also captured some natives to lead them to Powhatan. This shows the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because both group cannot communicate with each other and they have different beliefs. The only person who actually tried to communicate and learn was Pocahontas. Some examples of the Colombian Exchange was when some of the English settlers had fever. The Captain then said he was going back to get supplies.The English introduced the compass and gunpowder, when John Smith came to Powhatan.The Native Americans introduced corn as John Smith examined a stalk.This very typical when two cultures come into close contact. You exchange different items to learn about each other and to get to know one another since neither of them could speak the same language. There are still cultural exchanges happening today because these exchanges could help each others civilization.
The naturals had turned hostile toward the settlers because they disturbed the peace on the naturals land. They barged into the Naturals land and cut down hundreds of trees to begin building their fort.
This made the Indians want to remove the Europeans before they would take over their land. Obviously, this made the Naturals very angry, and so they wanted to get rid of the Europeans.
The Europeans continued to be disrespectful to the Natives’ land and the Natives themselves, which led to violence.
There was difficulty of cross-cultural communication because of the fact that they were hostile towards each other, and they also had a communication barrier.
There are many examples of the Colombian Exchange in this part of the film, food being the most commonly traded.
The food seemed to be wheat, barley, and corn. The English, in the film, introduced the Naturals to technology and gunpowder, while the Naturals showed the English their lifestyle
(how they dressed and lived daily). Cultural exchanges are still happening today, but unfortunately Westerners are used to pressing their own culture onto others and taking what
they want in return, which is not really a good form of Cultural exchange. However, cultural exchange will probably forever continue to happen as long as our generation, the next
generation, and so on and so forth continue to meet new people and visit new places.
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to maintain peace for a long time between the settlers
and Naturals. However, she may be considered a traitor by the Naturals in the end, or maybe a spy of some sort by the Europeans.
Maddie yerkes
Pd. 3
The natves become hostile when they realize that the settlers are there to take their land and bring in more people to take it over completely. This makes them fight back and then retaliate by trying to push them off the land completely back to Europe. It is already difficult to communicate with the natives because of the difference in language and their communication is different from what the Europeans learned. Then to make it even worse there is conflict so now they don't know what the other group is saying and have no interest in speaking at all rather kill them and drive them away. The Europeans introduced their instruments such as compasses and gunpowder. The Indians showed them how to survive naturally in the new world. I think this is quite typical because you have to adapt to the others cultures to avoid conflict and some groups had a hard time doing that through disagreement or just plain dislike in general. I think that through cultural differences we still are adapting to them all whether it is through a language class in school or going out to eat at a foreign restraint of another cultures food. So yes, I do believe that we share our cultures today.
Kelsey Gryckiewicz
pd 8
The naturals became very hostile to the settlers by taking more land. The Europeans began cutting down trees and disturb the Indian’s wildlife and peace. This shows that cross-cultural communication is very difficult. It is very difficult because the two groups do not understand each other so they have very little communication if any at all. Many times when they tried to communicate the other group took it the wrong way. The Columbian exchange is shown when the Indians trade things with the colonist. The Indians introduced things like corn and the settlers also spread diseases like a fever. By exchanging items between groups they begin to interact more and learn from each other. There are still culture exchanges happening today because by exchanging we could help other civilizations.
The "naturals" were hostile and curious at first, but just because because they wanted to know what the they had brought with them, why they had come there, what they knew,and what they could learn from them. They wanted to the Europeans to be gone because they were expanding their fort a little at a time so that they could find more resources to live there. It was hard for the two groups to communicate because neither of them spoke the same language and they didn't really understand each other. The colonist didn't want to fight the Indians they were just trying to be nice, but the Indians did not know that since they could not communicate or understand what they were saying or trying to say to them.
The Columbian Exchange was shown when the colonists traded some of their good to the Indians and in return the Indians introduced them to a lot of new things. Yes, the cultures were spreading because of all of the trade they were doing. it caused the cultures to grow. Our world is still doing this today by combining ideas to make better ideas to help us everyday.
Kiley Gelston
Period 8
Honors World History
The "naturals" become hostile with the settlers when one man shoots at one of the Indians and the settlers began to cut down trees and disturb the quietness of their usual nature. The Indians want to throw the Europeans out because they are disturbing peace, destroying lands, and becoming hostile and irritated with the natives. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because if the two peoples cannot communicate and explain themselves, they will become enemies for fear of not knowing what is next. This results in tragic consequences of cultural conflict because you never know what the other peoples are going to do next, for better or worse. Some examples of the Columbian Exchange is the trading of gold for copper. The English introduced the copper and the natives introduced corn. This is not very typical for the time period, most people kept their distance from others unless necessary. Yes, cultural exchanges like this are happening today. Pocahontas will save the Englishmen and the "naturals" and she will pay a tough price when her father finds out that she has been helping the Englishmen and warning them of future attacks.
Period 2
The cause of the natives becoming hostile is that new people came over who were unfamiliar to them. The unfamiliarity that was brought along also caused them to become aggressive. The events that caused the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out is when they started to expand their colony and kill their people. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communications because they don’t understand each other. This leads to dangerous outcomes. Some examples of the Colombian Exchanges is the weapons and animals that was brought over by the English. The English introduced the firearms, swords, and animals. The natives introduced tobacco and how to use the land as an advantage. Their interactions are typical because they are both curious in what each other has to offer. As for today, cultural exchanges are happening daily. Each culture around the world had something to contribute or offer one another.
Pocahontas will achieve the connection between the two groups of people and serve as a bridge. However, she risks becoming too close with the English and having them turn on her people. She also will have to pay the price of protecting the natives and colonists from each other.
Vincent Phung
Period 8
The settlers do a lot to make the “naturals” hostile. The settlers cut down trees, took their lands and built a fort and they also shot one of the naturals. The settlers keep on taking more and more resources from the natives and in one incident, a settler got scared and fired at a native which angered the naturals. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because the Indians and settlers could not communicate very well. The Indians did not welcome the settlers and the settlers wanted peace and to create a colony and their very different cultures and life styles led to many disputes. The natives and the settlers couldn’t communicate with themselves which leads to many fights and wars. In the film, there were many examples of the Colombian Exchange. John Smith and the settlers trade with the Powhattan for goods. The natives give the settlers food such as corn, which didn’t exist in the old world while the settlers gave and showed the Indians such as gunpowder that the natives have never seen before. This is very typical when two cultures come into close contact. Both sides will share and show their cultures and lifestyles and will observe and improve their culture by taking the ideas and concepts of the cultures from the other side. I believe that these cultural exchanges are still happening today, such as when someone from Africa comes to America and sees how we live; they will adapt and take some of our culture while we take some of theirs. I think that Pocahontas will achieve peace and the title of a savior, but she may be labeled a traitor by her family and eventually be killed.
