(Blog Post #6, Film Part 5)
Invited to England to meet the King, Pocahontas and John Rolfe leave for the Old World. Landing in England, the new sounds, smells, sights and wonders overwhelm Pocahontas and her Native American companions. The strange buildings, crowds, markets, the unfathomable culture, all are disorienting to Pocahontas. In a way, this is a "new world" for Pocahontas. How will she be able to adjust? What does this say about the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture?
The carefully tended topiary on Rolfe’s country estate, the architecture of the houses, the orderly streets and blocks of the town, the systemic organization of English society and the regimented, controlled pace of life contrast starkly with the unfettered, unrestrained, joyful freedom of the Indian culture of Virginia. The simplicity and celebration of life the indigenous culture of the New World represents contrasts with the ossified culture of the Old World.
Pocahontas asks her uncle to apologize to her people for her as she expresses her regrets over what transpired with her people. She also expresses her difficulties in what is for her, a new world. She is more resigned than happy, it seems.
How well would you do if you were transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive? How happy would you be? What kind of a life do you think you would make for yourself?
When Pocahontas and John Smith meet again, they resolve their relationship and come to an understanding about each other. Who is John Smith exactly? What kind of a man is he really? And Pocahontas, has she changed? Is she really a different person now? Pocahontas has been acculturated into the world of the English, but has she forgotten her former life? Is it possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one?
Ultimately, Pocahontas and John Rolfe set sail to return to Virginia, only to see Pocahontas sicken and die before leaving sight of England. She left behind a son, a grief stricken husband and a legacy to be remembered in the history of civilizations. She was the point of contact between the Old and New Worlds, between European and indigenous peoples of North America. Today there are 100,000 people who can claim descent from Pocahontas. What is her role in world history? How has the world changed because she lived? How influential is this young woman in world history? What do you think?
The end of the film showed the memorial to Pocahontas in Gravesend, England of Pocahontas. If you were to write the epitaph for her, what would it say?
Period 4
Pocahantas will get used to seeing thing in London after she stays there for a while. This shows that any culture can get used to each other after some experiences with each other. If I was put in a different culture, I would struggle so much to try to get used to everything around me and all the people. I wouldn't be so happy but more stressed. I would try to fit there way of living and get a job to make and effort to survive. John Smith was an explorer to be exact. He was a hard working man that tries to make himself well known. Pocahantas has changed too. She no onger was the livley girl she used to be but a more civilized person. Sometimes her fun side can come back to her at times. She is a whole different person now but she hasn't forgotten about her old self. She still does some habd signals and cultural things from her native instincts. I don't think its imposible for anyone to completely forget their native culture. Pocahantas' role in history was to be the contact point between two different cultures and show how care can help people come together. That changed the world as different people come to live with each other now. Also more women were influenced by wanting to do things that will help the world or country which I think is a great thing. If I were to write about her I would say that she was a strong young girl who faced hard times to help and was making history.
Dylan Adriano
Period 8
I think she will be able to adjust by focusing in on the similarities between her native culture, her life with John Rolfe, and the new culture she was just introduced to along with adopting the new things. This shows that acculturation is incredibly important to the diffusion of culture. I would feel completely lost if I was just tossed into a completely different culture, maybe even possibly angry. I know that I would be incredibly unhappy, and I think the life I would make for myself would only be enough to survive and not succeed. John Smith was an adventurer and soldier, whom was not above lying, cheating, or otherwise being a snake. Pocahontas has changed. She is almost a completely different person now, but she has not completely forgotten about her former life. I don’t think it is possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one. Pocahontas’s role in history was being a bridge that united the Old and New worlds. The world has changed in many ways because of her. Mostly being the survival of Jamestown, where the foundation of American Culture was made. She was incredibly influential.
If I wrote the epitaph, it would say
“Here lies Princess Pocahontas, the favored daughter of Chief Powhatan and savior of the Jamestown colony. This mighty woman sacrificed much of her own culture and personality to keep the colony alive, eventually leading to exile. She was then baptized in the name Rebecca, and married John Rolfe. Soon after visiting England she fell ill, and now lies here.
I think she will be able to adjust just like she did when she was taken into Jamestown.It shows that it is very important because it could happen at any moment.I think I would actually take it very well because why not make the best of it if there's nothing you can do. But I wouldn't be happy. I think I would make the best life I could. John was a hard working explorer. Pocahontas has changed but not so much in a bad way. She is still who she is deep down inside. And I think it is impossible to forget where you came from. Her role in history was bringing the Old and New worlds together. With out that happening I don't think America would be remotely the same, i don't even think we could call our-self America. I think she is a very influential woman who is a great role model. I would tell her it was amazing how selfless you were
Madison Stinsman
Pd 4
Pocahontas will be able to adjust by following the customs they have and listening to their rules. This shows that the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture is very important. If I was in Pocahontas's position I would be very scared. Having to learn an entire new way of life and not knowing how to do anything is very scary. I wouldn't be very happy. I would try my best though to make a better life for myself and try to be happy again. John Smith is a Englishman who was the leader of the Jamestown colony. He is a open minded person. Pocahontas hasn't really changed. She still has the same qualities she did when she was a Native American. She hasn't forgotten her former life because she still runs around and just loves nature and acts just the same exact way. It isn't possible for anyone to completely forget their roots and where they came from. You always have a little memory of home. She was the connection between two cultures which brought the two together and create a stronger and better world. The world has changed because all races and cultures are equal. Pocahontas was a very influential historical figure that many can admire. My epitaph for Pocahontas would say that she was a very gentle spirited person and she was loved by many.
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust by just following what they do and just do the same thing she did when adjusting to Jamestown. This shows acculturation is important to the diffusion of culture. I i were Pocahontas i would of taken it well but at the same time i would of not been very happy. John Smith was a leader and adventurer. Pocahontas did not change that much. She can now read and write English a little but she stills acts the way she use to. You will never be able to forget you can from. Pocahontas was the main connection point between the English and the Native Americans. The world has changed a lot since then. And I think Pocahontas was a very influential woman.
Jordan Brennan
Period 2
Pocahontas will need John Rolfe to help her adjust to these new ways. This shows that acculturation plays a major role in the diffusion of culture. If I were to be transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive, I would probably fail miserably and die quickly. I am very bad at suddenly changing my entire mindset and it would most likely end terribly for me. I would be very unhappy and though I would manage to make some sort of life for myself, it most likely wouldn't be a comfortable one. John Smith is now shown to be a liar and somewhat cruel. He is a lying jerk. Pocahontas had changed dramatically and is definitely a different person. However, she has not forgotten who she used to be and I don't think it is possible for anyone to completely forget their past selves. Pocahontas is the woman who ultimately saved Jamestown and its leader. Without her, America might not have existed and because of this she is considered very influential in world history and I completely agree. If I wrote the epitaph for her, it would read, "Pocahontas, or as she was later known, Rebecca, lies here. Now, she was not just any ordinary soul. She is a large reason as to why Jamestown was able to continue to grow and flourish. She was a respectable and kind young lady, who deserves to be remembered as such."
Vincent Phung
Period 8
Pocahontas will be able to adjust to her new life in England by listening to John Rolfe and being herself. This shows that acculturation is very important in the diffusion of culture because you must learn and experience a culture in order to learn and adjust to that culture. If I were transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive I would not do very well. It depends on the situation, if the culture was good and fun I’d obviously be happy, but if it was bad I would be angry and upset. I would try my best to live the best life possible and live life to the fullest with no regrets. John Smith is an outstanding explorer and soldier. Smith is an intelligent and brave man who would do anything to survive and to help his people. Pocahontas has changed a lot since she met John Smith. She is a different person now, she isn’t as happy as before and she isn’t as free as she was before. Pocahontas hasn’t completely forgotten her former life; she still plays around and has fun. I believe that it is not possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one because if you are born into a culture, you will never forget it for the rest of your life. Pocahontas’s role in world history was being that connection between the New and Old world. The world has changed because of her because without Pocahontas, the America as we know it today would not exist. The English wouldn’t have colonized Jamestown and the world would’ve been a completely different place. Pocahontas is a very influential person. She has inspired many people to be like her; she saved John Smith’s life and is regarded as a hero who helped save America. If I were to write the epitaph for her, it would say something about how she helped save the people of Jamestown and changed the world for the better.
Sapna Patel
period 4
I think Pocahontas will adjust into the American culture by following what everyone else does and learning on the way in hoe the Americans live. This shows importance in acculturation in the diffusion by showing how long it takes to learn about one culture and its not even all of it. If that was me in her place i would be scared to go into a whole different culture because everything would be different and it would be hard to adjust to something when you were part of something else most of your life. i wouldn't be happy because i wouldn't be part of my real family anymore and that i would have to enjoin a whole different culture and a new family. John smith was a leader that took journeys to new places and discovered new things. Pocahontas did change but not a lot. She still did her native rituals
and stuff. I don;t think a person could change like that. No she has not forgotten her former life because she still remembers everything. No its not possible because you can;t change cultures like that even if you wanted to because you would always remember something about it.