Rowand Barqawi
The natives where hostile because they didn't know who the English men were so they thought that they were there to hurt them. The English kept adding more land so the natives felt as though the English were trying to take over and stay on the land.The language was a major issue between the two because the English didn't know what the natives where trying to say so it was confusing for the two groups. We say pigs and other animals in the film which is showing the Colombian Exchange because that was a major exchange.The English introduced the all the jewels and the compass. The natives showed the English how to live on the land like fishing and hunting. Yes I do believe that exchanges like this are still happening today all the time.The cultures where spreading through the world because as we traded.
The settlers make the "naturals" hostile when they interrupted there natural environment. Mind you, these people have lived by themselves for years, decades, or even centuries. Now, these new Englishman are coming and taking it all away from them. The cultural ways between the two peoples exploded, one side wanted to expand, and one side wanted to conserve, obviously this led to hostile conditions between the two peoples. I think that this has happened many, many times throughout history. The English introduced the "Old World" technology such as guns, compasses, ships, etc. to the 'naturals' while the naturals themselves introduced all the new animals, crops, cultures, etc. of the "New World". I think that cultural exchanges like this are happening today and are quite abundant in our "world-wide" economy. Pocahontas will be the savior of the Old World colonists and will eventually cause the destruction of the New World cultures. Pocahontas loved both cultures, a rare and unique idea at this time, but sadly, she can change the ideas of her own culture, but does not change the ideas of the new culture. Europeans would do anything to expand, and even going to the extent of invading a kind and compassionate culture only for their own profits. I hope if we ever do find aliens, this will not repeat itself, and that we have learned that this is wrong. Pocahontas was a wonderful person, but sadly, she was not keen enough to see through the Europeans and see that they were going to take their land away anyway. Is the United States worth it? I honestly can't answer that, but I hope that the future proves that it was.
Joe Urban
period 8
The "naturals" became hostile because they knew that even though the settlers only wanted a little bit of land they would eventually want more. They see the Europeans weapons and feel threatened and see their ships and technology and feel threatened. This illistrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because it shows that when a civilization sees something they've never seen before they might feel threatened and attack. Some evidence of the columbian exchange were some of the slaves working for the settlers. The english introduced guns, cannons, metal armor, horses, beads and jewelry. The native americans introduced certain crops, bow and arrows and many other traditions and battle tactics to the English. This is very typical when two cultures come into close contact. They see things they've never seen before and become curious and find needs for different ideas. Cultural changes like this are still happening today. Pocahontas saves John Smith. I think she will receive punishment from her father for saving him.
The "naturals" become hostile to the settlers due to their demonstration of extreme violence. The settlers kill some of the natives for taking their tools. This alerts the natives to the threats that the settlers possess. They now want nothing to do with them and are trying to throw them out. Cross-culture communication is very frail. One wrong move that offends or hurts the other culture ruins most of the chances of the cultures ever communicating again. The settlers attempt to trade with the natives by making one last attempt as they send John Smith to trade with the natives. They trade copper for corn and other foods. The settlers introduced pigs and horses to the natives as well as copper. The naturals introduced corn to the settlers. I think when any two cultures come into close contact trade is almost inevitable. I think cultural exchanges are still happening in 3rd world countries and countries without much communications with the world. I think that she will achieve a healthy and steady link between the natives and settlers. However, I think the chief will grow worried and eventually give her the ultimatum of staying with the tribe or leaving.
Brian Finneran
Period 3
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers when they began cutting down hundreds of trees to build their fort. This shows that they are there to stay and they want to be left alone. In addition to disrespecting the land, the settlers just came in to their home and started making it their own. The Indians want to throw the settlers out because they kill some of the native Americans with their advanced weaponry. They also began expanding their land which made the Indians want to throw them out even more. This illustrates the difficulty of cross- cultural communication because when relations became intense between the natives and the settlers, they could not just simply talk it out and reach an agreement. They had no understanding of each other's language which made things very difficult between the two groups. The lack of communication led to violence and death in both groups. There are many examples of the Colombian Exchange in this segment of the film. The settlers introduce them to gunpowder and compasses while the natives show them their lifestyle such as how they work and live and what they wear. Cultural exchanges like this do still occur to this day. Countries are constantly trading and forming alliances with others. When we trade and get resources from a foreign land it is a cultural exchange. Our life would not be the same without cultural exchange and you would be surprised how many items we acquire from foreign countries. Pocahontas connected the two worlds and even established some peace between them. She was very well like and well known so she had a large influence on the Indians. However, there was a negative side to being in this position because she could be used as a scapegoat when things go wrong between the two groups.
Jesse McDermott
Period 8
One of the natures walked onto their land and one of the settlers shot. This caused some tension between the two sides. Some of the events that angered the Native Americans is how the settlers disturbed the natives peaceful environment by cutting down many trees. This demonstrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because these two groups didn’t speak the same language and had different beliefs and outlooks on the world. The consequences of cultural conflict can be disagreement which can lead to war and many deaths between groups. Examples from the film of the Columbian exchange were trading of beads and copper for food and the the trading of guns, other technology, dogs, horses, and plants. I think this is very typical because if two different cultural groups meet there customs and different resources are going to be exchanged to make life better for both groups. I do believe that cultural exchanges happen every day because people get different resources from different parts of the world every day. I think that Pocahontas will achieve the connection between these two groups. She will be the person that brings these two cultures together. She could pay the price of death or abuse for trying to corporate or stand up for the other people (colonists).
Kyle Rink
In the film, the settlers started cutting down trees and killing the naturals. The Indians want to throw the settlers out because the settlers are killing the natives, and destroying their land. It was very difficult for the natives and the settlers to communicate with each other. The only method of communication was through hand gestures. We see examples of the Colombian exchange when John Smith was captured by the Indians and they pull out Smith's compass. The natives have never seen a compass before. The natives taught Smith their type of guerrilla warfare and fighting styles. This is pretty typical when two cultures meet because there is usually a great exchange of new lifestyles.
Noah Kulis
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers when they began cutting down tons of trees to build their forts. The Indians want to throw them out after they killed an Indian for taking a knife, and the Indians realized that they had to much power. Since they cant speak the same language the cant work problems out and communicate with each other which leads to people getting hurt and dying. Examples of the Colombian exchange are shown when the settlers introduce gunpowder and compasses. The Indians introduced the way they live and how different it is from the way the settlers live. Cultural exchanges still happen today because people trade things and learn new things all the time. I think she will achieve because the Indian leaders listen to her about not killing him and to keep him alive.
Mia Castellano
Period 3
The naturals became hostile towards the settlers when they started cutting down all of the trees. This showed that they weren't staying temporarily and they were planning on creating a new colony. The Indians wanted to throw the Europeans out because they took Indians as hostages, killed them, and began to expand their fort. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because their relationship towards each other weakened and their communication became hostile and angry toward each other. An example of the Columbian Exchange i saw in this film were trade. They traded beads, gunpowder, and compasses for food and knowledge on how to survive. The English introduced gunpowder, compasses, beads, and other advanced weaponry. The naturals introduced knowledge on what they did to survive. It is very typical when two cultures come into contact because they share their cultural traditions to make life better for each other. Cultural exchanges like this are happening today in many countries. Countries form alliances and trade with each other all the time. I think Pocahontas will achieve they connection between two worlds because her opinion is so valued to the naturals. Since her dad is the chief, she gets a strong opinion on what happens. However, the natural might consider her as a traitor, and not want to listen to whatever she has to say.
Matt Murgo
Period 3
The naturals began to dislike the settlers because they were treating the Indians very poorly and with cruelty. Another factor is that the settlers began to cut down trees which showed the Indians that they were staying. One major event that got the Indians very mad was the killing of one of them over a stolen knife. Cross-cultural communication is very difficult because they do not speak the same language and they come from totally different worlds. Examples of the Columbian Exchange would be the trade between the Indians and the settlers. The natives were introduced to high weaponry and armor while the natives showed the settlers corn. This is typical because the settlers had great technology in weaponry while the natives had good ways to farm and produce food. Cultural exchanges will happen everyday because there are always different people in the world that will come into close contact and will discover new things about each other and about their lives. From what I have seen, Pocahontas saved the colony of Jamestown and soon to be the creation of America. But, she did ultimately lead to the death of her people. The excitement and possibility of a new life really makes people want to find a new world to live in. Several obstacles must be overcome to leave your life in another country to come to a new place. For example, you must be prepared to work very hard, you may not survive, and you may not see your family again. What drives people to do this is the bad memories or thrill of adventure that really excites people to leave their home. Getting rich and being famous would make me want to take such risks. Yes, those would be the only reasons why I would go to a unknown world.
Michelle Le/ Period 8
The natives became hostile towards the colonists because they were unaware of their intentions, they were ruining their land, and claiming it. The colonists also would suddenly shoot natives.They wanted to get rid of the colonists because they were strange new people that were taking land, doing things to it like cutting down trees, and killing the natives. The natives attempted to fight back but were shot down (literally) as the colonists had the advantage with guns.This shows the difficulty of cross cultural communication because many of the violent events may not have transpired had both groups understood what the other was trying to say. The Columbian Exchange was evident in which the colonists brought guns, gunpowder, armor, and other technology. The natives introduced new foods, like corn. This is probably typical because since their is no understanding of verbal communication, they must try to understand each other and establish a relationship through material items. I think cultural exchanges happen like this all the time. Travelers bring things back home that represents the culture of the place they had visited all the time. I think Pocahontas will a create a relationship between herself and the colonists, and may be given the ultimatum to choose between the two or seen as a traitor by her people.
Emily Gillespie
Pd. 8
When the settlers start cutting down trees and putting up walls, the naturals become mad. They don't understand why they would want to put up walls. It becomes clear that the Indians want to throw them out when they attack the settlers and people from both sides are killed. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and consequences of cultural conflict because they speak different languages so they don't understand each other. Also, they are from different parts of the world so they do things differently aren't familiar with the customs of one another. Throughout this film, i have seen examples of Columbian Exchange. When they captured John Smith, they found his compass and he showed them his gunpowder. The Indians were didn't know what either of these things were. The Indians introduced something as well which is their lifestyle and how they live and speak. This is typical when two cultures come in contact with each other because ideas and ways of living are picked up and tools are shared. Cultural exchanges are still happening today because we trade with other countries and find out about new foods, clothes, languages, etc. Based on what I have seen, I think Pocahontas will achieve learning a new language because she seems determined and eager. However, holding this power might turn the naturals against her since she is learning the language of people who seem to be an enemy.
Michael Chelston
Pd. 2
To the settlers, the natives seemed extremely hostile and different. The Europeans built a fort, barrier etc., this proved that there was difficulty in communication between the two different civilizations because they couldnt understand eachother. In the beginning the natives showed peace and gave the settlers food to survive in the New World. I personally do not think cultural exchanges are happening today.
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers because of the cutting down of the trees. The Europeans built a huge fort for protection and the Indians didn't understand why the lack of communication between these two groups make compromise impossible. The natives feared that the English would want to take their land that was also another reason they were so hostile. The English and Natives spoke different languages and had different beliefs on life. This made reasoning with each other very hard. When John Smith was taken captive they were introduced to things like gunpowder and jewels. When two civilizations and two ways of living come together it is almost impossible to not pick up on things the others do to make life more comfortable. Yes today culture exchanges still happen. Today I think culture exchanges happen more then back during the Age of Exploration.
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers because of the cutting down of the trees. The Europeans built a huge fort for protection and the Indians didn't understand why the lack of communication between these two groups make compromise impossible. The natives feared that the English would want to take their land that was also another reason they were so hostile. The English and Natives spoke different languages and had different beliefs on life. This made reasoning with each other very hard. When John Smith was taken captive they were introduced to things like gunpowder and jewels. When two civilizations and two ways of living come together it is almost impossible to not pick up on things the others do to make life more comfortable. Yes today culture exchanges still happen. Today I think culture exchanges happen more then back during the Age of Exploration.
Lauren Petz
Period 8
The naturals started becoming hostile when the settlers invaded their land and started to cut down trees and make a huge fort. The naturals really started to get hostile after john smith took a gun and shot one of the naturals for stealing on of their axes. This demonstrates the difficulty of cultural differences because they speak two different languages. If they had spoken the same language then the indian could have just asked to borrow the axe and no one would have gotten killed and the naturals and the settlers would still be friendly with each other. An example of Colombian exchange is when they were trading gunpowder and beads and compasses to the naturals and in return they got food and they gave them knowledge on how to survive. I think in most parts of the world trade still happens like this today. Like different cultures trade different resources with each other like food and clothing and other important resources. I think she will achieve trust with th settlers and I think she will learn their language. However a major consequence could be that the naturals think she is becoming a traitor and they start to not trust her any more. I think she will be the connection of the two worlds because she will be able to communicate with both the settlers and the naturals.
Alyssa Eshelman
Pd. 8
The "naturals" become hostile with the settlers when a man shoots at one of the Indians and the settlers began to cut down trees disturbing the peace. The Indians want to throw the Europeans out because they are destroying the lands, disturbing the peace, and become annoyed by the Native Americans. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because if Native Americans and colonists can't communicate and understand each other they will become terrible opponents from not knowing what will be next in their lives. This results in tragic consequences of cultural conflict because you don't know what side or the peoples will do next for good or evil. Some examples of the Columbian Exchange is the trading of gold for copper. The Natives introduced corn while the English introduced copper. This is not very typical for the time period because the people usually kept their distance between each other. Cultural exchanges like this are happening today. The cultures grew from this. Combining ideas to make better ideas help us everyday to get where we are today.