Tara Mazahreh
Pocahontas will be able to adjust with the help of John Rolfe. This shows that acculturation plays a major role in the diffusion of culture. I would not be happy if I was transplanted into a completely different culture. I would be scared and I would kind of feel like an outcast. The life I would try to make for myself would be happy. It depends if they treat me well or if they treat me harsh. John Smith is really a great leader and explorer. John Smith is very kind hearted and outgoing. Pocahontas has changed majorly I would say. She is now kind of quite and to herself. Pocahontas I would say is a new person, but she has not forgotten her culture. It is not possible to completely forget everything you came from. At least i wouldn't forget where I came from. The role of Pocahontas in history was connecting the two worlds. The world changed because the world in now connected and bonded. This young woman is an extraordinary woman in a good way. She has a kind heart and she is loyal to her culture and where she has came from. If I was to right the epitaph for Pocahontas it would be me saying... You were a great women and you influenced our society in a variety amount of ways... You were original. She connected the worlds and without her the world wouldn't be as interacted today as it would have if she did not do what she has done.
Jess Gibson
Period 3
December 22
In order for Pocahantas to adjust to the "New World" she will need John Rolfe there to support her and help her through this big leap during her life. This shows that acculturation is very important in the diffusion of culture, because you need to adjust to the new way of living, in order to keep moving forward throughout time.If I were in Pocahantas' shoes and were transplanted in a completely different culture, it would at first be tough. I believe it would be tough because its a totally different way of living and they have different customs. I would have to learn so much and have to learn the ways of living like the ones in the area have lived. I would work hard and try my best to adjust to the new way and style of living. I wouldn't be too happy though. I would actually be pretty upset. I would feel homesick and wouldn't be able to get used to the area and living styles real quickly, but I would try my best to make my life at this new destination a great one and better than the past. I would move forward in life because things don't always work out for people. In my opinion John Smith is a complete jerk for what he did to Pocahantas. He completely lied to her. Yes, Pocahantas did change, but she did for the better. But she did not change her past and who she used to be and still recognizes who she is and is proud of who she was in the past. She saved John Smith and the rest of Jamestown. We wouldn't be where we are today without her.
Kirra Curtin
Period 7
Pocahontas will be able to adjust by interacting with her environment and the people around her. This is how she adjusted to Jamestown and their European ways. This says that acculturation is very important in the diffusion of culture. You can't throw two cultures at each other or they'll clash, you have to slowly let the two cultures interact with each other until they come to an understanding.
I wouldn't do very well at all. I don't think I would find much happiness in that life, even when more adjusted. I think I would just try and find a person - a friend - to stick by throughout it all.
John Smith is a very brave person that would do practically anything for his people, as shown with what he did to Pocahontas. Pocahontas has changed a lot, she is a different person. She isn't as happy or carefree as she used to be. She has not forgotten her former self, as been showed by how she asks her uncle to apologize to her father. I don't think it's possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one. It'll always stick with you, even just a little.
Pocahontas' role in history was the 'point of contact' between the Old and New Worlds. She helped intertwine the two cultures of her people and Jamestown to work with each other. She also saved Jamestown multiple times. If it were not for her, Jamestown would've probably been wiped out.
If I were to write Pocahontas' epitaph, it would say:
"Here lies Princess Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe in the New world, or later known as, Rebecca, wife of John Rolfe. It was due to her mighty courage, curiosity, and free will that Jamestown survived and flourished into the key settlement it is today. She sacrificed her family, culture, and ultimately, herself, to help us succeed. May she rest easy."
Katie Taylor
Period 2
I think that Pocahontas will be able to eventually adjust to her new home in England. It will be a struggle at first because it is much more modern and well developed than her home in the woods. England has horses with carriages, market places, and more sophisticated ways of living. This shows that acculturation is very important because we need to learn how to adapt to new things because in the end that is what makes our culture better. If I were transported into a new culture like she was I do not think that I would adjust very well. Pocahontas went from a very free spirited life to a more proper way. Even though she dresses English and has proper manners I do still think that she has some of her old self still inside of her. She still cares about her father and her people back in Virginia. Pocahontas also still plays around like she used to, but now with her child. When John smith and she met again, they sort of resolved their feeling but not really in my opinion. I thought that john smith was a very good man and he never wanted to hurt her. Throughout the whole story, everything he did was to protect her. When he found out that she was married he tried to deal with that fat but I think that in the inside he still loves her. Pocahontas’s role in history is the connection between the new and old world. She was the direct link between the settlers and the Indians. If I could write her a letter I would say of how remarkable of a person she is. And how she truly did change history, for the better.
Period 2
Pocahontas is able to adjust by being open to what the “old” world has to offer. What this says about the importance to acculturation in the diffusion of culture is that you need to accept what other cultures have to offer. Being isolated to only what you know won’t allow your life to progress. If I were in the position where I was transplanted in a different culture is try to figure out how to survive based on the others who already have built up a life. I would observe their actions and mimic their doings. At first, I wouldn’t be entirely too happy because it’s full of unfamiliarity, but I guess I would have to get used to it the longer I stay. The kind of the life I would make for myself is a comfortable one where I would so feel accustomed to the new routine. John Smith is the kind of man to give no explanations for everything and expect others to understand why he does things. As for Pocahontas, she adopted the English life, but hasn’t lost touch of her native roots. Where you come from is extremely hard to get because it’s the basis of your life. It will always stay part of you. Her overall role in the world is connecting two worlds that would never have interest in each other unless she came along. The influence she had over the English and natives created and impact that paved the way to our known nation, America. If the worlds didn’t intersect, our world would be different today. The epitaph I would write for her is “Here Lies The Connection Between Two Cultures, Who Made The World As One”
Sophie Krachuk
Period 3
I think Pocahontas will adjust more easily than she did the last time and embrace the newness of the world. This shows how important the acculturation in the diffusion of culture is because if you can't adapt the acceleration won't work. If I was transpired into a completely different culture and forced to survive I would struggle greatly and really be upset and angry. I wouldn't be happy at all in a strange place where I wouldn't know anyone. If I had to make a life for myself I would try to manage as best as I could but it would be a hard and lonely life. John Smith is an adventurer and not someone who wanted to settle down and have a family. I think he's a good man at heart but has issue on the outside. Pocahontas is still the same kind, selfless person she had always been just in new clothes and in a different culture. Even though she has been acculturated into a new life she will never forget her former life. I don't think it's possible for someone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one. Her role in history was to bring the two worlds together. The world has become a different place with different cultures fused into one because of Pocahontas. She was so influential in history bringing contact between the two worlds. If I was to write the epitaph for her I would have to say that she was a kind, caring, forgiving, selfless women who brought the New and Old world together to diffuse many different cultures into one.
Josh Coltellaro
This is a new world for Pocahontas because there is so much new things in England that she has never seen before. I think she will be able to adjust to the English life style. This is because she has to survive without it she will live a depressing and uncomfortable life. This show the importance of acculturation by illustrating how to become equated to a new type of life. I think that if I was transported to a new culture I would do well. My thoughts on this is because it would be fun to learn the practices and traditions of a new culture compared to my own. I would be happy at different times, for example some times I may be having fun enjoying an activity's. At other times I could feel homesick and want to leave and go back to my old and comfortable way. I think I would make a comfortable and friendly life in a new culture. John Smith is a sailor who is always unsure of himself. He is bad but deep down he is a good man. Yes from when she and John Smith had a relationship she has became more independent. Yes she is really a different person, she doesn't need anyone to help her she knows the culture now and is able to live by their customs. I don't think it is possible when you left as old as she did. Maybe if you were take of left that culture at a very early age it is. Other then that I don't think it is possible, I think Pocahontas is still very acquainted with her previous self.
Zeina Issa PD 2
Pocahontas will always remain curious about all the different things in England, but she will eventually adjust to the buzz of people and atmosphere. It differs enormously from her life in her tribe, but her intelligence will allow her to adapt. This proves that the diffusion of culture is important so people know what else is out there. It is unlikely, but there could have been Native Americans and Europeans desperately wishing to switch with each other.
Personally, I would react very badly if I had to adapt to another culture. My unhappiness would affect my survival. After wasting an unbelievable amount of time wallowing in self pity, I would eventually learn to deal with the unwanted life I had and attempt to live my life without misery.
Pocahontas realizes that John Smith is not a man who can be tied down. He explored the new world, and now he needs to move on. He does not want to make Pocahontas move with him, so he leaves her. John Smith is one of the few men who came to the New World out of pure desire for adventure. Pocahontas changed both physically and emotionally. She dressed like an English woman, became more aware of the things happening around her, and became emotionally numb.
She has not forgotten her former life, but I believe she wants to. She can never completely forget her culture or birth for a new one, no matter how much she dresses like a European or the amount of English she learns.
Her role in world history is being the single most important connection point in American history. Without her, Jamestown would have been unsuccessful, changing the course of history. Jamestown became the first permanent settlement because of her impact, which was the basis of our country.
If I were to write an epitaph for Pocahontas, I would describe how much she contributed to our history. She was an amazing young woman and lived through what most of us could never endure. Her heart was genuinely good, and that made her a great person. Not only is she the founder of Jamestown in my heart, but she is the symbol of our country’s making.