Sean McAteer
Pd. 2
The Natives become hostile when the settlers come and start destroying their land and killing their people. The Indians want to throw the Europeans out when they start showing to Powhattan that they will not leave and become a threat to their survival and their empire. This shows that both sides did not want to hear what the other had to say because they believed that by listening, they would cause their own demise through the others trickery. In the film, we saw Pocahontas learning English and the English trying to trade with the Indians. The English showed the Natives gunpowder while the naturals introduced corn. I think that this cultural diffusion is definite to happen when two cultures come into close quarters. I believe that this is happening everyday. I think she will combine the two peoples, causing both to prosper, and war between the two. She could be captured and lose her life to the English or her own people, or be praised by all for her historical achievement. I think she will get hate from some but love from more because of her bold move that started when she saved John Smith's life.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
The "naturals" are hostile to the settlers because they invaded on their peaceful environment and started to destroy the land they have know by cutting down trees and building walls and watch towers. The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. For this reason, they wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home. I mean, how would you feel if someone walked into your house and started changing everything and then saying they were here to stay? This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and the Indians wanted to live on the same land and knew nothing about the other. That led to them fearing each other and then that led to them disliking each other then that led to fighting. The consequences of cultural conflict could mean serious death or even war depending on the severity of the issue. In this film, an example of the Columbian exchange would be Captain John Smith going to natives and exchanging food products for weaponry. The Native Americans introduced corn to the English and the English introduced gunpowder to the Natives. If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is bound to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. Cultural exchanges such as this are happening today but just on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies we need for money instead of other supplies.
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers when they began cutting down hundreds of trees to build their fort. This shows that they are there to stay and they want to be left alone. The settlers showed up and acted like they were there first and the land belonged to them. They wanted to throw them out because it was just fair to the native Americans.This illustrates the difficulty of cross- cultural communication because when things began to tense they couldn't have a conversation because there is no way to communicate.The lack of communication led to violence and death in both groups. There are many examples of the Colombian Exchange in this segment of the film. The big thing is corn. Corn was introduced and quickly became very popular. Another example is tobacco which became the cash crop that ended up giving the Americas a lot of money.
The "naturals" grow hostile towards the new settlers when the people of Jamestown start to cut down their trees. Events that transpire to cause the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out are when the colonist first landed and wanted to take their land and keep it, also one of the Native American men were shot, and when the colonist started to cut down trees so that they could build a fort. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because it shows that the Native American's language and their ways/culture were completely different to the Europeans' language and culture. This also shows the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because you get to witness how difficult it was for the Native Americans and the Europeans to get used to each other and the way we dressed, our languages, what we ate, and our holidays and architecture. An example of the Colombian exchange that I see is how people brought certain riches to the new world and trying to settle along with the hardships and consequences they had to pay with trying to get used to some place new. The English introduced many thing to the Native Americans such as their machinery (guns, cannons, ect.), they introduced certain foods from Europe, and they introduced riches. The Native Americans introduced foods to the colonist more specifically corn, which was very important. The Native Americans also introduced certain musics and a different way to acquire water that was actually safe to drink. When two cultures as different as the Europeans and the Native Americans cross paths like this I don't find it that typical. I definitely think that cultural exchanges like this are still happening today, they're happening everywhere all of the time.
Tara Mazahreh
The naturals were hostile to the settlers because they were curious about what the settlers had brought with them such as smells, their clothes, and their faces.The Indians had no idea what these were so they were afraid and wanted to protect themselves. They basically wanted to throw the Europeans out. They smelt weird, looked weird, and they were destroying the Indians home.There are examples of the Colombian Exchange in this part of the film, food being the most common.
The food common food trade was wheat, barley, and corn. The English, in the film, introduced the Naturals to technology and gunpowder, while the Naturals showed the English their lifestyle like clothing etc.
If two cultures come in close contact with each other, exchange and trade is going to happen. It's not only a trade of supplies but ideas as well from spending so much time near each other. They get ideas of of eachother. Cultural exchanges such as this for example are happening to this day but on a larger scale. Today we trade supplies for example for exchange of money.
Dylan Adriano
Period 8
What happens to make the “naturals” hostile to the settlers is that some of their own were killed by the settlers along with large areas of land and trees being cut down and otherwise desecrated by the settlers. Settlers begin to become hostile to the natives, and that prompts the natives to try to get rid of Jamestown. This illustrates the difficulty of cross cultural communication and consequences of conflict by showing that ignorance of another cultures customs could lead to violence. These cultures were totally different, and that made it difficult to communicate what you can and can’t do in their civilizations, leading to accidents and hostility. Consequences of conflict could be disastrous and lead to the elimination of one or all of the cultures involved. Examples of the Colombian exchange in this film are when Pocahontas introduces Smith to corn, tobacco and how the native community works. Smith introduced the natives to metal armor, swords, gunpowder and glass. I think this is typical when two cultures come into close contact. And I do think exchanges like these are happening today, because there are still many different cultures around, and we interact with many of them every day.
Suhua Song
The “naturals” became hostile when the colonists arrived and started to chop trees, build walls and watchtowers, and fortify their settlement. When colonists killed some Indians they became even more hostile. I think when the colonists showed signs of wanting to control, stay, and expand the land, this caused the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out. This illustrate the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because of the lack of communication they won’t understand each other and will cause fights. They can’t explain their ways.
Examples of the Columbian Exchange is when they were trading and showing the items. The Indians showed/traded the colonists corn, tobacco, and their culture. The Colonists introduced them technology(compass) and weapons. I think it’s very typical when 2 cultures come into close contact in order to learn about the different cultures and lives. Learning about the different culture excited the Indians. I do think cultural exchanges like this are happening today. It’s like when my foreigners (my parents too) moved to America and tried new stuff that they've never had in their country, such as the holidays. What I think she will achieve is for the Native Americans and the colonists to be peaceful for awhile. She helped them understand a little bit about each other’s culture.The price she will pay for bearing this unique and historic burden is the pressure to make them peaceful and her own people might go against her, thinking she's a traitor.
I'm pretty sure the naturals had there land taken away and couldn't really do anything about it but be there slaves. If not that, they killed off the intruders with there bows and took the settlers things. I think just the simple differences the Indians and Europeans had made the Indians not want them in there premises. They were also threatening with there armor, boats, and weapons. This shows that if the Indians and Europeans could understand each other how much of a difference it would make because they could have both explained them selves and if could have ended differently. I saw a lot of the Colombian exchange in this film because the Indians showed the Europeans so many new things and the Europeans did the same. Some things specifically the Indians showed them was corn and bows, some things the Europeans revealed to them were muskets and armors. I think it is pretty typical when two cultures come into close contact because I'm living with all different cultures around me. I do still think culture exchanges are happening today because my friend Emily introduced me to an Asian fruit that her parents grow and I have never seen it before.