I think she will be able to adjust just fine since she already had a taste of English colonization in the Americas. Although it is much different with more advanced technology and culture, Pocahontas will eventually get used to it and adjust to the point where these things are not strange to her anymore. This says that you would need to be able to acculturate yourself during this diffusion of culture because it would be difficult to live in a society where everything is strange. I think I would have trouble at first, but eventually get used to it just like Pocahontas. I wouldn’t be entirely happy, but hopefully depending on the circumstances and the people around me, I would reach happiness eventually. I would try to make a good life for myself and live happily. I think John Smith is a caring man who wants the best for himself through exploration and people he loves. I do not think he has ulterior motives in his actions, I truly believe he is as good as he seems. I think Pocahontas is still the extraordinary woman she was deep down, but she has changed. She has not forgotten her former life and still obtains the morals and traits from her family and tribe. Although I believe she hasn’t completely forgotten her culture of birth, she has gained traits from acculturating herself in an English culture. She plays a giant role in world history. She was the contact point between the two worlds and ultimately mixed them together herself. Her morals and ethics still live on today and so does her legacy of being an extraordinary woman. She has influenced many things in history along with things today. I would say “ an astonishing woman that influenced many in her extraordinary life, she will forever be missed and let her never be forgotten.”
Matt Murgo
Period 3
Pocahontas will just have to adjust over time because that is what the settlers did in the new world. In order for Pocahontas to acculturate to the new world she will simple just need to adapt to everything which why it is so important so she can start to live a normally life in England. I would not do very if I was put into a new life because change for me and most people would be hard. I would not be happy because I would miss my family a lot and all my friends. I would try my best to have a good life but I'm not sure what would happen. Nobody really knows who John Smith is to Pocahontas. John Smith is a very stubborn and self centered man. Pocahontas has matured over the time she has not seen John Smith. She is a different person. I don't think Pocahontas will ever forget her old life. I do not think it is possible for somebody to forget their culture of birth for a new one. The role of Pocahontas in history is that she connected the old and new worlds together. The world became a global economy and everyone had relations with each other. Young women are influential to world for the brave actions they take. It would say on her grave in memory of the brave and courageous Pocahontas.
Jillian Wechter
I think after a while she will adjust fine. as long as she remembered who she was and where she came from she was bound to be just fine. This shows that it is important that people adjust to changes in culture if culture is to spread. I feel like I would be accepting of a different culture. Although it many sound harsh when you ask the question like that I feel like it wouldn't be so bad. she was already forced to live like the colonist so it show she is flexible. If I were in the same situation as her I would be completely happy but I would try to make the best of it. There are so many possibilities where she is at and I feel like I would try to emerge myself into the city of England and try to partake on what is going on around me. John Smith is a good man who is loyal and caring. Poahontas has changed but she isn't a different person. She will always be the same to the core but little things about her personality had to be altered to adapt to the new culture. Where you come from is a part of who you are so I don't think anyone, including Pocahontas, could every forget where they cam from. Her role in history was to show others how to mixing with other cultures can be possible and beneficial. The world has changed because of her because she showed others a path into the new world. In a way she is kind of like Colombus but instead of opening up the doors to the new world she gently lead other cultures through it. If I were to write that for her I would say how compassionate and pure she was. I would tell people that even though she didn't know it her actions made a domino effect on the world as we know it and as far as I can see it was all positive.
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust over time. This says that you must be able to adjust to new cultures or new surroundings. It would be very hard for me to survive in a completely different culture. It would be very hard to adjust to another culture and survive. I wouldn't be happy because I would be learning something that I'm not used to. I would put myself in a dificult kind of a life. John Smith is actually a stubborn kind of man. Pocahontas has matured and she has changed. She isn't a completely different person because she will never forget her past and her old culture. I don't think that it is possible for someone to completely forget about their culture of birth for a new one. Her role in world history is how she connected the Old World, with the New World. Because she lived, she created global relations between the country's. She is very influential in world history. Pocahontas saved Jamestown from the Indians and from starvation.
Shawn HORN
If i had to survive in a completely different culture i think i would die. I would most likely be very unhappy due to my inexperience. I wouldn't have much of a life because i wouldn't know what to do. Smith is a caring colonist. The only thing that has changed with Pocahontas is the man she is with. Pocahontas was important for linking the new and old worlds together.
Jesse McDermott
Period 8
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust to her new life just fine because she had already experienced a little bit of the culture in the Americas. This shows the importance of acculturation because you must learn and understand a culture in order to adjust to that culture. If I was forced into another culture I would not do very well. Emotionally, it would be hard to move on from everything I knew before and move on with different people and different experiences. It would also be hard to adapt physically, with the new land around you. I would be upset from leaving my old culture, but if I liked the new culture I could adapt well and make a good life for myself. I would try and make the best out of the new culture and make a good life in this new place. John Smith is an extraordinary man who would do anything to help his men. Pocahontas is a different person now, she isn’t as happy she is more serious and lacks the freedom she had before. She hasn’t completely forgotten her old life. I don’t believe it is possible for someone to completely forget their first culture. This is what you were taught and what life was to you for a long time, I don’t think anyone can ever forget that. Her role in world history was bringing these two cultures together. Pocahontas is the reason Jamestown survived, and without her we could not be living in the same America we live in today. She was a very influential person, inspiring people then and today to be kind to everyone. If I had to write an epitaph for her I would explain how she would do anything to help someone. I would also write how she risked her safety in her tribe to help this struggling colony and how she risked her own life to save someone else’s.
Pocahontas will get eventually used to seeing things in after
she is there for a little bit. This shows that any cultures can get along and get used to each
other after being exposed for a little while. If I were put in their culture, I would probably have a difficult time getting used to it.
However, I would do whatever I could to survive and make something of myself. John Smith was a
callused explorer with a stern attitude. He tried to make his life meaningful and make his name known.
Pocahontas also changed.
She became a much more serious woman instead of a playful girl. However, she did not forget where she
came from, I’m sure, as it’s pretty much impossible to forget about what and where most of your life took place. Pocahontas' role in
history was to be the contact point between the Old and New Worlds. That changed the world,
as now different people come to live with each other. I think that Pocahontas was probably very influential to history. Pocahontas reminds me of Sacagawea,
who came after Pocahontas. Maybe Pocahontas influenced more people to start bringing to
worlds together, and convinced them that it was not impossible.
I don’t know what I
would write for her epitaph. I would probably include something about her never-dying spirit, and her will to live.
Rowand Barqawi
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust just like she did when she was taken into Jamestown. It shows that it's very important because it could happen at any moment without you knowing when. I think I would actually take it very well because its always best to make the best of it if there's nothing you can do, but I wouldn't be happy. I think I would make the best life I could. John was a hard working explorer. Pocahontas has changed but not so much in a bad way. She is still who she is deep down. And I think it is impossible to forget where you came from. Her role in history was bringing the New and Old worlds together, without that happening I don't think America would be remotely the same. I don't even think we could call our-self America. I think she is a very influential woman who is an amazing role model. I would tell her it was amazing how selfless she was.
Ashley Bauer
Period 3
I would be depressed, angry and spiteful if I were to be transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive. I think I would be very unhappy, but I would try to make a good life for myself.
John Smith at heart will always be a solider in search of adventure and probably never really willing to commit to someone like Pocahontas would need. Pocahontas has changed, she is now more reserved, less happy and free spirited. But even though she has been acculturated into the life of the English, I don't think she will ever be able to forger her former life. I don't think its possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one.
Kiley Gelston
Period 8 Honors
Pocahontas will be able to adjust in time and learning to the Englishmen. This says that the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture is very much needed. If I were transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive it would be very difficult and hard. I would not be able to adjust very well. I would not be that happy. I would make myself a life of peace and relaxation. John Smith is an okay guy. Pocahontas has changed because she has become more of an Englishwoman. She is only a little bit different. No, Pocahontas has not forgotten her former life. No, it is not possible for anyone to forget thier culture of birth for a new one. Her role in history was huge. Our world has changed massively because of Pocahontas. Pocahontas is very influential and mamy people look up to her. I would write that she was an amazing young woman that kept the Indians and Englishmen from destroying each other. Pocahontas brought the two worlds together and kept peace between them
Cassidy Locke
Period 3
If i were put into a brand new environment i would probably not do well at first because i am so used to what my old culture did that it would probably take a while to get used to the new culture. At first i would not be happy because i wouldn't understand anything that the native did or any of their rituals. There would also be a piece of me that would want to go back to my old culture.I would try to make the best life i could for myself and try to learn everything about the new culture. John Smith is still the same way he was before. Pocahontas has changed, she is more independent than she was before and wiser. No because you were born into that culture so you would probably never be able to totally forget your old culture. Pocahontas's role in world history is huge she was the one to connect the old and new world together,forever changing the course of history. Now many cultures connect with each other all over the world and we have a better understanding of everyone's culture.
Ashley Smith
Period 2
Blog Post #6
Pocahontas will need to learn to adjust to England. I think this will be easier for her because she has already learned how to adapt to her new accustoms in Jamestown when she faced that puzzle. If I were in Pocahontas’s position I would be a nervous wreck. However, Pocahontas has faced many challenges in her life since she was a young girl. She has had experience now and she will make out just fine. I would be upset and frightened to enter a new world where I did not know anyone. Pocahontas is facing a challenge similar to going to a new school.