Nada Elamani
Period 4
The Naturals Became hostile to the settlers because some of their own people were killed and the settlers began to cut down their trees and take their land. The "naturals" didn't know anything about the settlers and so they wanted to throw them out in fear of anything bad happening. The problem was that the two cultures didn't understand each other and that let to some miss understandings. So a few people got severly her or killed because they where unable to communicate.The Indians and settlers saw somethings that they wanted from the other culture such as weapons, gunpowder, armor, and food. The English introduced the guns and connons to the native Americans and the Native Americans introduced tobacco and corn.O believe that it was very typical that the two cultures can into contact because the English came upon their land and the native Americans were very curious to their weird clothing and habbits. Also, cultural exchanges still do happen to day. WE might trade India for some spices or Italy for some olive oil. There are many cultural exchanges all across thie world.
Nick Veale
The naturals turn hostile towards the settlers because the settlers are invading their property, cutting down their trees and making forts. The events that transpire the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out is taking more and more of their land away from them. This shows that cross-cultural communication is tough. This is tough because since they both can not understand each other, they are unable to communicate on what is going on.Each group can not understand each other and could both take things the wrong way and a quarrel could occur. The examples of the Colombian Exchange that i saw in this segment were that they went back to the old world, and came to the new world.
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers because they believed that the settlers were going to take all of their land. The events that happened that made the Indians want to throw the Europeans out were the chopping down of the trees to make walls for Jamestown. This illustrates the difficulties of cross-cultural communication because since the two colonies of people do not speak the same language they can not demonstrate and explain why and what they are doing. Some examples of the Columbian Exchange are the Native Americans showing their culture and some of the rituals they have and giving them corn. Some of the examples of the Columbian Exchange are showing the Native Americans their weaponry. I think this is very typical between two cultures when they come in close contact. I do think that cultural exchanges like this happen everyday because there are so many cultures that we are still learning about and we leaner about them through cultural exchanges like the English and the Native Americans.
Bobby Landy
Period 4
The naturals became hostel because the tribe leader had heard a for-telling of the white men coming to steal there land. Some of the naturals where willing to give up the useless swamp land but the tribe leader thought once they had that they would be greedy and take more. They started out kinda peacefully until they coughs the naturals spying and stealing so the settlers did what they had and killed, captured all the naturals that spied and stole. The rest of the naturals were mad and they started to fight and fight. So they sent in Captain John Smith to go talk with the naturals, and as he traveled there he got attacked by the naturals and almost killed. But a young natural girl saved his life her name was Pocahontas it was the tribes leaders daughter. And after she saved him they taught him there ways and they taught him how to grow food and hunt.
Ashley Bauer
Period 3
The "naturals" become violent when the colonists start to kill them, cut down trees, and suspect they will take their land. When the colonist start to expand their land and become increasingly violent towards the naturals they want to throw them out. Since they can't speak the same language this causes tragic consequences of the cross-cultural exchange because they can't work out their problems which only leads to more death and misunderstanding. Some examples of the Columbian Exchange would be between the new and old world. For example the Native Americans traded foods like corns, wheats and animals. The English traded modern advances like gun powder which could be used for making fire in canons and guns. It is not that typical that two cultures would come in such close contact so this resulted in a a major impact on both worlds. No, I don’t think that cultural exchanges like that are happening today because I think that right now we are all on the same playing field and continue to advance together. Pocahontas, being the point of exchange between two worlds, will be able to experience the best of both. She will get to learn and experience to vastly different cultures. However, she might have to choose between worlds, experience conflict and distrust and potentially alienated from her people.
Kelsie Ramirez
When the colonists arrived, they immediately started cutting trees down and making a fort and just making themselves at home and acting like they own the place. The natives did not know of personal possessions and shared everything unlike the colonists. The colonists also killed some of the natives causing an uproar and great conflict among the cultures. The natives showed how they lived and what they wore but with conflict in the way, it harder now to spread different cultures and exchange them. The Colombian exchange was mainly of corn in the video. Corn was a great part of the Colombian exchange that the Indians introduced to the colonists. In return the colonists shared gunpowder, jewels and other possessions to the natives. When cultures come into contact it's normal for people to be curious of the other cultures ways. This cross-cultural communication happens today still with other people in other countries copying our ways and the USA using many things from all cultures around the world like food, traditions, religion, etc.
The naturals became violent because the colonists cut down tons of trees, kill some natives, and they acted like they were superior to the Indians. The naturals also feared that the colonists would take their land. After all of this happens the naturals won't to kick the colonists off of their land. The naturals also don't speak the same language as the colonists so they can't work out their problems which leads to more death. There were examples of the Columbian Exchange. First, naturals gave corn to the colonists. The colonists also gave gunpowder to the naturals. The same exchanges do not happen today because most countries in the world have the same technology and products. Pocahontas might have to decide between two worlds because I don't think it is possible to live in both.
When the settlers of Jamestown arrived, they destroyed forests and brought diseases along. The Native Americans realized that their wilderness was being exploited, turning them hostile. The Europeans knew that by building their fort, they were giving the message that they were there to stay. Some Europeans meant no harm to the natives, however there was no way to convey this message to them. If one settler was bad, the natives came to the conclusion that they all were. Their cultures clashed, however, they absorbed certain aspects of each other. For example, Europeans adapted the practice of tattooing, and the natives took metals such as copper. In the film I witnessed examples of the Colombian Exchange when the Europeans brought goods such as precious metals and technological advancements. Native Americans introduced agriculture in the New World, tattooing, and several different foods to the Europeans. It is not typical for two cultures to have contact like that. John Smith and Pocahontas are the reason the two cultures came together, and without them it would have never happened. Cultural exchanges like that are happening today, but not very often. Pocahontas will have the great honor of saving Jamestown, however she will carry the burden of us never knowing her secret. They died with her, and we cannot trust John Smith’s words blindly. Since John Smith is our only source, we have no choice but to believe him and make our own assumptions, praying for them to be mildly close to the actual events.
Period 2
The “naturals” become hostile to the settlers from the settlers coming in, wearing big-armored suits, baring swords, guns, and other weapons, and beginning cut down trees. The natives didn’t understand it, and it must’ve disturbed their peaceful lifestyle. The settlers showed little respect towards the Indians, and even shot a couple of them, which led to some hostility and unfriendliness between the two. The settlers shoot a couple of natives, turn some into slaves to work in their tobacco plantations, and invade the natives’ land, which makes the natives want to throw the Europeans out, not to mention simply look unfriendly with their big armored suits and weapons. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict by the lack of understanding one another and their intentions. They both seem to have good intentions, but with the lack of trust and understanding, it leads to each side being paranoid of what one another what the other might do to possibly hurt them; they don’t think they can afford to take any risks. I saw the exchange of the native lifestyle with Captain John Smith when they demonstrated and shared the rituals with him, as well as crops, such as corn. I also saw the natives being introduced to the Europeans’ equipment, such as their armor, swords, canon, and guns. I also saw the exchange of food from the natives to the Europeans when they came to their settlement in the winter, a difficult time for the Europeans. I think it is typical that two cultures come into close contact. I do think cultural exchanges like this are happening today. I think she will achieve possibly making a difference in the relationship between each side and making others consider allowing such a relationship to happen, but I don’t think it will be allowed in the end. I think she will possibly pay the price of starting a rivalry between the two sides or possibly getting John Smith executed by the natives.
Eric Fernee Pd: 4
The settlement of Jamestown was part of the Columbian Exchange because the new world settled in Jamestown and traded with the Indians. This is the new world trading with the old world. The Natives introduced news ways of survival and agriculture to Jon Smith. They also introduced their advanced uses of the bow and arrow. The English introduced guns and armor, and stone houses. It’s typical that the two cultures are going to ally or fight. They will most likely fight because the Natives don’t appreciate the English cutting down their forests and harming their environment. Also the Natives were there first, so the presence of the English might be the one thing that forces them to want to take them out. Of course there are still situations like this today. All cultures are going to either agree or disagree because each culture has its pros and cons. So either way there is going to be a disagreement or an agreement. Pocahontas risks the existence of her own people by sparing the English. The could eventually rise up over them and take over.
Cassidy Locke
Period 3
When the settlers first came they brought along disease which killed many Indians. They also started to push the Indians out of their own land and take over their land that they have inhabited long before the settlers came. When the settlers built the tower that gave off the message to the Indians that they were here to stay. The two different cultures lived two totally different lifestyles. The English lived a life of luxury and were way more technologically advanced than the Indians. The Indians had a harder life, they lived off the land and made do with what they had. When the settlers first came they had never even seen a compass before. The English introduced different metals and many other technological gadgets that the Indians have never seen before. It is not typical for two cultures to come that close together, but Pocahontas and John Smith made that happen. Yes I think that cultural exchanges like this are still happening today but not as much as it used to, because we now know all about other places around the world and their is no "unknown" land to us.
Alyssa Ishay Period 2
When the colonists first arrived on the new land, there was some confusion between them and the Indians. When one of the Indians was shot by an Englishman, the naturals became hostile. The colonists also built their fort using the trees around them which is the natural’s home. Both groups speak different languages, therefore cross-cultural communication was difficult. The Colombian Exchange was demonstrated when the Indians gave corn to the colonists, while the colonists gave them colorful stones. I think this is typical when two cultures come into close contact. Although they don’t speak the same language, they’re capable of communicating enough that they are able to exchange goods. When living so close to each other it’s almost inevitable to totally ignore each other. Cultural exchanges like this still happen today because goods are being imported and exported all the time. People are learning other cultures through education. Also, there are arguments between countries just like the colonists and the Indians. I think Pocahontas makes the settlement more possible because of John Smith. I think the price Pocahontas will pay is the possibility of driving her own people away.
When the settlers first arrived, the "natives" were afraid that they were going to lose their land. The event of the settlers cutting down trees to make their fort caused the Indians to want to throw out the Europeans. The difficulty between the different cultures was that they couldn't communicate together. They didn't share the same language. They also didn't believe in the same things as each other. I saw trade of crops as an example of the Columbian Exchange. The English introduced armor and weapons to the "natives" and the "natives" introduced tobacco and corn. I think it is very typical for one culture to be afraid of another because they are foreign to each other. I do think that cultural exchanges like this are happening today. She will get to learn things about the Europeans but one consequence is that she might have to pick which ife she wants between the "natives" and the Europeans.
Dom Veneziano
Period : 8
The “naturals” became hostile when the colonists arrived and started to chop trees, build walls and watchtowers, and fortify their settlement.I think when the colonists showed signs of wanting to control, stay, and expand the land, this caused the Indians to want to throw the Europeans off their land. This clearly explains the many difficulties of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because of the lack of communication with each other.
Examples of the Columbian Exchange is when they were trading and showing the items. The Indians traded the colonists corn, tobacco, and their cultural ideas and styles.. The Colonists introduced them toany things such as technology, weapontry, living techniques, gems and jewels, and overall culture of the land across the waves. I think it’s very typical when two cultures come together in order to learn about the different cultures,tecniques, strateges, lifestyles, hunting and gathering skills,and lives. All of whixh we see in the movie. Cultural exchages are constantly happening all over the world today.She had helped them understand about each other’s culture. Although this didnt come without a price, she must jave been thought of as a traitor.
Shanen Garate
Period 8
The "naturals" became hostile to the settlers in the movie. Upon arrival to the New World, the colonists started chopping down trees, disturbing nature, and in some occasions, shooting the Natives. There were the deaths of the Natives because the colonists shot some of them. That lead the the anger of the Natives, which gave them the drive to rid the colonists and send them back to the sea. Of course there was difficulty for both of them to associate with each other because of their cross-culture communication. Because of their miscommunication, there were tragic events (death) that occurred. In the movie, they showed parts of the Columbian Exchange in it. The colonist John Smith showed and traded with the Natives jewelry, navigational devices, and other items. The Natives gave corn to Smith when they kept him captive. I believe that it is common for two very different cultures to associate with each other. They would get curious with each other see what they differ from each other. It would be bound to happen. Yes, I do believe events like this still happen today.
Kirra Curtin
Period 7
The cultural differences make the Natives more hostile to the settlers. For example, the colonists cutting down trees and seemingly disturbing nature, which the Natives cherished. The colonists cutting down trees and using their environment for their own use makes it seem like they'll bother the Indians' culture, which is closely entwined with nature. This makes it seem like the colonists will pose a threat, making the Natives want to throw out the newcomers. As for the Colombian Exchange, I noticed the colonists brought new trinkets and tools with them from England that the Native Americans had never seen before. For example, armor, guns, gold, and navigation technology were shown. Corn was also introduced to the settlers from the Natives. I think this pretty typical when two cultures come into close contact. There may be some conflict, but overall each party should learn at least a little about the other's culture. I think that cultural exchanges like this are happening all the time. I've even experienced some myself from what we learn in school and going to different cultural markets like China Town, for example. I think Pocahontas will achieve helping the colonists, with the penalty of facing her people, especially her father who is the chief.
Andrew Krawice
Period 2
The English made a triangular fort that showed the natives they were there to stay. This startled the leader of the Powahatan and he got mad because he thought the English were going to take over even more land. The settlers also shot a couple of the “naturals” which was considered an act of disrespect. This started a small war among the two. The settlers brought in new weapons, clothing, and disease. The natives showed them how to protect themselves, farm, and some of their traditions. Both the settlers and natives believed in their own ways and that made for poor communication, as well as disagreements over whose side was better. Cultural exchanges continue to happen across the world today. Technology and social media can also bring different people/cultures together. Wars and injustices still break out due to differences. Pocahontas connects two peoples by becoming a part of both cultures. She angers her father by helping out the colonists. She may achieve in teaching and bonding with the settlers, but she will risk being kicked out of her native community.