When Pocahontas and John Smith meet again, they resolve their relationship and come to an understanding about each other. John Smith and Pocahontas are two completely different people when they meet up again. They may still have their similar traits on the inside, but they do not show it. Pocahontas has been acculturated into the world of the English, but has she never forgotten her former life. You always remember your past and what you come from.
Pocahontas played the connection point in world history. She will be greatly remembered in history as a connecter for the Indians and European colonists.
The end of the film showed the memorial to Pocahontas in Gravesend, England of Pocahontas. If you were to write the epitaph for her, it would say how greatly I admire her for being so brave and taking new risks. I would write how thankful I am for her sacrifice.
Sean McAteer
Pd. 2
She could relate things from her world to the things of the new world, familiarizing herself with everything she comes into contact with. If cultures can't acculturate themselves with each other, the diffusion of them will be unsuccessful since they would not be able to mix and create a newer world. I do not believe I would do well in the beginning, but I would try my hardest to find someone that lived in the new place and ask for their help acculturating myself in what is to me a New World. I believe I would yearn for home but I do not believe I would be totally miserable. I would try to blend into the background and learn from the general populous first and then try to live as they do, maybe even trying to climb higher up in the hierarchy of the New World. I would also try teaching others of my world and the cultures of my home. John Smith was a man who did not reside in one place, but was more of a person whose life was always changing. He could not create a life with, nor stay with Pocahontas. Pocahontas never changed. She was always a loving and free spirit, even though that spirit was suppressed at times. She had never forgotten her former life. At the end, we see her as she was in the beginning, enjoying life and nature itself. She even told her uncle to tell her father and her people she was sorry and never stopped thinking about her. One could never forget their old life, replaced for a new one. She was the nexus of the two worlds, Old and New. She was the first official person to acculturate herself with the two worlds and cultures and began the diffusion of the two worlds. She showed the English the good and equality in the Natives and showed her people that the English are not actually that bad. Even though it took a lot of things to make all of this happen and create the outcome of the diffusion between the worlds to create a new, Pocahontas was a driving and central/main force in this action. On her epitaph I would write her importance to the world and its history along with how important her people and her new family in the colony was to her.
Deven Patel
Pd. 8
I think she will be able to adjust withe the help of John Rolfe and the king and queen, but it would be very hard. This says that acculturation in the diffusion of culture is extremely important. I would probably won't do as well as Pocahontas did, adapting to the culture rather quickly. I wouldn't be very happy because I'd probably begging to go back home. It would be a difficult life at first, but later in years, I believe I could adapt to the environment. John Smith was actually a forceful person and is also very strict. Pocahontas has changed overtime. She is different person now and was acculturated into the world of the English. She hasn't forgot her former life though. It is not possible for anyone to complete forget their culture of birth for a new one because growing up, you will always listen to what is said. Her role in world history was to connect two completely different worlds to make a civilization. She saved Jamestown, in my opinion. Jamestown sprouted into America. Pocahontas was an extremely influential young woman in world history.
AnnaMarie Couce
Period 3
I think that Pocahontas will be able to adjust just fine because she already had adapted in some ways. Cultural diffusion is important because it allows the acculturation of peoples to be successful. I would not do well if i was in the position that Pocahontas was in because I would have to adjust completely, and I am not good at accepting change. I would not be very happy because i would feel like I do not belong and I would probably be very confused most of the time. I would try to make a good life for myself, but I don't know how possible that could be under the circumstances. John Smith is just an average man whose life is always changing. Pocahontas has changed drastically. She is the same person, just different culturally. She has not forgotten her former life. It is not possible for a person to completely forget their original culture because it is a part of them and one day they will wonder about their upbringing/ whereabouts. Pocahontas's role in history is the binding of cultures/worlds. She influenced so many people because of her wisdom and strength. If I were to write an epitaph for her I would say that she was an amazing woman who should be remembered forever and I would tell the legacy of her.
I think if Pocahontas truly loves John Rolfe, she will be able to adjust to this New World well and see its advantages. This shows how important cultural diffusion is because it is necessary for the complete share of ideas and future combined efforts and peace. I would not be happy if I was transported into an entirely new world and environment, then again, perhaps I would if it was for someone I love deeply. I would try my best to create the best life I can in my new environment, but most of the time I would be struck with bewilderment, shock, and sadness. John Smith is man of compassion and acceptance, he still loved Pocahontas but he loved her enough to accept her new life. Pocahontas is also a new person, she is not as much of a blind lover as she was years ago, and understands the responsibilities of being married. However, Pocahontas has not been fully acculturated into the English life, and still cares for her father and still wants his forgiveness. Pocahontas is and will continue to be one of the most known figures throughout history, she was ultimately the start of the United States, which I do think she would be proud of today. She will continue to be influential throughout time and history to millions of people across the world. If I were to write an epitaph it would say "to one of the most influencial, kind, compassionate, caring, kind, brave, devoted, intelligent, and strong willed people we have ever seen in our time, we will continue to remember you and care for you forever, throughout my life and all the people of Europe." - John Rolfe
Ariana Palagruto
Period 8
Her role in history was to save John Smith the leader of Jamestown because without him they would have never pulled through. As well as to help establish somewhat of a relationship between the natives and the English. She also provided food and ways of her peoples cultures that helped them survive. The world has changed because we learned agriculture which was our food source and we learned from her people’s culture which helped develop how we live today. This woman was crucially influential in history without her Jamestown wouldn’t have succeeded and the history of America could have been a whole lot different. If I were to write an epitaph for Pocahontas I would say “ here lies a great woman wife to Rolfe mother and savior of man and a founding mother of America she showed kindness to us all.”
Grace Nardi
Period 3
Pocahontas has been taken back to the old world. She might be able to adapt to this world better than she would have before, when she came from her tribe. She has already adapted to many of the English cultures, and know how to act around them. The diffusion of culture is very important because it helps spread ideas. Personally, I think I would adapt quite well, because I like change and learning how others live. If I was forced to do that though, I don't know how happy I actually would be, but if I needed it to survive I would do it. I would try to live my life as much as I could. Pocahontas has changed a bit, because she was forced into a different culture to survive, so she may have a bit of an attitude change. I do not think it is ever possible to forget the culture you have had all your life, but you can out grow it, and it won't be something you do automatically anymore. If I were to write an epitaph for her, I would most likely include how important she was to Jamestown settlement, and express how loving of life she was. Also, how she was a free spirit.
Emily Gillespie
Pocahontas will be able to adjust from observing what goes on around her and how the people act. Many people are there for Pocahontas and help her adjust. This shows the importance of acculturation and the diffusion of culture because people need to learn to adjust to different cultures and surroundings in order to be able to survive. If I was transplanted to a completely different culture and forced to survive, I think it would be really hard at first especially since I would be separated from family and friends. I would be scared because I would know nothing about where I am. I would definitely be lonely and scared at first but with time I think I would adjust. I try to become friendly with the people around me and learn about the culture and land that I would be living on. When Pocahontas and John Smith meet again, they resolve their relationship and come to an understanding about each other. John Smith is man who really loved Pocahontas and was caring and wanted the best for the people of Jamestown. Pocahontas has definitely changed and has adapted to the English culture. She has changed a good bit but part of her still remembers her old life and what it was like. I don't think it is possible for someone to completely forget their past and culture just because they have a new one. Pocahontas was a connection between two completely different worlds. Without her, John Smith wouldn't have died when her father was about to kill him. If he died, the Jamestown colony wouldn't have survive and things would be a lot different today. World history would have been completely different without her. If I were to write an epitaph for her, I would say she is the reason the world is the way it is. She helped many survive and kept peace between two different worlds.
If I were to be placed in a different culture that I am used to or understand, I would be unhappy, confused and angry. It would be difficult in many assorted ways. In spite of those facts I would try to adapt and enjoy my life in this foreign culture. John Smith is a soldier and will always be one. He was the type of person that preferred a challenge rather than a pass. He was adventurous, always going into the unknown. During this time Pocahontas has lost her sense of freedom and happiness. She is much more reserved and melancholy. She walks around dull and sad, unlike before when she was jumping and laughing through the grass. Though I do not think she will ever forget her Native American way of life.
Alyssa Eshelman
Pd. 8
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust to her new life just fine because she had already experienced a little bit of the culture in the Americas. This shows the importance of acculturation because you must learn and understand a culture in order to adjust to that culture. If I was forced into another culture I would not do very well. Emotionally, it would be hard to move on from everything I knew before and move on with different people and different experiences.The kind of the life I would make for myself is a comfortable one where I would so feel accustomed to the new routine. John Smith is the kind of man to give no explanations for everything and expect others to understand why he does things. As for Pocahontas, she adopted the English life, but hasn’t lost touch of her native roots. Where you come from is extremely hard to get because it’s the basis of your life. It will always stay part of you.Pocahontas has matured over the time she has not seen John Smith. She is a different person. I don't think Pocahontas will ever forget her old life. I do not think it is possible for somebody to forget their culture of birth for a new one. The role of Pocahontas in history is that she connected the old and new worlds together. The world became a global economy and everyone had relations with each other. Young women are influential to world for the brave actions they take.On her epitaph I would write her importance to the world and its history along with how important her people were in the village and her new family in the colony who she cared about and made her who she is.