Sophia Spadano
Pd. 4
When the Europeans landed on the naturals land they basically took over and disrupted the land by building walls and cutting down trees. The Indians were not use to the concept of private property, they were use to sharing what they had and the Europeans upset the peaceful way the Indians lived. The Indians were very curious, happy people and the Europeans were very serious but initially they accepted them and the changes they were making. There was a language barrier which made communication difficult between the two cultures. This led to many conflicts. Between the conflicts and the shortage of food the naturals became hostile towards the settlers. When you have that much difference between cultures and a communication barrier there will be many difficulties getting along. Examples of the Columbian exchange were when John Smith traded goods with the Indians like plants and animals and the Indians traded their goods with him such as maze, potatoes and other crops. I think this is typical behavior when two cultures are introduced to each other and I think that cultural exchange still take place today.
Some examples of the colombian exchange in this segment of the film are the exchange of disease between the lands. The europeans also gained tobacco plants from the native americans. The "naturals" introduced to the europeans their advanced bow and arrow skills. They also introduced their plants, such as tobacco, which was the cash crop that the colony got lots of money for their home country. I think that when people come in contact with other cultures they would be very curious to find out how those peoples lived. Similar cultural exchanges are still going on today. For example, we still get crops such as limes, oranges, and other tropical fruits from the southern countries when we cannot grow the things for ourselves during the winter months. I believe that pocahontas will achieve a connection between the old and new world to bring the "two time periods" together. She will probably have to pay the price of being kicked out of her tribe.
Janel Weeks
Period 3
The naturals were hostile toward the settlers because almost immediately after arriving they began chopping down a mass number of trees. They disrupted their peace. The settlers were not respectful toward the naturals at all. They had shot and killed a vast number of them. Obviously this caused conflict and uprisings between the two groups. It was the naturals land and they wanted the settlers out for that reason. I think this is how things usually go when two groups meet each other for the first time. However, eventually they will share ideas and learn to work together as we do today. In this film the Columbian exchange is shown when the settlers and the naturals trade with each other. The English introduced the corn to the natives and it is very typical for this to happen between the groups because they have differences of opinions. Yes, cultural exchange occurs daily. Pocahontas brought peace between the natives and settlers. I think she will bring them even closer as the film progresses.
The Powahatans spare Smith's life all because Pocahontas jumps on top of him before he could be killed. Her main role was to find out information about the colonists and their culture. To me I think Pocahontas' father thought he had control over her. The natives let him go with the understanding that the Europeans would leave in the spring. When he arrives back to the fort, he sees the living conditons. They make him leader after the current leader is shot. John Smith begins his quest to fix up Jamestown during the starving time. He finds out that the people turned to cannibalism. He then says the famous line: "He who does not work shall not eat." HE was born a leader. He knew what to do and people listened. Whatever he said was done. That is a very good quality to have as a leader. Pocahontas, along with other natives, bring food to the starving colonists in Jamestown. Because of that, the colonists think of her almost as a queen. HEr actions saved Jamestown.
Anna Navarrete
When the settlers arrived in the new land they immediately started being disrespectful to the Naturals and the wildlife. They were cutting up trees and shooting them and that made them angry. The settlers bring new styles of clothing, sicknesses, and new weapons. And the natives showed the settlers their way of life as well. This is of course a common thing that occurs when two cultures are being discovered. You learn new things about each. I think things like this are still happening today for sure because you never actually stop learning new things about a different culture. I think Pocahontas will bring peace between them, but I think she might end up doing more bad than good in the end.
Claudia DePlato
Period 3
The “naturals” became hostile to the settlers because the settlers started taking over their land. For example the settlers started cutting down their trees to make a fort. One event that caused the Indians to want to throw the Europeans out was the Europeans taking their land. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the Europeans and Indians didn’t speak the same language. The tragic consequences of cultural conflict were death and war.
Riley Deitz
pd. 7
The “naturals are hostile to the settlers because the settlerers want to cut down trees, build walls and watchtowers, and fortify their settlement. The indians are not used to this because they do not usually have private property. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication and the tragic consequences of cultural conflict because the Europeans do not understand the Indian’s language and vice versa which makes them unable to communicate. This makes the misunderstandings and conflicts explode. Some things the English gave introduced to the Native Americans were cannons, guns, different clothing, and a sense of private property and ownership. The Native Americans introduced things like painting their bodies, growing crops mad hunting, and gorilla warfare. I think this is typical and many cultural exanges happen today because now it is so easy to be in touch with people from other places and it is easy to travel. Pocahantus will show the Europeans many new things and help them survive.
The Native Americans or "naturals" become hostile toward the colonists because the settlers were inconsiderate and disrespectful. The colonists cut down trees, shot at the naturals, and killed them. the colonist were not able to communicate to the naturals nor could the naturals communicate to the settlers so this, tragically, caused confusion and violence. this shows the issue with cross-culture communication. the settlers introduced the idea of private property to the native Americans. Te naturals introduced body painting, farming, and hunting styles.
The "natruals" are hostile toward the settlers because the colonist wanted to build walls, cut down trees, and make a strong base. They were not able to communicate to each other so this caused chaos. This is why there are issues with cross-culture communication. The settlers and the "naturals" both introduced something that we still use to. The settlers introduced private property while the "naturals" introduced farming.
Jillian Wechter
The naturals are hostile because they didn't like how they were treating the land. The colonists were cutting down trees and even with the language barriers, the native americans could see the disrespect that the colonists were giving. This shows how hard it can be for cultures to mix and that it can become deadly and violent when two cultures cant come to an agreement. Disease was a result of the Colombian exchange and the Europeans got bows and arrows from the native Americans along with their prized cash crop, tobacco. WHen ever two cultures come into contact exchanges are going to happen connections are going to be made between the two and each culture is going to learn or gain or lose something. Exchanges like this are always going to happen because new culture come together all the time. Pocahontas was able to help keep the colonists alive but she had to lose some important things in her life to do so.
Ashley Smith
Period 2
Blog Post #2
The Indians become hostile and aggressive towards the Europeans because the Europeans are invading their land. The Europeans have built their own fort and taken over a large part of Jamestown as their own. They are searching for gold and other riches on the Indians land. The Europeans also built their fort by chopping down the trees on the naturals land. Later, the Europeans kill several Indians. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication. The Indians and Europeans obviously do not speak the same language. They have no form of communication with each other to even attempt to compromise. Maybe if the two groups had spoken the same language, they could have been more helpful to one another.
In this segment of the film you see a lot of examples of the Colombian Exchange. The two groups exchange wheat, rice and barley. They also exchange weaponry. However, they also exchange bad things: diseases. A disease that they exchanged was smallpox. It is very typical for two cultures to exchange gifts when they come in close contact. For example, when my aunt moved from New Jersey to North Carolina she learned a lot of new things from the people down south or the “southerners.” They said mam’ and sir as proper manners when being polite. They also had certain traditions down south that she had to become accustomed to. Although New Jersey and North Carolina are both in the United States, they both have different groups of people.