I believe that it will take a little bit of time for pocahontas to adjust to england. It will not take long though because in jamestown the colonists were sharing their ways with her, and so she is already semi- adjusted to the ways of the english people. If i was transferred into a completely different culture, I would not enjoy being there because I would be leaving the ones i love, my friends, and my ways of life. I would try to make that life the best i could, but that may be hard because I would have rather stayed where i was. John Smith, I believe is a cheater and a person who tells many lies. The reason I say this is because he lied to her that he died because he no longer wanted to be there for her. I also view him as a weak person because he did not have the courage to go up to her and actually say it to her face that he was leaving for england. I believe that she is a more mature person now, and has also adopted the ways of the english without completely forgetting her culture's ways. In world history, Pocahontas was the connection point between the natives and the europeans. She changed world history and was very influential because she mad ethis simple outreach to the english. If i had to write the epitaph for her i would write the following: "A corageous young women who fought hard, and learned to adapt the ways of the english to help the ones she truly loved."
Ferndog Pd: 4
Pocahontas will just have to adapt like the rest of her native family. She will be looked at from higher standards. It’s just like us transitioning to high school with more responsibility. This shows that it can be very difficult transitioning from one place to another, or a whole new lifestyle all together. If I were forced out of my comfort zone, I would feel socially awkward and displaced. I’d look at everyone like they had five heads as they would do the same to me. I would not be happy but nervous. Jon Smith was a very demanding person. He called out orders and went too far out of line to support a successful colony. Pocahontas has diffidently changed. You can tell she isn’t acting much of a girl anymore but a young lady. She is making mature choices and is diffidently acculturating to the life of a colonist. Although she is now one of them she won’t forget her life as a native. She will never forget her past life. I don’t think it would be possible to totally obliterate the memories of a past culture because they were part of you and most likely part of a family. Pocahontas’s role was her connection to the Old and New worlds. She was a major connection in interaction between her people and the new comers. She is very influential in the fact that she survived instead of been executed.
Arianna Aquino
Pocahontas is entered into a New World. She is introduced to new things she has never saw before. In order to adjust to this new world, Pocahontas will have to find ways to adapt to the new lifestyle. She could do this by watching, observing, and exploring the new life she has. This says that it is so important to know how to acculturate yourself in anyway because you never know when it is going to come in handy. In my opinion,if I was transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive, at first I would struggle because I wouldn't know what anything is like but eventually, I would be able to adapt to my new environment. I think that I would be a little miserable because I'd be the only one of "my kind". I think that I would make a life for myself that would make living easy and a life that was easy to adapt to the new lifestyle i had to live. John Smith is the type of guy who is about exploring but has a good heart and is an understanding person when it comes to certain situations. I believe that Pocahontas has changed. She has become more of an English person. I believe that she has acculturated herself. No, I do not think that Pocahontas has forgotten her former life because she still does her daily culture praying in the water. I do not think that it is possible for a person to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one because no matter what other cultures you acculturate yourself with, you will not forget the original culture that shaped you into the person you are. Pocahontas was a very influential person in history. She teaches/taught people to not give up and explore new things and people. The world has changed since Pocahontas has lived because she showed everyone the connection between the Old and New worlds. Pocahontas was very influential in world history and has taught many new things to people. I believe that she is one of the most important people in history because she was the connection between the Old and New Worlds. If I was to write the epitaph for Pocahontas, I would mention how inspirational and how important she was to the history world.
Kyle Massi
Period 3
Pocahontas will be able to adjust to this "new world." I believe this because she's a very smart woman and I feel the she can overcome anything she really puts her mind to. This says that the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture is no joke. If I were transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive, I know that I would do just fine. I know this because I have a great mind set, and whenever I put my mind to something, I do it, and won't stop until I do. But thats just me, I'm not sure how others would do. I know that I wouldn't be happy at first, but in the future I know I would be, mostly because of how proud of myself I would be for overcoming such a hard task. I would make the best life possible for myself. Also, I would somehow try to make myself feel at home. I'm not sure how I would do that now, but I know that if I was really in that situation I would figure it out! John Smith is a man who seriously loved Pocahontas, extremely caring, and only wanted the best for the colony of Jamestown. I feel that Pocahontas might have changed a little bit, but most of her old self is still in her. I don;t believe that she is that much of a different person, but I do believe she looks at life a lot differently now. No, Pocahontas has never forgotten her former life and never will. You always remember where you started. No, I don't believe it's possible for someone to completely forget their culture and start a new one. I don't believe this because like I said above you never forget where you started. Pocahontas's part in world history is that she is the reason why our world is the way we are today, and that she helped many survive, only put others before herself, and kept peace between two worlds. I feel that Pocahontas is a very influential, iconic woman, that many people should aspire to be like. On her epitaph I would write her importance to the world and its history. Also, how important her people and her new family in the colony was to her.
Pocahontas had to adapt to a new world that is completely different than her normal life style. I believe that she can take on any adventure or mission given to her. she is sweet and full of life, and extremely bright. I don't believe that it is possible to forget a culture that you have been for 14 years. there will always be a special place in her heart for the native americans and especially her father, she still belives she is his daughter even after what he said to her. she will always love them. on her epitaph I would write about how creative and imaginative she really is and how she is an inspiring women who would never back down in any situation. she is also very adventurous. after viewing this movie I believe that Pocahontas is a extremely inspiring women and I aspire to be like her
Andrew Krawice
Period 2
Pocahontas is in this “New World” and she has to adjust out of her native culture and into this English society. She will have to dress, act, and look like a citizen of England. She must adapt to fit into the “New World”. I would feel left out, scared, and out of place. This is the feeling you could get if you moved to a new school. I would try and fit in by doing something that was familiar to me. I believe you must make your state of mind be positive and be willing to adapt and learn new ways in order to find happiness. John Smith was an adventurer and an explorer. He was a liar and a heart breaker. Pocahontas acculturated to the English life style and is a very different woman since she left Jamestown. However, while in England, Pocahontas has never forgotten about her former life. She still talks to her uncle and says that she was still her father’s daughter. I don’t think it is possible to completely forget about your original culture. She is the connection point between the Old and the New Worlds. She showed how helpful natives can be, and helped Jamestown grow to become a strong colony. I would say she was “a strong woman that touched the lives of many, and allowed for the English to take over America”.
Sophia Spadano
I think that Pocahontas will eventually adjust to the new world that is Rolfe’s estate even though it is very different than what she is use to. She was able to adapt to her new culture in a Jamestown, not so much because she wanted to but she resigned herself into becoming more like the English people. When Pocahontas became accustomed to her new culture she grew as a person. At first I would be scared if I was transplanted into a whole different culture, but I think eventually I would adapt, especially if it was the only way I could survive. People adapt to new situations all the time. We have to or we would never grow as individuals.
I don’t see myself being happy at first, but I would try to make the best of my situation. Pocahontas’s role in world history was she was able to connect the old world with the new world. She was a savior to the English people as she helped them survive during the starvation period. She changed the fate of John Smith and if it were not for him there may not have been a Jamestown settlement at all, and people would not have learned how to survive on their own during this period. If I were to write an epitaph for Pocahontas it would say how kind and brave of a woman she was for being so young. She was a very intelligent woman who saved a whole civilization and even though she wasn’t happy about her situation she adapted well in spite of it
stacy totolou
by keeping her mind open to new things and by listening to everything said is how Pocahontas will adjust. this says that acculturation is important because in order to adjust you have to get used to the people around you and the culture you live in. if i was transplanted into a new world and forced to survive i would be ore stressed then ever and be careful about all my decisions and future actions. i wouldn't be too happy unless i fit in and liked the people and surroundings. i would keep safe and find wealth. john smith was very important and is the man that fell in love with Pocahontas but still made sure the colony was well put together and helped people survive. Pocahontas has changed quite a bit but also has well adapted to the new culture. except at the same time she hasn't forgotten her own culture . her role of world history is how she kept both worlds from breaking out into a huge disaster. she also helped many people safe and healthy along the way. i think she is very influential because she has struggled through many things but still took care of her child and put others before herself. on her epitaph i would write what she did for others, what she achieved, and how she kept peace between both worlds but learned to live and strive in both.
Nick Conboy
Period 8 Honors
I think that Pocahontas has already showed her willingness to adjust to the new world. Acculturation means everything in the diffusion of culture. If people are not willing to adopt pieces and traditions of other cultures then cultural diffusion would not exist. If I were transplanted into a completely different culture and were forced to survive I would do fairly well. I possess the needed skills to survive on my own so acculturation would not be an inherent necessity. I would not be happy at all and I would most likely live a solitary life and be very detached from the society I was forced into. John Smith was a man who could not settle down for too long at one time. He was more of a wild spirit who wanted to travel and explore more than anything. Pocahontas has gone from a silent and bashful girl to well-versed, English-speaking woman. Her aesthetics are different but her personality is the same. Her role in world history is the woman who spiked interest in acculturation. She was the one of pioneers of cultural diffusion at its finest. I think that without Pocahontas, many countries would only contain their natives unless forced out through war. If I were to write her epitaph, I would make it say "The woman who crossed cultural hell to be with the one she loved."
Pocahontas will be able to adapt once she is there for a long period of time. She has to expose herself to it in order to adapt as best she can. Pocahontas will have to be able to compare her native lifestyle with her new one, and this will give her the best way to adapt to these new experiences. This shows the importance of acculturation because you have to experience a new culture in order to live in it. You have to learn new things and a new way of life. Everything is different and new. If I were forced to live in a completely new world I'd probably not be able to do it. I would be miserable, complaining all the time, and I would be constantly confused. It's frustrating to learn something completely alien to you. I think I would make a closed lifestyle for myself. I wouldn't be open to new experiences at all. John Smith was a leader and a person who lived for adventure. He was now an open minded person who adapted to new things. Pocahontas is still the same person she was before. Although she has adapted to the New World and can read and write a little better, she will always be the same person. I think she is still the same person on the inside. She will always remember her true roots and where she came from. I think everyone is this way when they experience new situations. They always will remember their culture no matter where they came from. Her role in history is a connector. She connected the Old and New World. The people, the cultures, and everything. The world changed in a positive way because of her. She's the reason why Jamestown thrived, and why there was a connection between the two peoples. I see Pocahontas as a savior and a strong and influential woman. If I were to write the epitaph for her I would view her in a very positive light. I would say "Pocahontas is the true example of a person who became accustomed to new cultures, and who connected cultures. She is an influential person in history and should be honored for her accomplishments, and bravery."
It will be hard for Pocahontas, but with time she will eventually adjust to this new world. This shows how people can acculturate to a new culture, because Pocahontas shows a perfect example of how to adjust in her new world. If I were put in a whole new culture, it would take so much work for me to adjust to it, because I would have to learn so much just to adjust. I wouldn't be happy, because I would have to leave everything behind and adjust to my new surroundings. My life would turn very shy and more difficult. John Smith is a person that can accept bad news. He learns that Pocahontas is getting married and he nicely backs away. He is really a nice person at heart. Pocahontas has changed, she has learned more of the new world culture and she is no longer a native american. She is a different person now. She has not forgotten her old life, because on her voyage to England, a native american reminds her of her family and past. It is not possible for anyone to forget their past, because memories stick with you forever. Pocahontas' role in history is that you can change your whole life around and start over. She changes the world, because she saved Jamestown and basically America. If I would write an epitaph on Pocahontas, I would mention how important she was to history.
Eric Reckard
Period 7
Pocohantas will be able to adjust to the new world because she has John Smith and John Rolfe that will show her the path to be a English women. That in any cultural diffusion people will always help you to be just like them following their beliefs and culture. I would't do to well at first but after I got used to it, I will be just fine. I wouldn't be happy at all because I left all of my friends and family and also my home behind to explore a new world. I think I would make a pretty good life cause everything is right new you and you have people helping you survive. John Smith is actually the person that she saved and help through the time he was in Jamestown. He is actually a bad man that is really mean and pushes you to hard. Pocohantas has not changed at all but she has changed from a girl to a women who is married to John Rolfe. No she is not a changed person at all she is still the same but more mature. No she has not forgotten her old life as a Native American because that's what she will always be. Personally I really don't think you can forget about your culture of birth. Her role was that she saved the life of John Smith and helping Jamestown survive through the toughest times that's her role in world history. The world has changed from her because she gave the English spices and other things that evolved trading and discovering new worlds. Pocohantas is very influential in this world. I think she was really influential in this world helping and changing the world today.
Joe Urban
Period 8
She will adjust from people helping her. She will be surrounded by Europeans and eventually adapt in time. This shows that acculturation is extremely important in the diffusion of culture. I don't think I would do well if I was put in a completely different culture and had to survive. I don't think I would last. I would not be happy because I would miss the culture I am involved with now. I would try to make the best life possible for myself. John Smith is a very understanding man and although he wishes he was still with Pocahontas, he still respects her even though she chose John Rolfe. Pocahontas has changed because she has become more like a European, but morally she never changed. I don't believe she has forgotten her former life. I think it is impossible for someone to completely forget their culture. She had an extremely important role in world history, She was the connection between the old and new world and without her we would most likely not be in america. The world has changed because she lived because exploration lasted. Without her the Jamestown colony would have died. She is extremely influencial in history. It would say how great of a person she was and how she connected the old and new world and without her there would be no new world.
Michelle Le
Period 8
I believe Pocahontas will be able to adapt to England well by being open minded and because she already somewhat understood English culture and their lifestyle from the colony. Acculturation is important to the diffusion of culture because it allows people to understand the way others live and prevents ignorance. If i were placed in a foreign community completely removed from everything I had ever known, I'd be really upset and confused but I'd soon enough assimilate. I would learn how to be happy in this new environment, with time and try to do what makes me happy. John Smith is an unruly no nonsense man who could not be kept to one place. He wanted to better his own future, which is completely understandable and knew it was within Pocahontas' best interest to stay where she was without him. Pocahontas has never forgotten her former life, but has moved on from it. I don't think anyone could truly forget where they came from because that is the core of who you are. Pocahontas' role in history was being the connection point between the old and New world. This changed the world because it showed how to cultures and different people can mix and live among one another, the basis of American culture. My epitaph for Pocahontas would say that she was an influential young woman who genuinely cared for those around her. She had a genuine heart and a free spirit which made everyone respect her. She is a major symbol in the creation of our country.
Mia Castellano
Period 3
Pocahontas will be able to adjust by observing her surroundings and watching everyone around her and seeing how they act and talk. This says that acculturation in the diffusion of culture is important because people need to be able to adjust to new places and seeing new and different things around them. It would be really hard if i was transplanted into a completely different relationship and forced to survive. It would take a long time to get used to but in the end i would become some what comfortable with my surroundings and get used to if eventually. I wouldn't be happy at first at all because i would feel so different and i would feel like i didn't belong there. I would try to make my life as best as possible and make friends that i can spend my time with. John Smith is someone who cared for the people around him, especially Pocahontas, and who wanted the best for everyone and wanted Jamestown to succeed. Pocahontas has changed by adapting to the customs and traditions of the English. She is defiantly a different person and has changed a lot since Smith has seen her. I don't think Pocahontas has forgotten her former life because she was so used to those customs and that was all she new up until now.I don't think it is possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one because if you grew up knowing these customs and traditions and it is hard to forget them. Pocahontas displayed a huge role in world history. Without her, there would be no connection between the Old and New worlds. The world has changed a lot because she lived, without her John Smith would be dead and Jamestown probably wouldn't have survived as long as it did. Pocahontas is extremely influential in world his and if i were to write the epitaph for her i would say she is the connection between two worlds and helped many people in different ways. She kept peace between the colonists, and her people, she showed compassion, love, and selflessness.
Brian Lau
Period 8
I think Pocahontas will b able to adjust well because she was able to learn English quickly back in North America and also she liked English people already. This says a lot about the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture because it shows a Native American learning the life of an English person. Personally, I think I would fail miserably at trying to survive in a completely new culture. It would be too difficult to communicate and understand what their traditions are compared to here in America. I would be very unsure of the situation. Since I'm a happy go lucky guy I think would have made some friends and made the best out of my life but it probably still wouldn't be as good as here in America. In my opinion, John Smith is a good leader who is very serious about bettering his future and his people's future. He will do anything do get the job done, just like a Machiavellian. Pocahontas has changed. Although she remembers her old life, she is living the new acculturated one. It depends on the age for a person to completely forget their culture of birth. If it's a teenager then no, maybe a 5 year old then yes. Pocahontas has a vital role in world history because she connected the new and old world. The world changed because she lived because there is more trade and acculturation between every country on the world. The young woman is very influential, one of the most in history. My epitaph for Pocahontas would say one of the most influential woman in the world. She was kind thoughtful and very helpful. She achieved many things in life and is most of the reason why there is a new and old world, the Americas, and the mass trades we do in the world today.
Brian Finneran
Period 3
I think Pocahontas will adjust easier because she already knows the English culture she just has to get acclimated to the land. For Pocahontas to acculturate to the old world she will need to adapt to the new land and the culture so she can lead a normal life in England. I do not think I would do well at all if I was placed into a new culture and forced to survive. I would most likely be miserable because adapting would be extremely challenging. I would miss my old home and my friends and family. I would work hard and attempt to get a good job, but nothing would come easy because I would have to acculturate myself. John Smith is still similar to the way she was before, but Pocahontas on the other hand has changed. She is more independent than before and is acculturated to the English culture. She is wiser and older and has changed very much. Pocahontas has not forgotten her former life because that is how she was raised and where she came from. She would not be the same person without her roots and they make her who she is. I think people can be acculturated, but no one will ever really completely forget their culture for a new one. Pocahontas's role in history was to act as the bridge between the two worlds. Because of her more people learn new cultures and adapt to different ways. She is extremely influential because without her the success of Jamestown would not be possible. I would write on her grave in memory of the brave, wise woman who made our world what it is today.