Pocahontas is the point of cultural contact, the nexus between two worlds. Based on what I have seen, I think Pocahontas will fall in love with John Smith and become married. I think she will spend time around the Europeans which would go against her father and her people. Pocahontas needs to be careful.
Katie Taylor
period 3
There were problems between the naturals and the settlers from the beginning. He settlers thought that the naturals were going to supply them with food and everything that they needed, they were mistaken. the naturals spoke no English and this created miscommunication between the two peoples. Things escalated quickly and disagreements turned into war. The settlers shot and killed many of the naturals; the naturals retaliated by digging up their corn fields and sabotaging their water supply. As new things were being shipped into Jamestown, new things were also going out. The trading of goods from across the world became known as the “Columbian exchange” the mass trading that went on around the world has created the world that we live in today. Trade still goes on today. We are always learning and experiencing new things from other cultures, making our world a better place.
AnnaMarie Couce
Period 3
The naturals became hostile to the Europeans because they realized that they were invading their land. There was a language barrier and the miscommunication turned into disagreements that escalated. Many examples of the Colombian Exchange were shown in the video. They exchanged goods like wheat, rice, and barley. They also exchanged weapons, metals, and diseases. I think that it's very typical for two cultures to exchange gifts when they come in contact. It is a sign that you want to see more of what each other has to offer. Exchanges like this still happen today. When I went on vacation to Jamaica, the natives greet you with gifts of some kind. I think that Pocahontas with achieve much more than she can imagine because she is very wise and kind. The price she will pay is drifting away from her people.
Alicia Radke
Period 8
The "naturals" become hostile to the settlers after their arrival because the settlers cut down trees, build walls and watchtowers, fortify their settlement, and just disturb the peace and nature of the naturals. The events that transpire that make the natives want to throw the Europeans out is the way that they come to the New World, and are disruptive. They start shooting some of the natives, they take over land, and show little to no respect for the natives. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-communication because there is a language barrier which provides a struggle for communication. The natives were not very welcoming because these strange Europeans came out of no where and started to take land. We see exchanges between the natives and Europeans such as barley, wheat, corn, and John Smith trades goods with the natives. There is also an exchange of knowledge and of culture. John Smith provided knowledge of the world and of the inventions he had. The natives showed their culture, and traditions. I think this is typical when two different types of people come together because there is an exchange of cultures, and ways of life. I think cultures like this continue to happen today in places like cities, and even on larger scales such as countries. There
s an exchange of food, languages, and so much more. I think Pocahontas will get herself in to trouble by becoming close with John Smith and by helping out the English. I think her tribe will think she's betraying them.
Alex Golembo
Period 8
The settlers refuse to leave. John Smith invading their private land, and the fact that the settlers are taking up too much land in the Americas. This shows that it is near impossible to communicate with a complete different culture and that cross cultural conflict is very deadly.
In this segment of the film, you see the English using new crops, and the Indians looking at the European inventions. It is very typical for items and ideas to be exchanged when two cultures meet. Cultural exchanges still happen today, while at a smaller scale, they are still evident.
She will most likely become sad and brought down by the pressure brought to her, but will achieve great things.
Angelica Carroll
period 2
The naturals were hostile to the settlers because they have never seen them before. The naturals have never seen their objects and clothes. As the settlers are building their fort and try to discover more of the new world, the Indians want to get rid of them. This shows that both sides had difficulty communicating with each other. Because the Indians try to remove the colonist from the land it is hard for them to communicate to the Indians. The exchange of barley and wheat was present. Also, the Indians exchange some of their culture to the settlers. The colonists introduced their way of life to the natives. They showed them their weapons for battle and the armor they wore. It is very typical for two sides to share their culture because we still do that today. We trade goods with other countries and our customs. We show them how we live and what we eat just like the natives and colonists. Pocahontas will soon have the title hero. She already proved to have helped john smith survive and will pay the price for upsetting her father.
Amanda Watson Pd:8
The naturals are hostile to the settlers because they were violent. The settlers killed some of the natives so now they don't want to be friendly to the Europeans and want to throw them out. Cross-culture communication is extremely difficult especially when the cultures are so different. One culture could do something that is completely normal to them, but completely offends the other. Then they might cut off the communications and the other culture would be confused about why. It causes a lot of confusion that can turn into violence. There are a few examples of the Colombian Exchange in this segment of the film. For example, the settlers attempt to trade with the natives and send John Smith. They trade things like copper in exchange for the food the colony needs. It's pretty likely that when two cultures meet they will trade. They may just see something the other culture is carrying or wearing and want it, so they offer a trade. It can come up very easily and I think it's just natural. Cultural exchanges like this still happen today. One example is fashion trends. Someone may go on a trip to a different country, see a popular style and bring it back to their country and just like that the culture has been spread. It's even easier to spread now that social media is so available and popular. I think Pocahontas will achieve a strong link between her people and the settlers. I think she might end up in the middle of a conflict if the two groups become unhappy with their link and want to break apart. Then it wont be so easy for her to connect with both peoples.
Ashlyn Burns-Lynch
Period 2
The naturals are hostile to the settler because the settlers immediately come to their homeland and start destroying the nature there. The Indians are just curious about the Europeans and their strange ways. Several Indians are killed by the English. This shows the difficulty of cross-cultural communication because the settlers saw the Indians that were just curious as a threat. The examples of the Columbian Exchange the exchange of different diseases. The Indians see different inventions and technology from the English. New foods, animals and fashion are introduced. This is very typical and unavoidable when two cultures come into close contact. I think that cultural exchanges like this are still happening today. Cultures take things from other cultures. Pocahontas is the point of cultural contact between two worlds. She will be able to achieve changing the two sides relationship. She will be able to help the colonists but at the cost of hurting herself and her people.
The naturals become hostile to the settlers because they are taking their lands. They want to throw the Europeans out because they have attacked the natives. This shows that two cultures that have no knowledge of one another do not work well together. You see firearms, diamonds, and navigational items as well as foods. English introduced technology and the natives introduced food. Yes cultures are always trading, in fact cultures often thrive off of each other. She will achieve harmony between them she will lose part of herself in doing so.
The "naturals" become hostile because the Europeans begin to shoot them when they "steal" all kinds of things from the Europeans but they're just trying to learn.The Indians want to throw the Europeans out because they're cutting down the forest and are threatened of losing all of their land. This illustrates the difficulty of cross-cultural communication between the two because the Indians have no sense of ownership because if one owns it in their culture everyone owns it, but with the English yours is yours and no one else's and they do not understand that. So when the Indians are looking out the English's things and start to walk away they are shot show the Indians attack me English which is the tragic consequences of the cultural conflict. In this segment of the film the English introduced gunpowder, steel, and other weaponry. The "naturals" introduce their own weaponry and cultural items. I believe that cultural exchanges like this are still happening today because if they weren't everyone would have the same thing and no one would ever get anything new from someone else.
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