Claudia DePlato
Period 3
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust by just following what they do and just do the same thing she did when adjusting to Jamestown. This shows acculturation is important to the diffusion of culture. I i were Pocahontas i would of taken it well but at the same time i would of not been very happy. John Smith was a leader and adventurer. Pocahontas hasn't really changed. She still has the same qualities she did when she was a Native American. She hasn't forgotten her former life because she still runs around and just loves nature and acts just the same exact way. It isn't possible for anyone to completely forget their roots and where they came from. You always have a little memory of home. She was the connection between two cultures which brought the two together and create a stronger and better world. The world has changed because all races and cultures are equal. Pocahontas was a very influential historical figure that many can admire. My epitaph for Pocahontas would say that she was a very gentle spirited person and she was loved by many.
Kelsey Gryckiewicz
I believe that Pocahontas will be able to adjust by focusing on the parts that are a lot like her previous life. She will also need John Rolfe to support her through this huge leap. This shows the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture and that you need to accept what other group s have to offer. If you become isolated then you are not allowing life to progress. If I were put in her position I would observe and try to act the same as the group I am living with. Even though at first I am not be completely happy or comfortable but it would just take some time to get used to. If I were to make a life for myself I would try my hardest to not live a lonely life. I would try to live a happy life. I think John Smith is a caring man who wants the best for his people and whom he truly cares about. I don’t believe that he has ulterior motives in his actions. I think what you see is what you truly get with him. Pocahontas is an extremely incredible woman who is still the same person in many ways but has also changed. She hasn’t forgotten all her former traditions and life but she has also gain new traits while living with the English and learning their culture. She has definitely played a huge role in world history. She was left many marks on the world today and also history.
Pocahontas will be able to adjust because she'll be getting help and after a while she'll just naturally get used to it. What this says about the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture is that no matter what or how difficult it may seem you will also get used to something after a while and that so many cultures are extremely different to each other in multiple ways. I think that if I were forced into a completely different culture I would be able to survive just fine as long as I had maybe one or two people there with me to help me out with the adjusting. My happiness would depend a lot on who was with me and what kind of culture I had to adjust to. I think that I'm determined and hard-working enough to be able to make a great life for myself. John Smith is a man that has never really given up his love for Pocahontas and he is kind and gentle and forgiving. Pocahontas changed because she was forced into a new land and new culture, also I feel as though her mind set has also changed with her appearance. No Pocahontas has not and will not ever forget able her former life. No it is not possible for anyone to completely forget their culture, unless they were shoved into another one very early on in life. Her role in history was that she was the connection point and savior of Jamestown to the New World to Europe. Without her Jamestown would have most definitely perished. This young woman is very influential. If I were to write something to her I would thank her for being such a kind hearted person and basically saving America. Also I would say that I was very impressed with how well she handled situations. And I respect her for almost always having a very positive outlook on life when it was very hard to sometimes.
Lorenzo Morello
Pocahontas can adjust herself by staying with the Europeans. This says that its not to hard to become part of another culture. I personally think I would do fine going straight into another culture because I can start a bond with someone extremely fast. I don't think I would be to happy because I would practically be restarting everything I begun and I would probably miss it. I would make the best life I could just so I could survive. John Smith exactly is a leader who brought the English to another part of the world. He is really a leader. Pocahontas has changes a lot, especially her feelings for Smith. She is a super different person now, knowing the fact that she is in a whole entire different culture now. I don't think she ever forgotten her former life because you can tell she missed it a little and thinks back to it. I honestly think its impossible for someone to forget about their culture of birth for a new one, if they can then they must of had so much hatred on their original culture. Her role in History is to show people that change can be good and always making the best of what you have. The world has changed since she has lived because people look back to her and she can maybe motivate them. She is very influential to probably many people that have been stuck in the situation she was in. I would say that she was the most faithful, trustworthy and helpful person ever.
Alyssa Ishay Period 2
Pocahantas will have to adjust with John Rolfe’s help. She needs to use the resources around her. This shows the importance of acculturate in the diffusion of culture. People need to get used to the culture in order to spread it. Getting used to a new culture is very difficult. I would be very confused and hopeless at first. Most of the time I pick up things quickly but to start an entirely new culture is a lot to take on. I would try to make the best of my life. Smith is a very brave and intelligent man that obeys to orders. He is very determined to succeed in what he wants to accomplish. Pocahontas has changed. She is less happy as before and she’s still trying to adjust to her new life. I don’t think Pocahontas has forgotten her culture because it will always be a part of her. Pocahontas was the point in connection between the old and the new world. She helped colonize Jamestown, which led to what we are today. Without her, Jamestown probably wouldn’t have lasted. She is a big role in our history. She is a big contributor to who made what we are today as a country. She helped connect Europe to North America. If I were to right an epitaph for her, it would say how she is a brave, courageous person, and a true hero.
Janel Weeks
Period 3
I think that Pocahontas will not be able to adjust easily but she will adapt eventually, just like anything in life. I think she will need someone to help her through this whether that be her husband or Smith. If I were in her situation I would need someone there to talk to and get through it with. I think that John smith was a fantastic leader who cared for the well being of his people. I think that Pocahontas has changed significantly. Although she still has the memories of her childhood and the culture and life she used to have her life has changed. She really cannot go back to her person she was before because she was that way because of her life before. She is still a genuinely caring person and always puts others before herself but she has grown up and is more independent than she was in the past. There would have been no connection with the New and Old worlds without her. She is the reason the colony ended up the way it was. She has left a mark in history that will never be forgotten. if I was able to write an epitaph for her I would write she was a selfless influential person who changed so many peoples life for the better, a role model to all. Without her there would have been no growth in the old and new world she created and changed everything for the better.
Kyle Lucca
Period 3
Pocahontas will adjust with the help of John Rolfe and being open-minded to a new culture and essentially way of life. This shows acculturation can be hard but is necessary in understand other communities in the world. I don't think I would do very well if I was transplanted in a completely new culture and forced to survive. Especially if I knew my people never wanted me to come back and I was not at peace with them. I don't think I would be very happy at first but over time I would be forced to liven up. I would try to make a nice living for myself and prove that I could survive. John Smith was a hardworking explorer. He is a good honest man but just couldn't get along with Pocahontas anymore. Pocahontas has matured and lost her free-will happiness spirit she used to have. She is a completely different person than the child she used to be. She still hasn't forgotten her old life and I'm sure misses it everyday of her new life. I don't think it is ever possible for anyone to ever completely forget their old culture and replace it with a new one.
If I were to be planted in an oddly different culture that I am not used to or understand, I would be extremely unhappy, confused and angry. It would be very difficult in many complicated ways. In spite of those facts I attempt to try to adapt and enjoy my life in this different foreign culture. John Smith is a brave soldier and will always be one. He was the type of person that preferred a challenge over a pass any day. He was adventurous, and always going into the vast unknown. During this time Pocahontas has lost her sense of freedom and happiness. She is much more reserved. She walks around dull and sad, unlike before when she was jumping and laughing through the grass like the person she truely is. Though I do not think she will ever forget her Native American way of life.
Michael Chelston
If I were to be planted in an oddly different culture that I am not used to or understand, I would be extremely unhappy, confused and angry. It would be very difficult in many complicated ways. In spite of those facts I attempt to try to adapt and enjoy my life in this different foreign culture. John Smith is a brave soldier and will always be one. He was the type of person that preferred a challenge over a pass any day. He was adventurous, and always going into the vast unknown. During this time Pocahontas has lost her sense of freedom and happiness. She is much more reserved. She walks around dull and sad, unlike before when she was jumping and laughing through the grass like the person she truely is. Though I do not think she will ever forget her Native American way of life.
Alex Golembo
Period 8
She will be able to adjust simply by time and getting used to all the new things. It says that it is very important.
I don't think that I would do too well. I probably wouldn't be that happy, because while I like new and exciting things, leaving everything behind, including family and friends, will make it near impossible for me to adapt to a new climate and actually be happy.
John Smith is still a rugged sailor, and always will be. While after meeting Pocahontas, he realized that he too can have a heart, in the end he is still a ruthless sailor. Pocahontas has changed a lot, since she can now even be considered a European. While she will always remember her former life, and always have a part of it with her, she is most definitely changed.
Her role in history was the connection between the new and old worlds. The world changed because of the colonization of the Americas and the beginning of cultural diffusion. In my opinion, she is very influential.
I would probably say something to note about how strong she was and how selfless she was. She was always helping others, even if it made her miserable, which I find very inspirational.
Kyle Rink
Period 2
I think that it will be difficult for Pocahontas to adjust to the new world, but she will have the assistance of John Rolfe. This shows the importance of cultural diffusion because England and the Americas were two completely different societies. If I was transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive, I would not be happy. It would be very difficult to adjust to the new culture. I would try to make the best life possible available for myself. John Smith was the kind of person that obeys the orders given. Smith was also a very intelligent explorer. Pocahontas' appearance may have changed, but deep inside she's still the same person she was. I believe that Pocahontas did not forget her former life. I do not think that it is possible to forget their culture of birth for a new one. The reason for this is because it is how a person is raised.
Katie Roche
I would be able to survive but I don't think I would enjoy it. you become use to your culture and way of life to have to totally change that is a major adjustment. Pocahontas really wanted to go though and she had a very different outlook on life then I do. She was able to adapt very well and be happy. John smith I believe is a very good man. He doesn't get mad at her for not leaving her husband shes understanding and nice to her.We all know she still loved John smith but she does stay with her husband because that is the right thing to do. No its not possible for someone to completely forget where they came from. People can change and that's fine but in the end you always have the same morals and memories from the cultures before. Plus you learn many things in a culture to just get up a leave is a big change.
Angelica Carroll
Period 2
Pocahontas is able to adapt by being open to what people and things have to offer. What this says about the importance to acculturation in the diffusion of culture is you have to learn to accept new changes and customs of other cultures. When you are isolated to only knowing one way to do to something or live you can’t experience new things. If I had to adapt to a new culture I would try my best to figure out to survive based on how the others are living because they have built their life based on that. I would mimic their actions and watch how they perform didn’t tasks. At first I probably would struggle because it would be unfamiliar, but I would push myself until I get it right. The king of life I would want to live and make for myself is a comfortable one where I wouldn’t have to live in fear. Smith expects people to get what he says without and explanation. As for Pocahontas, I would say adapted pretty well to the English life style. She hasn’t forgot about her true culture and that is a good thing because you should never forget how you were truly brought up into the world. Her role was the connection between the new and old world that would never had gotten along if it want for her. Her impact of the colonists and the natives built our nation and is one of the reasons it is the way it is today. If the two worlds never interacted with each other we wouldn’t have great communication skills with other countries. The epitaph I would write for her is “The Connection Who Made the World as a Whole”.
Suhua Song
Time and staying there for a while will get Pocahontas used to seeing things in London. This shows that acculturation plays a major role in the diffusion of culture. You have to experience and get used to it to acculturate.
If I was transplanted into a completely different culture and was forced to survive, I would be kind of scared, and unhappy. For the first few weeks this would be tough for me. I would be very unhappy. The kind of life I would make for myself would be good as possible. In order to make my life the best, I would work very hard for it.
John Smith is an adventurous, understanding(was okay with Pocahonta’s marriage), but is a demanding person. Pocahontas definitely changed, but isn't a different person. She will always have her Native American roots. She definitely matured, but she still has the playful personality. Pocahontas has been acculturated into the world of the English, but she has not forgotten her former life. It’s not possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one, unless you lose your memory.
Her role in history was to bring the two worlds together. Without her, I don't think there would be an America or the country would be different. Pocahontas is a very influential woman in world history. She even influenced me. Influential people help save lives(colonists and John Smith) and Pocahontas did. If I were to write the epitaph for her, I would say “very young, powerful, and inspirational Native girl who changed history, she will never be forgotten”.
Ashlyn Burns-Lynch
Period 2
Time will allow Pocahontas to adjust. John Rolfe will also have to help her. This shows that acculturation is important to the diffusion of culture. It may be difficult but it takes time to get used to a different culture. If I was transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive I would be scared and hopeless. I don't believe that I would be very happy. I would have to move on and try to make the best out of what I had. John Smith is a man that has to be adventurous. He is intelligent and brave. Pocahontas has matured from when he last saw her. She is more reserved than previously. She is not a different person though. Pocahontas will never forget her former life. She will always remember her people and feel connected to them. It is not possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one. Their culture of birth will always stay with them.
Time will allow Pocahontas to adjust. John Rolfe will also have to help her. This shows that acculturation is important to the diffusion of culture. It may be difficult but it takes time to get used to a different culture. If I was transplanted into a completely different culture and forced to survive I would be scared and hopeless. I don't believe that I would be very happy. I would have to move on and try to make the best out of what I had. John Smith is a man that has to be adventurous. He is intelligent and brave. Pocahontas has matured from when he last saw her. She is more reserved than previously. She is not a different person though. Pocahontas will never forget her former life. She will always remember her people and feel connected to them. It is not possible for anyone to completely forget their culture of birth for a new one. Their culture of birth will always stay with them. Her role in world history was bringing two worlds together. She helped Jamestown survive, which created the first permanent English colony in America. Pocahontas was extremely influential. If I were to write an epitaph for her it would say, "This a woman who brought together to different worlds. She was torn into another culture and survived. She should always be remembered for her bravery. Without her Jamestown wouldn't have survived."
Amanda Watson pd:8
Pocahontas will adjust eventually. It will be almost like getting completely reintroduced to the English culture because it's no longer just the colony, now it's the actually country with big fancy buildings and markets and well dressed men and women who for the most part aren't struggling to survive. This shows how important the acculturation in the diffusion of culture is because it shows how hard adjusting to a new culture is. If I was transplanted into a new culture I would become very frustrated trying to understand the language and trying to get people to understand me. I would be miserable all the time and would try to keep a low profile because I wouldn't want to be embarrassed in public for not being able to fit in. Pocahontas's role in world history was to be the contact point between two worlds, old and new. The world today is not the same because of her. Because the English were able to survive and eventually thrive they were able to push the NAtive Americans off of their lands. The country we live in is different because of this influential woman. The earth grows different plants, strange animals walk on its dirt and people from every country roam its streets. If I had to write an epitaph for Pocahontas, I would write that she was a free spirit who only wanted to live to better the lives of the ones she loved. She was so humble and didn't even know how much she was changing the future of the world. She helped bring to cultures together that at first seemed like they would never get along. She is a true role model and plays such an important role in American history.
I think Pocahontas will be able to adjust to a new lifestyle in England because she was shown how to live and act in Jamestown. If I was thrown into a completely different culture I think it would be extremely hard for me to survive. I don't think I would be that happy. The life that I would make for myself probably wouldn't be a very good one due to the fact that it would be hard for me to adjust. John Smith is an explorer. He is a man that lives for adventure and excitement. Pocahontas has changed, she completley changed her culture.Pocahontas is and isn't a different person. Pocahontas has changed b ut she hasn't forgotten who she used to be and where she came from. No it isn't possible to entirely forget ones culture of birth. Pocahontas's role in history was that she brought together two different cultures. The world has changed because this has shown us that two cultures can successfully live together. Pocahontas is an extremely influential person in American and world history.
I don’t think I would do well at all under these circumstances. I would be rather unhappy. Maybe after a very long time, I would be able to create suitable life for myself.
John Smith is a very arrogant and stubborn man, and he will do almost anything to get his way. I think being subjected to this type of person and the culture in which said person lives probably changed Pocahontas very much. I believe that she still has the same morals and qualities but her values and motives have changed greatly. I don’t think this drastic change has caused Pocahontas to forget her former life, in fact, I think its impossible to completely forget a culture of birth in favor of a new one.
Pocahontas truly is the major connection point between two very different points in history, and without her there wouldn’t be the amazing connection between old and new. She made the world a more connected place overall and she is very influential in world history. My epitaph would say, “A girl who forever altered the course of history and the world, as well as the lives of those who inhabit it.”
I think she will be able to adjust to the new lifestyle in England because she has shown she can live like an English woman. If I was thrown into a completely different culture I don't think I would be able to survive because I would be completely lost. I don't think I would be that happy. I wouldn't live a very good life because it would be impossible for me to adjust to the new culture. John Smith is an explorer. He is a man that lives for adventure and excitement. She has changed because she has completely changed cultures.She is not the same. Pocahontas has changed but she hasn't forgotten who she used to be and where she came from. It is impossible to forget the culture that you were born into. Pocahontas's role in history was that she brought together two different cultures. The world has changed because after Jamestown many other people settled in the new world. Pocahontas plays a huge role in American History.
Kelly Clee
I believe that because of her childlike wonder she will be amazed by everything she finds in London but like with Jamestown will eventually get used to it she is quick to adapt to such a complex culture while shedding most of her own. If I was in a completely new culture and forced to adapt I would be very unhappy but try to enjoy the little things like how everything is new and exciting. I would try to make the best possible life for myself but still hope to return to my own culture.
John Smith is a man who lives for excitement and Pocahontas was that for a long time which is what attracted her to him. But know Pocahontas is outwardly more English and civilized though still playful and hasn't lost her childlike wonder. She is very English but remembers her people, her culture, and her language. Though it is possible to forget these things I don't think she ever will.
If I were to write for her I would write: to a woman who saved Jamestown and put the lives of the people before her own.
Pocahontas will be able to just by following the costumes they have and listening to their rules this shows that the importance of acculturation in the diffusion of culture is very important. If I was in Pocahontas's position I wouldn't be scared. Having to learn an entire new way of life and not knowing how to do that many things is kind of exhilarating and something new to learn. I would try my best to make a better life for myself and tried to be happy. John Smith is an Englishman who was the leader of the Jamestown colony. He is an open-minded person. Pocahontas hasn't really changed. She still has The same qualities she did when she was in the native American colony. She hasn't forgotten her former life because she still runs around and loves being in nature and asked just like she used to. It isn't possible for anyone to completely forget their roots and where they came from no matter how much you want to. You always have a little memory of what was home. She was The connection between two cultures which brought the two together and create a stronger and better world. The world has changed because all races and cultures are somewhat equal Pocahontas was a very influential historical figure that many can admire and I think that Pocahontas was a very gentle spirited person and an influential woman.
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